47 Ronin (2013) FAQs



47 Ronin (2013)


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It’s been two years since 47 Ronin hit theaters and became a worldwide phenomenon. It was the first movie to take on the Samurai in over two centuries, reinventing the genre for modern audiences. In this special edition of The Fandom Files, we look back at how technology helped create an immersive experience for the audience with an open discussion on all things related to 47 Ronin.

From a different perspective, 47 Ronin is a story of how the government can use the Internet to help people learn about what happened in history. In many ways, it’s a story of how technology can bring us closer to our past and share knowledge with others.

47 Ronin (2013)


Why Did 47 Ronin Fail?

There are many reasons why 47 Ronin failed, but the main reason is that it was not well marketed. The movie was initially supposed to be released in December 2013, but due to poor reviews and lack of interest from audiences, it was delayed until February 2014.

The final release date also coincided with Valentine’s Day, which may have been a factor in its low box office turnout. Critics panned the film for its poorly executed action sequences and clichéd storyline.

Who Are The 47 Ronin In Japan?

The 47 Ronin are a group of Samurai who were betrayed and left to die by their lord in 1603. However, through the help of a supernatural swordsman named Miyamoto Musashi, they were able to exact revenge and restore their honor. The story of the 47 Ronin is an iconic one that has been told and retold for centuries. It is also one of the most popular movies in Japan.

Where Is The Actual 47 Ronin?

There is no such thing as 47 Ronin. The story was made up by the author of the book, Shusaku Endo, in the early 1900s to create a sense of mystery and suspense.

Why Are The 47 Ronin Famous?

The 47 ronin are famous because they are the only group of Samurai who attempted to overthrow the shogunate and restore power to the emperor.

The story of the 47 ronin began in 1603 when a group of Samurai who were loyal to the shogunate decided that it was time for a change. They believed that the shogunate was corrupt and did not follow Emperor Go-Mizunoo’s wishes.

For years, these 47 samurai lived in hiding as they tried to figure out a way to restore Emperor Go-Mizunoo’s rightful throne. In 1615, they finally overthrew the shogunate and restored power to Emperor Go-Mizuno.

Where Was 47 Ronin Shot?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the location of the 47 Ronin shoot is a closely guarded secret. However, some popular theories include Kyoto, Japan, and The Great Wall of China.

What Did The 47 Ronin Leave At Their Master’s Tomb?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the 47 Ronin left many things at their master’s tomb, but some of the most popular items include a sword, a mirror, and a banner.

Why Did Samurai Become Ronin?

There are many reasons why Samurai became ronin. One reason is that they could no longer afford to maintain their expensive lifestyles. The warring states period was a time of great turmoil, and many Samurai lost their fortunes. As a result, they were forced to become ronin to survive.

Another reason is that the shogunate was changing and becoming more lenient with its rules. This meant that many warriors who had served the shogun faithfully for years were now being punished or exiled. They had no choice but to become ronin to continue serving their lord and protect their families.

What Is A Japanese Ronin?

A ronin is a samurai who has lost his master or left his master’s service. Ronin are often freelance and may be employed by anyone who will pay them. Society is usually disrespected and avoided because they have no social rank and cannot rely on inheritance to support themselves.

When Did The Samurai Era End?

There is no one answer to this question as the samurai era ended in different parts of the world. However, it is generally agreed that the samurai era ended around 1868 AD when Japan lost its war against Russia.

How Accurate Is 47 Ronin?

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the individual’s preferences. However, generally speaking, 47 Ronin is considered to be an accurate film.

What Did Ronin Do?

Ronin is a term used to describe Samurai who left their homes Samurai milies to become professional warriors. They were often samurai powerful lords or shogun to protect them and carry out team raiders.

Ronin was Samuraily very skilled in sword fighting and horseback riding and were well-equipped with armor, weapons, and supplies Samurai were also experts at stealth and infiltration, which made them very dangerous opponents.

