127 Hours Meaning And Ending




127 Hours Meaning And Ending


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You are sitting in front of the TV and you want to change the channel but your remote is broken. Wait a minute, you don’t know anything about TV remote. Memory is not your best friend after all. Changing the channel with the help of card or by figuring out its buttons to operate it within the time left to you will not be your best option, but it’s still better than nothing.

Just as a rescue operation was needed while facing a life-threatening situation, the same happened here. The alien that was posing as a TV remote wasn’t going to give up so easily.

All Discussion Of 127 Hours

127 Hours Meaning And Ending

The Meaning of the Movie

The meaning of the movie 127 hours is that when you want to do something and don’t have enough time, it can be frustrating. However, if you are given more time and are able to finish what you wanted to do, it could turn out as a good thing.

This movie shows how one man who was stuck in a crevice in Utah mountains for almost three days before he was rescued by another climber got help from people around him and finally became free.

The Message of the Movie

127 Hours Meaning And Ending

This is the movie of the movie 127 hours. It is a movie about a man named S. who goes through some life-changing events in his lifetime, including an accident that leaves him trapped for more than 100 days in a high-desert mountain pass. The message of this movie is how he survives and how he overcomes the obstacles put before him to get out alive.

Ending Explanation

127 Hours Meaning And Ending

127 hours is a movie that tells the story of a man named James Franco who was in an accident and he had to go into a deep coma for 127 hours. After waking up, he found himself trapped in the mountain with only one bottle of water left.

He spent most of his time trying to escape from the mountain but failed. Then at last, after going through many dangerous situations, he survived and made it out alive with one single bullet wound.

The Main Idea of The Movie

The main idea of the movie 127 hours is that you should never give up on your dreams. In this case, a man called Aron Ralston was trapped in a boulder in Utah for almost 7 days and his only way out was to cut off his arm.

His girlfriend left him when he decided to climb alone but Aron could not cut off his arm as it was pinned by the rock and had no other option than waiting for help. But finally he survived with no other options left and wrote an amazing book about his experience called “127 hours”.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The Hidden Meaning of the Movie 127 hours is about a man who is trapped in a mountain for three days. The main character, Aron Ralston, faces many challenges and has to overcome all these challenges if he wants to get out of the mountain alive.

He finds an injured climber and he decides to help him. But when they finally reach the top, Aron realizes that his companion had been dead for a long time. The movie ends with Aron’s decision whether or not to cut off his own arm so that he can free himself from the rock cave where he was trapped by falling debris.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

127 Hours Meaning And Ending

The ending of the movie 127 hours was satisfying. In fact, I loved it because I had read the book before watching the movie and when the movie ended, it didn’t give me a feeling that I was missing something.

Movie Symbolism

127 Hours Meaning And Ending

Movie Symbolism of the Movie 127 hours

The story is about a young man who went on a hiking trip with his girlfriend. The girl goes missing and the movie explores their time spent together, the journey to find her and how he copes with this loss.

The theme of love has been explored in many movies and one could look at this as being about this. This movie is about loss and grief, so it is no surprise that love comes into play here.


With 127 Hours, Danny Boyle takes us back to one of the most traumatic events in history: the final moments on the night of September 11, 2001 when two commercial airliners were blown up over New York City. The film, starring James Franco and Kate Mara, is from his directorial debut.

It is a satisfying experience both visually and emotionally. With each scene, the audience experiences some special kind of feeling: optimism, oneirism, shock and awe.


1.Does 127 Hours Have A Happy Ending Or An Unhappy Ending?

Ans: This movie is about a man who gets trapped in a cave for six days and has to find a way out. In the beginning, it’s kind of funny because he thinks that he can escape from the cave using his intellect.

2.Is There Any Symbolism Behind James Franco’s Character in 127 Hours?

Ans: The symbolism behind James Franco’s character in 127 Hours is that he is a man who has been through a lot and still manages to be resilient. After his arm was pinned under the boulder, he went on with his life as if nothing had happened and never let it affect him. He did not let it consume him and this is what made him so resilient.

James Franco himself also said that he wanted to make sure that the audience knew that everything was going to be alright, even though they may not see it at first glance. This shows how strong of a character he was portraying because after all he had gone through, one would think that this would have affected him but instead we see no sign of sadness or anger towards those who put him in such a difficult situation.

The fact that he got back up again showed us how much strength of character James Franco has which makes him very likable for people to root for throughout the movie.

3.How Does 127 Hours End?

Ans: There are two different endings to 127 Hours. In the original film, Aron Ralston dies while being trapped in a cave and his death is shown as he continues to be trapped there until he finally dies. In the remake, Aron survives but is left with no memory of what happened after getting stuck in the canyon.

However, according to director Danny Boyle’s interview on NPR’s Fresh Air (listen here), it was actually a difficult decision for him to decide how this ending would go down. While watching 127 Hours again after making the movie, Boyle noticed that Aron kept reliving his final moments throughout most of the film and that when it ended, Aron was still trapped in his own mind

– a state where he wasn’t able to make decisions about what he wanted out of life anymore. This could mean that maybe Aron Ralston did survive after all…just not really in any way we could have expected!

4.What Was In The Lost Footage From 127 Hours That Never Made It To The Final Cut?

Ans: In the final cut of 127 Hours, there was a shot that featured Michael climbing up to the summit with only his crampons on. The filmmakers decided not to include this footage because it would have been too dangerous for him and they didn’t want to show him as a hero.

5.Why Did James Franco Leave After Shooting Only A Fraction Of His Planned Scenes For 127 Hours?

Ans: James Franco was shooting the film Palo Alto with Kate Beckinsale and Emma Roberts. He had to leave the set because of a knee injury which required surgery. However, he couldn’t perform in scenes where he would have to run or jump around because of his injury.

Franco was upset that some of his scenes were cut out and had decided to leave the movie as a result. The reason why he left is unclear but we can speculate that it could be related to an on-set argument between him and director Gia Coppola.

He reportedly complained about being underutilized during filming and wanted more dialogue, however, his contract prevented him from taking any part in other projects without permission from Disney.

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