Alectoria Island-You Have To Know



Alectoria Island


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You may have heard that Alectoria Island is an exclusive beach resort located in the Maldives. You may have also heard that there are a lot of exclusive beaches in the Maldives. But do you know why it’s an exclusive island?

Does it have something to do with the architecture, or with the weather? If you ask our resident snorkelling enthusiast, his answer will allude to a legend about a rich man and his exotic pets. Let us take a peek at the Alectoria Island life and see if we can figure out that mystery.

What is Alectoria Island?

Alectoria Island

Without any previous knowledge of the island, our first impression was that it is more like a resort than an actual island. Large tour groups, lots of boats and tourists on all buildings made us think this place should have been nicknamed “Islandya” instead of “The Island”.

We were wondering how these rich people kept their livelihood in such an isolated location when we saw white sand beaches beside Alectoria Resort. After researching further into the island, we know that it is an inhabited island since 1995 and belongs to a private company called “The Alectoria Group”. However, even though the place looks isolated from afar (we used Google Maps), you can now access the whole thing by chartered yachts just for one night.

Race boats continue to rule this tropical paradise in reality as well. The guests’ activities at Alectoria include organizing races between their own raceboats.

How Did It Become An Exclusive Island Resort?


Because of the vegetation (plantations of coconut plantations), Alectoria Island is almost landlocked. This makes it a perfect spot for rich cats and their exotic pets like parrots, macaws, orange-headed Amazon parrots and several species of monkeys including the squirrel monkey!

How did these animals get here? Through hard work by local people. The locals used to move around in small boats with bananas on long fishing lines as there was no transport at that time. Monkeys used to come down from the mountains as locals would bait them with food (bananas) and drop them in cages on their boats while they took trips around the island. Did you know that Alectoria Island stretches for 2,089 square kilometers?

A .  vast area but i was just able to view a small portion of this huge – according to our guidebook -island…I guess it doesn.

Why Is It An ExclusiveIsland Resort?

Why is it an exclusive island resort?

Why is Alectoria an exclusive island resort? There are a few reasons for this and it can be summed up with the synopsis of what actually happened recently on this once empty place :

In July 2013, there was news about 3.2 petahashes (PH) production in five days at Kudankulam nuclear power plant . India’s second operating nuclear reactor generated just one-tenth of that figure its first day back online after an unscheduled shutdown as the plant was in advanced stages of a planned turnaround . T

his is not much because it used to look like this from October 2011 after Chidambaram transfered control authority over Kudankulam project.

On 5th June 2010, the world witnessed Bangladesh’s earthquake which killed some 3100 people and injured around 7000 more. The country experienced similar series of natural calamities since then (Don’t Miss.

What Are The Benefits Of Being An Alectoria Island Resident?

What Are The Benefits Of Being An Alectoria Island Resident

What are the benefits of living on Alectoria Island? Besides all the luxuries that one can imagine while living in this idyllic place, there a few more compared to what other islands have.

There is no need for a ticket when traveling abroad or visiting any other country as you will have your own residential permit enabling guests and relatives to simply return home after being hosted  by our wonderful staff; No vehicle registration tax

879 Per Month in Mumbai and

624 Per Month for other areas (Rs.4,000 a year) has been exempted by Government of India from 1st January 2011 onwards; No need to visit Andhra Pradesh government offices due to being an island resident; Alectoria can also host foreign heads of State whether it is US President or anyone else visiting India , without any issue as we have liberal immigration rules on the subject .

There are no formalities involved in immigrating to Alectoria and you simply need to hold an Indian residential permit which is quite easy given our topographic location; There are no municipal taxes (car,water or electricity); No school fees on children of the Island  (more information can be found here ); You have access to all services anytime without complicating any process since we do not have fixed timings for business interviews, bank transactions etc.; You get subsid.

Is Alectoria Island a Safe Place To Live?

Is Alectoria Island a Safe Place To Live?

Being an island, Alectoria is perhaps the safest place to live in India. Our location and marine geography combined with our very low crime reporting rate has made us one of the best islands to settle down in this country as we are close enough yet far away from many parts as well. It’s simply a matter of looking at it on paper if you have access through your residential permit


Alectoria Island is perhaps the safest place to live in India and offers a number of benefits such as no need for vehicle registration tax, no school fees on children of the island and access to all services anytime without complicating any process.


1.What Is The Process For Getting An Indian Residential Permit On Alectoria?

Ans: In this post, you’ll know all you need to go through the process of getting an Indian residential permit (IRP) on Alectoria. Apart from this, the post has information on Indian visa on Alectoria, and other aspects of living in Germany.

2.Are There Any Municipal Taxes (Car,Water Or Electricity) On Alectoria Island?

Ans: If you have any dreams of moving to India and deciding to stay in the country for some time, you should know how to go about getting an Indian residential permit. This is important for foreign nationals who are coming to India, after being granted a work permit, to get permanent residency and, in the future, citizenship with a permit from the Immigration authorities in India.

3.Is There A Healthcare Facility On The Island?

Ans: Immigrants are considered a boon for a country. There’s a chance for them to become an asset for the economy when they come for work. All these only happen when the country grants them a visa of stay, or residential permit, especially for work purposes. Foreign nationals who want to get a visa for work in India should first apply for the National Citizenship Certificate (NCC). This NCC is a certificate issued by the Union Home Ministry that enables you to apply for Indian residential permit on Alectoria.

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