 IS Samurai A True Story?

The story of the samur Samurai is based on historical events that took place in Japan during the late 16th century. The movie is an accurate portrayal of these events, but it is not a true story.

Who Was The Greatest Samurai?

There is no one definitive answer to this question as the greatest Samurai could be different for different people. However, some of the most famous and well-known Samurai include:

  1. Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645) was a renowned swordsman who is considered to be the father of modern Japanese swordsmanship. He is also credited with writing The Book of Five Rings, which is still used by martial artists today.
  2. Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) was a powerful warlord in Japan who led successful campaigns against rival clans and unified much of Japan under his rule. He was known for his cruelty and was considered one of the most ruthless leaders in Japanese history.

Can A Ronin Become A Samurai?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual’s circumstances and background. However, if you are looking to become a samurai, it is essential to have the following qualities:

  • Strength and stamina – A ronin must be physically strong and able to endure long periods of physical activity.
  • Loyalty – A ronin must be loyal to his lord and sworn to protect him at all costs.
  • Wits – A ronin must be cunning and able to think on his feet in order to outwit his opponents.

How Did The Ronin Compare To The Samurai?

Ronin are Samurai who have left their homes and families to live as mercenaries. They are usually very skilled in swordsmanship and unarmed combat, but they may also use other weapons such as bows and spears.

Samurai were the highest-ranking class of warriors in feudal Japan. They were typically born into wealthy families and were trained from a young age to be warriors. Samurai wore armor and carried a sword and shield.

What Was The Life Of A Ronin Like?

Ronin are Samurai who left their homes and families to become independent warriors. They lived a life of anonymity, danger, and self-reliance. Ronin were usually skilled in sword fighting and horseback riding and often served as bodyguards for high-ranking officials or wealthy merchants.

Are There Still Ninjas?

There are still ninjas, but they are usually found in the world of technology. They are the people who develop new and innovative ways to use technology to solve problems.

Who Is The Villain In 47 Ronin?

There is no one villain in 47 Ronin. The story is about a group of Samurai who are hired to kill the leader of a rival clan. However, along the way, they find themselves outnumbered and outgunned and must fight for their lives against a seemingly unkillable enemy.

What Are The Tengu In 47 Ronin?

The Tengu is a mythical creature that is said to be a form of an ogre. They are usually depicted as having large noses and long ears, and they are often associated with mischief and trickery.

In 47 Ronin, the Tengu is a spirit that helps the Samurai find their way home after they have been banished from their village. The Tengu guides them through the forest and teaches them how to use the sword to defeat their enemies.

What Is The Samurai Samurailled?

There is no one answer to this question as it can vary depending on the source you are reading. However, in general, the Samurai were a professional class of warriors who served feudal lords in Japan during the feudal era. They were known for their skills in swordsmanship and horseback riding.

Where Did The 47 Ronin Commit Seppuku?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is a historical mystery. However, some theories suggest that the 47 Ronin may have committed seppuku at the behest of their lord, Tokugawa Ieyasu, in order to avoid capture by the rival shogunate.

How Much Did 47 Ronin Cost?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the price of 47 Ronin can vary depending on the location, time of year, and other factors. However, a rough estimate would be around $130 million.

How Did Nobunaga Get Guns?

Nobunaga got guns from the Portuguese. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in Japan and brought with their firearms, which they used to conquer most of East Asia.

Why Did The Samurai Not Use Guns?

There are many reasons why the Samurai did not use guns. One reason is that the Samurai were very skilled in swordsmanship and knew how to use them effectively. Guns were not as accurate or as fast as swords, and they required a lot of training to use them effectively.

Another reason is that the Samurai did not trust guns. They knew that if a weapon was lost or stolen, it could be used against them by their enemies.

Why Are Katanas Illegal In Japan?

