Archipiélago Guayaneco Island – All Details



Archipiélago Guayaneco Island


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Archipiélago Guayaneco Island, located off the south-central coast of Venezuela, is a small archipelago of volcanic islands that formed over a period of about 12 million years. The archipelago is composed of three main islands – San Cristobal, Isabela, and Santa Cruz.

Isabela and Santa Cruz are the largest islands with a combined area of 51 km2 and a population of 1,500 people. The climate is warm and humid with an average temperature of 25°C. The islands are well known for their handmade raw sugar cane products.

Archipiélago Guayaneco Island History

Archipiélago Guayaneco Island

The island was first discovered by Columbus in 1498, who named it Isabella. The island passed through the hands of several European powers before being acquired by Venezuela in 1821. The Venezuelan government developed the islands as a sugar-producing territory, and today they are primarily known for their artisanal raw sugar products.

Tourism is also growing increasingly popular on the archipelago, with visitors drawn to its scenic landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As a result, the island’s economy has expanded in recent years and the islands are now home to many new hotels and resorts.

Archipelago Guayaneco is an island group of volcanic origin located about 30 kilometres (18 mi) north-west of Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. The island chain includes three smallest Venezuelan Islands: San Cristobal, Isabela as well as Santa Cruz.

Each have different landform but all are classified by their total area that reaches up to 51 km² or 20 miles square; its small size can only accommodate large hotel complexes with room for several thousands guests , a number of restaurants, several shops, huts and inns that serve as the island’s hotels.

2014 update: All three standard resort areas (Los Tumibes – Rincon de Urico e Isla Vortancia) have been sold to new owners who will be renaming them for less specific unisex names such as “Island Paradise”, “Hideaway Island” or just plain “”Resorts”” in an ominous move towards more tourism-friendly brands.



The island has a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 18°C in the winter to 28°C in the summer. The archipelago experiences heavy rains throughout the year due to its location on Venezuela’s northern coast. The island receives between from 2,000 to 3,000 mm (80–120 in) of precipitation per year. The island is subject to occasional earthquakes and flooding due to landslides or erosion.


The Guayaneco group consists mainly of a core massif composed predominantly by Andesites with some Basaltic lava flows that are juxtaposed against calc-alkaline volcanic rocks typical on most Caribbean islands arising from more recent Aptian marine sedimentation.

The marine sedimentary series has well developed epeirogeny resulting into uplift which thrust the Guayaneco island’s core upfold—this also explains the presence of a set of very distinct linear intra-arcuate grabens, e.g., Tunas, Vacaqueros etc..

The overall exposure is very high and there are some small faults which can have generated tsunamis but they will not be detrimental to the island as it is no more than 8 km at its widest point on topographic relief characteristics than any nearby islands (e.g., San Bernardo).



There is some remnant Carib-influenced culture, mostly in the form of foods, such as “taco yuca” (a dish made from yuca and corn dough) or “arroz con gallina”, a rice dish with chicken. In recent years, more attention has been given to preserving this culture by organizing music festivals with roots in eastern Caribbean styles like calypso; salt production is also preserved through traditional curing methods.

The island has a number of Arawak sites, including two shell middens. Shells found on the island include those of bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms and fish species such as “Periplaneta brasiliensis”. The site located at Oyster Bay is particularly notable for its corroded metal artifacts which date back 11000 years before present or to around the time when dinosaurs ended having existed in other parts of South America during that period.



The island is divided into four municipalities, San Bernardo, Oyster Bay, El Yunque and La Isla. Each municipality has a mayor, board of trustees and councilors who are responsible for local socioeconomic development. The island’s judicial system is headed by a Superior Court which includes one judge per municipality.

Government Services

Government services

The island is serviced by the San Bernardo Airport, located in Cañas. The island also has a hospital, fire station and police department.

The island has a Postal service, in which mail is delivered via van or small trucks called Coraci. All of the island’s roads are gravel and unpaved; however, several additional ferries transport people to and from the mainland during peak travel seasons. The only low-cost grocery store on island opens daily at 6am.


natural landscapes

The island is a popular tourist destination for visitors from the United States and other parts of the Caribbean who are attracted by its tranquility, natural landscapes, relaxed atmosphere and affordable rates. The island has more than 100 miles (160 km) of hiking trails that allow visitors to explore both primary and secondary forests as well as areas with several spectacular waterfalls.

Other activities include bird watching, horseback riding, swimming, kayaking, fishing and snorkeling. There are also number of restaurants which serve a variety of cuisine including international food items such as sushi.


Archipiélago Guayaneco is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, about 150 miles (240 km) southeast of Key West and 130 miles (210 km) south of Havana, Cuba. The territory has an area of 2,856 square miles (7,452 km2).


1.What Is The Population Count Of Archipiélago Guayaneco Island?

Ans: There is no official census for Archipiélago Guayaneco island, but it can be estimated to have a population of around 1,500 people.

2.Is There Any Airport Or Seaport On This Island?

Ans: No, there are no airports or seaports on Archipelago Guayaneco island. The only means of transportation is by boat or plane.

3.What Currency Does This Island Use?

Ans: Archipiélago Guyaneco island is a part of American territory, so they mainly use US dollars.

4.What Languages Are Spoken In This Island?

Ans: Archipiélago Guayaneco island primarily speaks Spanish and English, but many people also speak French and the indigenous language Taino Language (Arawakan).

5.What Are The Main Religions Practiced On This Island?

Ans: There is no one specific religion practiced on Archipelago Guayaneco island, but most people follow Christianity.

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