Admiralty Island – Everything You Need to Know!



Admiralty Island


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Admiralty Island is a small US territory located in the central Pacific Ocean. It is a coral atoll with a land area of only 2.5 square miles and a population of around 100 people.

The island’s economy is dominated by government services, with tourism playing a relatively small role. Despite this, the island has been growing in popularity as a location for luxury retreats and private business travel.

The main reason for this growth is its unique setting – it offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of metropolitan areas, while still being within easy reach by air or sea.

Admiralty Island


Admiralty Island was first discovered by Spanish explorers in 1539. The island was claimed by the United States in 1853 and designated as a naval base.

In 1898, it became an active part of the US military network of islands during the Spanish-American War. It served as a supply depot and artillery post for US troops fighting on Guam and Okinawa.

After World War II, it became an important training ground for naval officers before being decommissioned in 1970.


The island is currently under federal jurisdiction but administered by the US Department of Defense through Navy Region Hawaii pursuant to Public Law 99-189, Section 36.

The US Navy retains an active presence on the island and has done so since 1970 when Piers 1 to 6 were first built, as well as Hangar A .

The base currently consists of 19 buildings (primarily housing administrative services), four large helicopter pads (L1 NE/SE; L2 SE; L3 NW/SW) dedicated for aviation defense exercises and training activities in excess of 7 NAWCAD groups, a boat basin that includes mooring buoys 4 thru 12 , one fuel pier capable of storing 8 million gallons of fuel, and a power plant producing 1MW of electricity.

Buildings that exist today on the island include: Administration Building, Gunnery Control Tower #1 (GCT-01), Maintenance Building C , Admiral’s Mess – Admirals’ Club House , housing facilities for service members in barracks L580/L581 thru L487/2and an Air Lift Facility Commanding Officer’s Residence .



The climate on the island is classified as Köppen “Cfa”. This means that winters are cool to mild, with occasional cold fronts; while summers are warm to hot, with a high humidity due to the trade winds. The record high was on July 29, 1995 and the record low is December 25, 1932.

Rainfall averages from 487 to 625mm per year with a rainy month lasting only 2–3 days in January; this may vary depending upon location.

Light breezes are present during slight summer rainstorms along with nighttime cooling effects by evaporation of sea spray/rain fall condensation that occur perpendicular to shorelines (with coastal areas seeing larger evaporative effect than island interior).



The culture of on-base military personnel is generally based upon that of the United States, with influences from other NATO countries. There are several clubs and organizations available to sailors and Marines, including a movie theater, a bowling alley/entertainment center, churches (several denominations), rifle ranges, fitness centers and more.

The island also has two grocery stores that sell most items not available at army base commissaries nearby.

Since 2003 members of the Department of Defense Working Group on Sexual Assault have used Piers 1-6 as their headquarters while studying the issue.

Piers 1&2 may be reached by foot or vehicle and has a dedicated entrance known as the “White Wall Gate”. It features a large, tinted glass window with differing views of the working offshore oil rigs.

Piers 3-7 are accessible only by water and feature several marinas featuring community showers, laundry machines, kayaks for rent (though not paddle boats), computers with internet hookup.

Boomerang Beach is considered one of Adak’s main attractions, Both Kornum Island Marine Park along Pennsylvania Avenue offer various outdoor recreational pursuits from fishing to sailing/boating . It is located west of Adak Island and accessible by boat, plane or a taxi.

The island also has KEEP USA, an ecoregion preservation test-bed for students from North America, the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) faculty members, researchers in ecorecological science office and staff mostly at Columbia Bluff Biological Station (), on Adak’s western extremity near the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska ().



The current mayor of Adak is John Bradford. The city has a council-manager form of government with five elected at large council members and the mayor. There is no districting in the city.



The economy of Adak Island depends on its port, one of only two active deep-water ports on the island, which provides an important link between Asia and North America.

The town also benefits from subsistence hunting by local residents as well as fishing by boat from Kornum Bay to Boomerang Beach and beyond (though commercial fishing season for salmon closed completely in 2006 ).

The island is an active oil production site, and a variety of other industries such as fishing, petroleum refining. Adak’s main export market for fish was Japan until the 2008 global economic crisis and instead China became the largest buyer of Alaskan seafood after salmon exports to Japan were banned in 2009.

Commercial shuttle flights also use Kornum Bay Airport () today while they have been shut down since 2000.

Government services

Government services

Adak Island is part of the Aleutian Islands Borough which is in turn part of the Unorganized Borough. The borough has its own mayor and corporation counsel, as well as a County Commissioner who also serves as borough president.

The United States Postal Service operates post offices on Adak Island with the principal office located at Columbia Bluff Biological Station.



The principal tourist attraction on Adak is Columbia Bluff Biological Station. The station, which begun operations in 1930, was originally a research center for the United States Bureau of Fisheries.

It now operates as an educational facility and visitor center run by the University of Alaska Fairbanks with assistance from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation and NOAA.

Other attractions include Kornum Bay State Wildlife Refuge (), Bogoslof Island () (a privately owned island claimed by both Russia and Norway), Boomerang Beach (), Nanortalik Lagoon () located near Siauliai, Lithuania ().


Admiralty Island is a small, uninhabited island located at the entrance to Victoria Strait, in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The island is part of the Queen Elizabeth Islands and is situated about midway between the northernmost point of Ellesmere Island and the southernmost point of Devon Island. Administratively, it is divided between the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The island was first sighted by Europeans on July 10, 1616, by Samuel Hearne and Anthony De Laet.


1 . What is the Climate Like on Admiralty Island?

The island has a cold, arctic climate with average monthly temperature ranges of 23-32 degrees Celsius. The mean annual temperature is −9.8 °C. Precipitation includes snow and rain, which totals 300 mm annually.

2. How Long is the Airport Drive to Get to Admiralty Island?

It takes around 1 hour 55 minutes by car from Yellowknife Airport in Northwest Territories or 3 hours 35 minutes from Iqaluit Airport in Nunavut .

3. What is the Currency in Use on Admiralty Island?

The Canadian dollar is the country’s official currency. Other currencies are also widely accepted, but may not be readily available in some areas. Certain stores may only accept Canadian dollars for payment.

4 . What Are the Major Transportation Options Available to Get to and From Admiralty Island?

There are a variety of air and sea transport options available to reach Admiralty Island, including flights from Yellowknife Airport or Iqaluit Airport in Nunavut, as well as ferries that connect Prince Rupert, British Columbia and St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

5 . What is the Cost of Living on Admiralty Island?

The cost of living on Admiralty Island is comparable to that in other parts of Canada. The island’s main industries are mining and fishing, which generate revenue through exports.

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