Analyze This (1999) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation




Analyze This 1999


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Released in the year 1999, this movie was one of the biggest releases of that year. It follows a young boy, who is in a difficult situation. He is a delinquent, and his parents are very strict with him. On one particular day, his parents take him to a place called “the ark” to see if he has turned over a new leaf.

The ark is a place where people can turn their lives around. After leaving the ark, his parents are very pleased with him and give him a new set of clothes. They also give him a job as a gardener at their home. The movie ends with the young boy reaping the benefits of his new life.

The Meaning of the Movie

Analyze This 1999

Analyze This is a 1999 American comedy film written, directed and produced by Robert Smigel. The film stars improvisational comedians Robert Smigel, Tom Lennon and Jon Benjamin.

The plot revolves around three friends who work at a telecommunications company. While trying to come up with new ideas for their products, they are often frustrated by the limitations of their corporate bureaucracy.

The Message of the Movie

In “Analyze This”, Robert De Niro and Billy Crystal play two managers of the same sports team, the New York Mets. The movie is a mockumentary, detailing the trials and tribulations of their season.

One of the main themes of the movie is communication. The two managers must learn to understand each other in order to successfully manage the team. They must also learn to trust each other, even when things seem difficult.

One particularly challenging scene involves De Niro’s character trying to get Crystal to sign a new player to the team. Crystal is resistant to change and doesn’t believe that the player can be successful. De Niro has to show him that he’s wrong and that the player can be a valuable part of the team.

This scene demonstrates how important it is for managers to be open-minded and willing to listen to their colleagues. If they don’t, they may end up making mistakes that affect their team negatively.

Ending Explanation

In the movie “Analyze This” (1999), the baseball player Billy Beane (Robert De Niro) is trying to negotiate a contract with the team he just left, the Oakland Athletics. He knows that his previous record and statistics will not be enough to get him a good offer from another team, so he comes up with a plan to make his old team, the A’s, offer him more money than any other team would. He proposes that they trade him – one player for one player – and that the A’s give up a young player (A.J. Hinch) in return. The A’s initially refuse, but Beane does some research and finds out that Hinch is going to be a good player in the future. So, he makes the trade and wins over his former team.

The Main Idea of the Movie

In “Analyze This” Michael Douglas plays a sports agent who is trying to save his star player, Billy Crystal, from being traded to a terrible team. Throughout the movie, Douglas tries to get Crystal to sign with a better team, and Crystal tries to get Douglas to negotiate better contracts for him.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The movie is a metaphor for the way that professionals in many fields – such as sports – must constantly be looking to find new opportunities and ways to improve their skills. In this case, Billy Crystal (the player) is trying to get out of his old team (Oakland Athletics) and move onto a more successful one (Los Angeles Dodgers). Douglas (the agent) is trying to convince him that he should stay with the Athletics and not risk losing his status as one of the best players in baseball. However, Crystal eventually learns that he can’t simply rest on his laurels; he needs to keep working hard to maintain his skills and earn new opportunities. This is a common theme in many professional careers – people must constantly be searching for new ways to improve their skill set, or else they will soon lose their stature and position.


“Analyze This” is one of those movies that has been dissected, analyzed, and interpreted by different people for years after its release. Some say it is a clever satire of Hollywood and the movie business. Others claim that it is a look into the black comedy that is everyday life. Still, others see it as a cautionary tale about the perils of overconfidence. Whatever you believe about the movie, one thing is for sure- the ending will leave you thinking.


1 . What is the meaning of the movie’s final scene?

The ending of “Analyze This” leaves many people with unanswered questions. Some think it is a hopeful message about redemption, while others believe that the film is warning of the dangers of self-delusion. There are no clear answers, but whatever your interpretation maybe, you’ll certainly have thoughts after watching the movie’s conclusion.

2. Is there symbolism in “Analyze This”?

There are a number of symbols used throughout “Analyze This”. For example, the young boy’s new clothes and job may all be symbols of his new life. The death of the old man may also suggest that there are no guarantees in life and that everything can change at any moment. However, some argue that the movie’s true meaning is lost on most viewers. If you want to read more about the symbolism in “Analyze This”, we recommend doing a bit of research on your own.

3 . Was the ending satisfying?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as everyone will have different opinions about it depending on their own experiences and beliefs. However, from what little we can tell, the ending of “Analyze This” seems to be broadly satisfying for most people.

4 . Is “Analyze This” a comedy?

Some people say that the film is an honest look at the absurdity of everyday life, while others believe that it is a black comedy. Ultimately, this depends on your own personal interpretation of the movie. However, regardless of whether you see it as a funny or serious film, you’ll definitely have some thoughts after watching its final scene.

5 . Was the acting good?

While the acting in “Analyze This” is not necessarily outstanding, it is generally competent and believable. In particular, Anthony Anderson’s portrayal of the young man facing serious personal challenges is particularly impressive.

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