127 Hours Storyline And Short Reviews




127 Hours Storyline And Short Reviews


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127 Hours is a film based on the true story of Aron Ralston, a climber who rose through the ranks in the Utah National Parks and Recreation Department before he was injured while rock climbing.

Taken completely by surprise and trapped in a rock face, he was left with no choice but to find a way out. This series of events transpired on June 10th, 2003. Aron Ralston knew about the existence of the slot canyon in the canyon, but never imagined that he would ever be trapped there.

All Discussion Of 127 Hours

127 Hours


In the movie 127 hours, it is a true story of an English mountaineer named Aron Ralston who was trapped in a canyon in Utah.

He was completely cut off from civilization and had to live alone for over a month before he finally found help. He told his story to the film makers and they used his own words to make this movie.

The real Aron Ralston wrote about what happened to him on his blog and it has become one of the most popular blogs ever written.

The Climax Of the Movie

The Climax of the Movie

The Climax of the movie 127 hours is when, after all the hardships and all the struggles and his best friend, S.A.S makes it to the summit of Mt. Everest but he falls down on the way back down because of a mistake he made with his rope.

The Story Behind the Movie

The Story Behind the Movie

“127 Hours” is a 2010 British-French biographical drama film directed by Danny Boyle. The film stars James Franco as Aron Ralston, who was trapped in a crevasse in Blue John Canyon in Utah, USA for 12 days after he became pinned between two rocks while hiking with his girlfriend and best friend.


The movie received critical acclaim at several film festivals and was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Actor (James Franco), Best Adapted Screenplay (Peter Craig), Best Film Editing (Tom McArdle) and Best Sound Mixing (Gerry Percival). It won three awards: Best Actor in a Leading Role (James Franco), Best Cinematography – Color (Emmanuel Lubezki) and Special Achievement Award – Makeup & Hairstyling.

Overall Reviews

The overall rating of the movie 127 hours is 4.1/5

It is a very good movie with some amazing performances by Miles Teller and Kate Mara in their roles as James and Amy Nolan respectively. It has received generally positive reviews from critics and viewers alike, though it was criticized for its excessive violence, with one critic describing it as “the goriest film ever made”.

Audience Analysis

Audience analysis is the process of determining how many people will be interested in seeing a particular movie. There are several ways to determine the number of people who would want to see a film, and it depends on the type of audience you are trying to reach.

For example, if you were making a horror movie, you might choose to target an older audience than one that would enjoy comedy films. You can also use other demographic data like age and gender. In order for your film to succeed, it is important that you understand how this information can affect your marketing strategy. This way, you will know what type of audience will respond best to your product or service.

Critic’s Analysis

Critic’s Analysis is a process of analyzing and evaluating the work of art. It helps in determining what elements are good, bad or indifferent. The movie 127 hours is an action-adventure film based on true events.

The film tells the story of Aron Ralston who was trapped by a boulder while hiking through Utah canyon. This is one of the best films ever made and it has won several awards such as Oscars, Golden Globes and BAFTA Awards among others.

Visual Effects

Visual Effects

The visual effect of this movie is about the time span of 2 days during which people were looking for him and trying to save him. The actors were able to perform their roles well as they had no idea where he was located while the other actors were finding information regarding this missing person while they weren’t present with their families so they could not look at photos of each other either! There were different stories circulating online regarding his whereabouts but none matched what really happened when everyone finally found out that he was alive after only 2 days! That’s why you can say that “the visual effect” in this movie is quite good!

Acting Performance

The movie 127 hours is based on the true story of a young man who went missing in Utah, USA and was found locked in a storage unit with his hands and feet bound.

This film is made by director Danny Boyle and it has been rated as one of the best films of 2012. It won the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay as well as numerous other awards including Best Actor for James Franco.

The main character Aron Ralston (James Franco) finds himself stuck between two rock walls after an accident happens that he survived but not without risking his life in doing so. He gets trapped inside this box-like structure until he meets two strangers whom he trusts enough to tell them about his predicament.


The 127 Hours film is based on the true story of Aron Ralston, who got trapped in a canyon by a rock fall. Struggling to survive and escape, he resorted to make use of his only existing option – his own body. A numbness set in before long.

But the most disheartening thing was the arduous task of cutting off his arm. “It was grueling, physically painful, and emotionally draining. Even a knife wasn’t enough to do the job,” he said. Unwilling to slow down even for a minute, Aron used the only thing around: his own will power.


1. How Can I Make a Film Like 127 Hours?

Ans: This is a very good question. The way you can make a film like 127 Hours is by following the formula of this movie. It’s all about timing and emotion, so to do it correctly, you need to study the technique of filming as well as knowing how to edit your film.

2. What Is 127 Hours?

Ans: 127 Hours is a 2013 drama film directed by Danny Boyle and written by Peter Straughan. It stars James Franco, Kate Mara, Michael Fassbender, Terrence Howard and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. The film is based on the true story of Aron Ralston who was trapped in a canyon for over seven days after a boulder fell on his arm trapping him.

3. Is 127 Hours a Good Film?

Ans: I am sure you have seen this film. It is a biographical film about Aron Ralston, a climber who lost his arm in an accident and was trapped under a boulder for more than seven days. During that time he had to make some very difficult decisions which helped him survive the ordeal.

I would rate it as a good film because it depicts real life situations of people living in such remote places where everything has to be done manually without any technology or machines. A thought provoking film with great performances by James Franco and Kate Mara

4. Why Do You Think That People Love This Movie So Much?

Ans: The movie was really well written and acted. The story of the film is amazing and it will leave you in tears at some point.

This movie shows us that even if your life is not perfect, you can still have a good life by being honest with yourself and others.

5. Why Did Danny Boyle Want to Use 127 Hours in His Movie, and What Was He Trying to Accomplish With It?

Ans: Danny Boyle Wanted to Use 127 Hours in His Movie, and What Was He Trying to Show?

In the film 127 Hours, Danny Boyle wants to show us that no matter how much time you have, it is not enough. The character of Aron Ralston who is played by James Franco is trapped in a canyon with a rock that has him pinned under. He is stuck there for over 5 days until he dies.

He has less than an hour left to live when he amputates his own arm and tries to climb out of the canyon. It’s ironic because it shows how important time really is and how little we can do in only one day or one hour. This illustrates the point that even though we have limited resources, we should try our best because life doesn’t stop just because we are dead!

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