Aves Island



Aves Island


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The Aves Islands are beautiful and uninhabited. Located in the Puerto Rico’s Mona Passage, and also known as the Mona Passage Islands, these desolate shores are full of undiscovered flora and fauna. Here, species known to be found only in island ecosystems are seen for the first time in the nooks and corners of these tiny islands – like a critically endangered Barbadoan shrub.

While marauding pirates and opportunistic human settlers have done their bit to ruin this natural beauty, this is merely a mere distraction compared to the true enemy that ravages this island every day – Plastic debris.

Aves Island


The name “Flagler’s Aves” is a reference to American financier and hotel chain owner Henry Flagler, who built hotels in the area during the late 19th century. The island near Playa Flamenco was once known as Shaw Island due to it being owned by J.J.Ayer, who also operated lime quarrying on nearby Palomino Key (now named Berry).

His son John Edward Ayers sold the Key to Flagler in 1897 and bought the Float Lighthouse Keeper’s House ca. 1896 for his family residence. The most dominant coniferous tree on Aves Island is the Caribbean blue cypress, which supports a large sponge network that helps filter water before precipitation reaches its crest area where El Yunque moths will recreate their larval environments during certain times of year. The reef around the Aves Islands provides habitat protection while also supporting.


The climate is a tropical monsoon with scant rainfall. The zone above and around the ocean elevation (sea level) receives more than of annual precipitation, nearly all falls during the 120-day hurricane season between June 1 and November 30; this limited, heavy rain usually occurs at night time or in early morning hours.

Temperatures are fairly uniform year round, although they may vary by 15°F over certain locations in Puerto Rico such as along the Turneffe Atoll in the nation of Belize. During and following tropical storms, temperatures may fall substantially enough to cause frost or freeze water lines on nearby structures such as buildings and trees; known locally as pluviometeorological polar phenomenon it is a widespread occurrence in Puerto Rico due to its light rainfall totals (see table).


The culture of Puerto Rico is predominantly Spanish and some other Latin American elements combined with the African heritage, influenced by the long history in this Caribbean island. The names given to many things reflect local traditions and practices.

For instance, coffee (Arabica preferred), rum cocktails such as Añejo Blanco or simply Spiced Rum are popular among locals throughout Puerto Rico due on how ever important coffee has been for centuries because it was a survival staple during hurricanes. Local cuisine centers around seafood as well as pork, chicken and beef products often served with a variety of side dishes such as rice, beans and plantains.

Puerto Ricans traditionally celebrate holidays in their own way – for instance, on Christmas day children receive presents while the families congregate around a puertorriqueño manger scene called “El Nacimiento de Cristo” (The Birth of Christ). New Year’s Eve.



Until the 1960s, tourism was nonexistent due to a limited local infrastructure. Since then Puerto Rico has become highly influential among cruise ship passengers as well as international travelers within the Caribbean and Latin America for its accommodations (mostly luxury resorts) offering authentic tropical island beach experiences in rejuvenated coastal municipalities around Taíno historical downtown San Juan city with ocean-view views and sunlit beaches, museums displaying traditional artefacts from Taino period of Native American culture (Taínos), and shopping in the city’s innumerable boutiques and art galleries dotting side streets.

Private resorts for mostly well-heeled individuals are common as well as high-end private clubs catering to residents only, such is Puerto Rico’s history of affluence prior to the Great Depression virtually resulting in an upper class with access to goods almost equivalent “mainland”-country standards (such high quality goods were often made by US federal government.


The pressure for “mass transit” has been encouraged by Puerto Rico’s governor, Luis Fortuño, with the completion of two reported light rail systems and hopes to eventually introduce a third line.  A causeway connecting the island to nearby Culebra Island was made operational in June 2008 allowing Ponce’s International Airport (Isabel Coaxial Field) more direct access from both the mainland and US Virgin Islands.

These trains and buses also allow island residents easy access to various ports of entry on the main islands. Much publicized efforts by San Juan Mayor Jorge Santini, Jr. have led to significant amounts of road construction within Puerto Rico which has both eased traffic congestion since travel times reduced, but comes with its own set of problems when some roads were previously undivided two-way streets due largely in part to a deficient local bureaucracy lacking adequate coordination between departments.



The basic traditional diet of Puerto Rican cuisine is derived from the abundant variety in available produce. Importantly, coco (coconut) juice has been a staple beverage since mid-17th century when it was imported by Spanish colonists which became firmly associated with the local Kuna and Taíno people’s aspidogastra or “sweet bread”, often also conjoined with meaty Caribbean yuca along western coast to aid digestion. Along the island’s mountainous interior, carnitas (pig) and coquito were two of the most common dishes.

Cocoyams (“casamanica”) would be prepared by spinning off tops in conical shape to help dry them more even before being placed on hot rocks for sun-drying that was also a critical component of local commerce due to large demand from Spaniards as well as independent Chinese traders who transported copper ingots across Caribbean.



With more than 16,000 species of plants and at least 10,500 known bird and over 300 mammal species alone since the beginning of the 20th century when large-game hunting with firearms became increasingly neglected amidst access to an abundant variety in fruits for humans.

Endangered animals have become favorites among residents though most local naturalists disagree that these endangered may not serve as a satisfying alternative on those who wish to savor such decadent dishes.


According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (9.5%) is water. It borders on at its northernmost point, with Cabo Rojo in southwestern Puerto Rico and western Cuba; it lies entirely within Puerto Rico’s Caribbean coastal plain near the eastern shoreline of Lake Salvador de Barajas otherwise known as Zarzuela Reefs just westwards from San Jorge River and extending out of the coral reef several kilometers, thus rendering it an insignificant island in terms of human habitat.

It borders on at its northwestern point; with Penuelas just to eastwards and southernmost point; then García Márquez, Caja de Muertos (Cove Bay) Barranquitas from its northern district Marquetalia up to No hay quien más eastwards near its at southwest most location.


Where Is Aves Island?

This is an uninhabited, unincorporated and seldom visited island located in Barahona municipality, situated approximately five miles directly eastwards of Maricao. Arays José de AÑos is a Latin American novelist who has resided on this atoll for his entire life; it was originally called “El Canarí” but residents renamed it more popularly to the present since 1898 which now serves as its local census area.

In What Sea Is Bird Island?

Located in the Mariquita Bay, it forms part of San Jorge Group named Aves Island; located on its northernmost tip just off Barranquitas.  You may find only a former coconut plantation native to some locals and also located at its northwest across by Guanajibo – La Guardia airfield where several abandoned houses stand behind iron gates waiting for.

What Is The Spanish Bird Island Off The Nw Coast Of Africa?

The island is better known as Aves Island, a fact considered within the Barahona municipality. It was originally called “El Canarí” but residents of this region renamed it more popularly to the present one since 1898 which now serves in its local census area code as 186 territory and 189 square kilometer/675 acre.

Which Spanish Island Is Furthest North?

The north-most island officially of Spain is Aves; then it is Caribe de Garzas in the Lechuguilla Mountains. Macaroons are a pastry made from eggs, sugar and usually almonds or coconut that originated from old French word for sweet (mâcaronne) – but named after the maracotjes loca tree because its fruits resemble small macar.

Why Is Canary Island Called Canary Island?

The Islands of Hierro (Hierros) or Albacete; are four islands in the Atlantic Ocean that lie west and south off the coast of Andalusia, Spain. The Canary Island archipelago is made up five major volcanic landmarks -El Hierro Nuestra Señora de las Nieves de San Xoán del Mar Isle: Moyotón Mesa Central Alcanadre Bahía Sur Las Gaviotas.

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