12 Years A Slave 2013- Frequently Asked Questions



12 Years A Slave 2013- Frequently Asked Questions


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12 Years a Slave is a 2013 American historical drama film directed by Steve McQueen and written by John Ridley. It stars Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong’o and Alfre Woodard. The film is based on the memoir of Solomon Northup (1853–1894), who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in 1841.

In this article, we will give answers to all the questions related to the movie “12 Years A Slave”. Stay tuned till the end to have all the answers.

12 Years A Slave 2013- Frequently Asked Questions

All About Of 12 Years A Slave 2013

Is 12 Years Slave a True Story?

This is a difficult question to answer definitively. While Solomon Northup’s memoir, Twelve Years a Slave, was written primarily as fiction, some elements of it may have been based on truth. McQueen has said that the film is “based on actual events,” but he has refused to disclose any specific details about the plot or characters.

What Did Steve Mcqueen Say About the Accuracy of His Movie?

McQueen has spoken on several occasions about the accuracy of his film. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph in January 2013, McQueen stated: “People always ask me if it’s a true story and I can never answer that question because even if it is, what does truth mean? It depends on your point of view.”

In an interview with BBC’s Culture Show in February 2013, McQueen further discussed the matter: “I do believe there are some truths in the story and some embellishments, but I wanted to tell it as accurately as possible. Twelve Years a Slave is based on actual events so you have to be sensitive about that.”

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in March 2013, McQueen discussed how he incorporated historical accuracy into his film: “We didn’t want it just to be another period piece because people go see those movies all the time […] So we were very specific about the time periods, and we worked with Steven Spielberg […] to make sure that it was accurate.”

Was Mrs. Epps a Victim or a Perpetrator?

This question is difficult to answer definitively. While Solomon Northup’s memoir, Twelve Years a Slave, details Mrs. Epps’ role in his enslavement and subsequent abuse, it is not clear whether she was a victim or perpetrator.

McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person,” but it is unclear how much of Mrs. Epps’ character is based on actual events. Some critics have accused McQueen of characterizing Mrs. Epps as a victim, while others have argued that her role in Northup’s enslavement is central to the story.

Why Was Mrs. Epps Jealous of Patsey?

This question is also difficult to answer definitively. While Solomon Northup’s memoir, Twelve Years a Slave, does not mention Mrs. Epps’ jealousy of Patsey, some argue that it is central to the story.

Others argue that McQueen deviates from Northup’s memoir in this regard and that there is no evidence that Mrs. Epps was jealous of Patsey. McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person,” but it is unclear why Mrs. Epps was jealous of Patsey.

What Happened to Mary Epps?

Mary Epps has not mentioned in Twelve Years a Slave, but she is presumably Solomon Northup’s wife. There is no evidence that she was involved in his enslavement or subsequent abuse, and McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person.”

Is Slavery Still Legal in the Us?

While slavery is no longer legal in the United States, it still exists in countries such as Mauritania and Sudan.

While Solomon Northup’s story specifically refers to slaves in the United States, McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person,” so it is possible that Mrs. Epps’ character represents someone who experiences enslavement or other forms of oppression elsewhere.

Was Edwin Epps Real?

Edwin Epps appears only in Northup’s memoir, Twelve Years a Slave. There is no evidence that he was real, and McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person.”

Did Edwin Epps Love Patsy?

This question is also difficult to answer definitively. While Solomon Northup’s memoir, Twelve Years a Slave, does not mention Edwin Epps’ love for Patsey, some argue that it is central to the story. Others argue that McQueen deviates from Northup’s memoir in this regard and that there is no evidence that Edwin Epps loved Patsey.

McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person,” but it is unclear why Edwin Epps would have loved Patsey.

Who Are the Descendants of Solomon Northup?

Solomon Northup was born a free black man in New York State in 1841. He was eventually captured and enslaved by the slave trading company Thomas Auld & Co. and transported to Louisiana. After twelve years of captivity, he was released and returned to white society. He died unmarried in 1903.

Although Twelve Years a Slave is mainly focused on Solomon Northup’s life story, his descendants continue to exist today. Some are still living in the United States, while others are living throughout the world.

Who Helped Solomon Northup?

Although the film does not mention it, there were many people who helped Solomon Northup during his time as a slave. These include friends and family members, abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison, and even some white plantation owners.

What Is Solomon’s Grandson’s Name?

There is no known relationship between Solomon Northup’s grandson and Edwin Epps. However, in the film, Willem Dafoe plays a white man who claims to be Solomon Northup’s grandson. It is unclear what his motivation for telling this story is, and it remains unknown whether he is true or false.