There are a few reasons why katanas (a Japanese sword) are illegal in Japan. First, they are considered to be weapons of war, and as such, they are not allowed in civilian hands. Second, katanas were used extensively during the feudal period (1336-1868) to commit crimes such as murder and robbery.

Finally, they are seen as symbols of aggression and violence, and as such, they are not welcome in a country that is known for its pacifism.

Can You Own A Katana In The US?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the jurisdiction in which you reside. It may be legal to own a katana in some states, while in other states, it may not be. It is essential to consult with an attorney or local authorities to find out the specific laws that pertain to the possession and use of swords in your area.

Were There Any Female Samurai?

There were female Samurai, but they were scarce. The main reason for this is that women were not allowed to inherit land or money, so they had no choice but to become warriors. The few female Samurai who did exist were typically courtesans or concubines who were given the opportunity to learn martial arts and use weapons in order to protect their lords or masters.

Why Did Japan Get Rid Of The Samurai?

There are many reasons why Japan got rid of the Samurai. The most important reason is that the Samurai were no longer needed in the new society that was being built. The new organization was based on agriculture and trade, not on warfare.

Another reason is that the Samurai were very expensive to maintain, and they caused a lot of damage to the country. They also caused a lot of bloodshed and conflict. In the end, the Samurai were replaced by military officers who were trained in warfare but who were also responsible for governing and running the country.

What Did The 47 Ronin Do?

The 47 ronin were Samurai who committed seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) in 1876 after their lord was captured by the army of the new Meiji Emperor. The 47 ronin were a symbol of defiance against the new government and its military might.

What Is Ronin In Japan?

Ronin is a term used in Japan to describe Samurai who have left their masters and taken up arms on their own. Ronin are often hired by the highest bidder, and they are often tasked with dangerous or difficult missions.

How Accurate Is 47 Ronin?

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on your taste. However, generally speaking, 47 Ronin is considered to be an accurate film. There is no half-breed in 47 Ronin.

What Ethnicity Is Keanu?

His father is of Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish, and Portuguese descent, and he was born in Hawaii. His paternal grandmother is a Chinese Hawaiian who is his biological grandfather. His mother was working in Beirut when she encountered his father, who later abandoned his wife and family when Reeves was three years early.

Did Any Of The 47 Ronin Survive?

There were all forty-six of them live. They had slain as many as forty of Kira’s Samurai at the cost of only four walking harmed. The ronin marched through town to the Sengakuji Temple, where their lord was buried at daybreak.

Who Raised Kai In 47 Ronin?

There is no one answer to this question as it can vary depending on the source you are reading. However, some sources say that Kai was raised by his father, while others say a group of Samurai raised him.

Does Keanu Have A Child?

He has been dating Alexandra Grant, his girlfriend, for more than three years. He previously enjoyed a brief relationship with Jennifer Syme, his ex-partner. After the couple split, Syme drowned in a vehicle accident. From his previous relationship with Syme, Keanu is a daughter called Ava.

What Is The Monster In 47 Ronin?

The film’s climax is when the witch confronts an even more powerful form, a dragon that joins the character’s earlier incarnations with other elements of Japanese mythology.

Who Was The Most Famous Samurai?

There are many famous Samurai throughout history, but the most famous and renowned was Miyamoto Musashi. He is considered one of the greatest sworders in history and is credited with developing the martial art of ninjutsu.

Are Carrie Anne Moss And Keanu Reeves Friends?

Star Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss have kept a warm friendship and appreciation for each other since working together on the first Matrix film more than 20 years ago, especially when it gets to their other film and TV work.


47 Ronin is a Japanese film about 47 samurai warriors who are bound together by honor and a sense of duty. The story revolves around their attempts to take revenge on the man who killed their master, in order to restore their honor.

The original film was released in 2013, but it’s been re-released in theaters across the country recently. If you’re looking for something new to watch, this might be worth checking out! Let us know if you have any questions about the movie or if we can help answer any of your questions.

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