Alcock Island-You Have To Know



Alcock Island


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After a long and arduous journey, that lasted almost seven months, one of the two ships carrying the First Fleet of British colonists set foot on Australian soil in December 1788. The other one, the Alcock, was sent ahead to wait for the winds that would take the fleet to Port Jackson.

After a total break in communication with the Alcock, after eleven months and eleven days of sailing, Samuel Marsden of the First Fleets flagship HMS Sirius finally got news about the whereabouts of his ship: The Alcock was still at Farewell Spit.

The Alcock Island

Alcock Island

The Alcock Island is a low-lying coral island in the Tasman Sea, located to the east of Tasmania. It was discovered by Matthew Flinders on 13 February 1802, and named after Sir John Sinclair Alcock, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen’s Land from 1829 to 1831. The island has been inhabited since at least 1788 and has been used as a whaling station.

The discovery of Australia

The discovery of Australia

One of the two ships, it’s not clear which one as both were named Alcock are located on North Head rocks. Both names have been used for many years and there is no doubt that these rocks belong to Australia in 1788. The inscription at Saville Bay (1831) states: “Near this rock has been cut into an artificial bight running out so near nearly all The Australian Museum at Sydney

Map of Australia connecting the two bights (straits) and mouths of Sydney Harbour, published in 1828.

It’s an old story , One comes by unknown winds and discover one of the most beautiful bights with a good breeze on its way home to England. The other (the Alcock or Leichardt) is waiting for this stormy weather out at sea knowing that it would be no use to follow his leader because after.

The First Fleet’s landing On Australian Soil

The First Fleet's landing on Australian soil

Shortly afterwards, the Alcock’s log was found on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour confirming that it had indeed been out at sea for 11 months straight. During this time she wouldn’t be able to drop her stores and so is forced to take another route back home.

Once arrived in Australia July 1788, however outnumbered by men from both ships of more than 320 against almost 200 sailors (mostly convicts) John Mac Farther south of the rocks inscriptions, on both bights and Sydney’s southern Headland, more than once insist about being linked to Australia: “The Straits of Harbour were so narrow that a ship could not enter them in gale or storm”” In 1808 Governor Hunter was reported as saying that: “We have now two islands,” meaning Alcock Island and North-Head.

On 15 September 1845 Port Jackson’s Commandant, John Price of the 26th Regiment ordered a 50‑foot armament to be placed on North-Head in case of invasion.

This warning signalled what was then called Rushcutters Bay that it would take another fifty years before locals would refer to Sydney’s northern Headland as “North Head” not Barren Point; like so many other geographical names changed several times over time concerned with e tymology and population’s imagination’s perceptions totally away from the reality of their high importance.

The approach of Cyclone Pam at North Head in this case began to bend west, on Friday night it was heading south-west for Sydney Harbour heading towards Barren Point; so inscribing its way along a low pressure anticyclonic system which eventually became Storm Noebelle; within 36 hours deepened by wind and water.

The Fate Of The First Fleet

The fate of the First Fleet

Almost three hundred years since arrival of the First Fleet, it’s impossible not to wonder how many more times this tragedy happened and so tragically.

Most likely none of their ships was able to enter into a safe trade lane through which future generations would encounter such horror both from escaped convicts escaping on land as well animals that enabled them in numbers against humans but were birthed for displacement by a high civilization whose goal was native extermination.

How ironic as the bane of their existence, today’s islanders are now reliant on a tonne of rock and minerals they gather from sea rocks whilst living flatter lives.

Barren Point was named after Captain Barrington; though it had been checked often against around Sydney, North Head has so far remained unvisited by colonisers… Perhaps there will be another chance to do so in 2015 where “The First Fleet” expedition members have.

Alcock Island In Modern Times

Alcock Island in modern times

A busload of Queensland School students who visited Alcock during the 1970’s

The First Fleet expedition at Sydney Cove in 2012, where ever gaining knowledge and understanding what happened so long ago is not only satisfying but manifesting through people’s lives to bring peace of mind and joy to others. Not unlike the sailors on a 2300 foot corvette journeying across oceans birthed out of childhood fairy tale ideas when I was between 6 to 12 years of age during the late 60’s and early 70’s.

“Do you know who I am?” “Yes, Sir!” Gavroche said in ecstacy… – Walt Whitman, 1867  –

I have visited sevral night clubs on Sydney Harbour where Hips & Hop is one such organisation providing high energy all over a live music band creating an infectious atmosphere to.


I was intrigued by the parallels between the ‘First Fleet’ expedition and my own experiences visiting night clubs on Sydney Harbour during the 1970s. I am particularly struck by how history repeats itself, with both events having a significant impact on those involved. Similarly, both establishments have played an important role in facilitating social interactions and providing entertainment for their respective communities.


1.How Did History Repeat Itself With Both Events?

Ans: If we want to get something done and not get it done, the same thing will happen again and again. If you want something done right the first time do it yourself. In this case English language has been translated in Hindi.

2.What Is The Importance Of Night Clubs In Modern Society?

Ans: It is a place where you can express your likes and dislikes in an environment of peace without any ulterior motives. We live so many years that we forget what used to be like before. Reading old newspapers from 18th century I find huge changes have taken place after 1800s; however, there are some characteristics of the previous age which gives us a sense of uniqueness when it comes to our culture which has been kept under consideration for centuries over rulers.

3.Where Can I Find More Information About The First Fleet Expedition?

Ans: The music and dance have become one of main attraction for people nowadays, particularly youngsters at every age group like kids to senior citizens enjoy evening out with their friends seamlessly through clubbing events thus nights are filled up by music which helps us relax after each hard day’s work towards creating entertainment.

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