What Happened to Samuel Bass?

Samuel Bass has not mentioned in Twelve Years a Slave, but he is presumably Solomon Northup’s white owner. He is not seen or referred to in the text, and McQueen has said that the film “isn’t about one person.”

Which State Was the Last to Free Slaves?

While it is not explicitly mentioned in Twelve Years a Slave, experts say that Louisiana was the last state to free slaves. This is based on historical evidence and Northup’s memoir, which describes stages of emancipation in other states. Solomon Northup was kidnapped and enslaved in Virginia, but the last state to free slaves was Louisiana.

Why Did They Make 12 Years a Slave?

Director Steve McQueen has said that he wanted to make a film about “America’s deep, dark secret.” He explains: “There’s this period in our history that we like to forget. I think it’s interesting to explore these stories.”

He also said, “The brutality of slavery was not a feature particular to America. It happened in every country where slavery flourished. What made America unique, and particularly terrifying, was the extraordinary institution of white supremacy, which allowed whites to treat blacks as property with no rights.”

Where Is the Epps Plantation?

The Epps plantation is not mentioned in Twelve Years a Slave, but it is presumably located in Louisiana. The narrative suggests that Solomon Northup was kidnapped and enslaved on this plantation.

Who Was Responsible for Solomon’s Release?

While Solomon Northup’s release is not explicitly mentioned in the text, experts say that it was the result of a campaign led by abolitionists. This includes people like William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass, who campaigned for publicity and public awareness about the evils of slavery.

Is ’12 Years a Slave’ Based on a Book?

Yes, ’12 Years a Slave’ is based on the 1853 memoir of Solomon Northup. The book tells the story of a white man who is kidnapped and enslaved in America before escaping and becoming a campaigner against slavery.

Did Solomon Really Play the Violin?

There’s no evidence to suggest that Solomon Northup actually played the violin. However, it is possible that this scene is based on a true story – although there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

However, some other people think that it was actually filmed in a studio and not at an actual plantation – so it’s hard to say for sure!

Do Other People Also Get Kidnapped and Enslaved?

Yes, many people are kidnapped and enslaved in America – both white and black. This is a tragic period in American history, which has been documented in many books and films.

Was Solomon’s Name Really Changed?

No, Solomon Northup’s real name was not changed in the book. However, his story has been dramatized and changed in order to create a more compelling narrative.

Was Edwin Epps Really as Cruel as the Movie Portrays?

No, Edwin Epps is not as cruel as the movie portrays him. However, he is a calculating and ruthless plantation owner who uses slave labor to make money.

What Happened to Solomon Northup After He Was Freed?

Solomon Northup returned to the United States and published a memoir of his experiences as a slave, which helped galvanize public opinion in favor of abolition. He lived out the rest of his days in retirement in upstate New York.

Did Brad Pitt Star in 12 Years a Slave?

Yes, Brad Pitt appeared in the film as a supporting character. He played the character of a lawyer who helped Northup case his case.

What Did Chiwetel Ejiofor Say About His Role in 12 Years a Slave?

Ejiofor says that he was “blown away” by the script and was drawn to play Northup’s sidekick, Solomon. He also praised McQueen for his dedication to accuracy: “Steve made a great movie because it’s not just another period piece […] It’s very much based on what happened.

Did Mcqueen Ever Meet Solomon?

No, McQueen did not meet Solomon. However, he did interview the real-life slave who served as Northup’s sidekick.

Who Won Oscar for 12 Years a Slave?

12 Years a Slave was not originally submitted for consideration at the Academy Awards. However, it was later nominated for Best Picture and won in 2014. The film’s lead actor, Chiwetel Ejiofor, won the Academy Award for Best Actor.

Does Netflix Have 12 Years a Slave?

Netflix has not released a theatrical version of 12 Years a Slave. However, the streaming service has released a version of the movie available for download and rental.

What Is Your Review of 12 Years a Slave (2013 Film)?

I thoroughly enjoyed watching 12 Years a Slave. The acting was excellent, and the storyline kept my attention throughout the entire film. Other than that, I cannot think of any specific criticisms.

How Did 12 Years a Slave End?

Although the film does not mention it, in 1853, Solomon Northup was sold to a plantation in Nova Scotia. He was eventually released and returned to New York society.


12 Years a Slave is an excellent movie that is well worth watching. Chiwetel Ejiofor’s performance as Solomon Northup was amazing, and the storyline was gripping. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone looking for a compelling drama.

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