All About Of Babushkin Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Babushkin Island


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Babushkin Island is a small and fragile piece of land located in the Gulf of Finland, adjacent to Helsinki. It was bought by the Finnish state in 1951 for the purpose of preserving it for future generations, and it was opened to the public in 1974.

The island is made up of pine and birch forests, and provides a natural environment for wildlife such as eagles, owls, foxes, and deer. It is also a popular spot for birdwatchers who can see black-backed woodpeckers, red-breasted nuthatches, red-throated loon, white-tailed eagle, Pygmy owl, and several species of warblers.

All Discussion Of Babushkin Island

Babushkin Island

Islands In The Gulf Of Finland

Islands In The Gulf Of Finland.jpeg

-This site contains islands which are situated in the Gulf of Finland. They include both inhabited islands and uninhabited islands, as well as groups of small islets and rocks. Some island groups also have their own nature reserves – such as the Parnu holds various species of plants (as a part of Öland Nature Reserve). This website has been written by Thomas Welter who has driven all over Sweden to study islands and islands’ geography.

Babushkin Island

Occupying an area of 43.8 square kilometers, Babushkin island is located in the southwest end of Saint Petersburg Bay above Helsinki – directly across from St Catherine’s Island. The island was established by Empress Anne when she bought it for a breeding ground for eagles to use as their home range and nesting islands. These areas were then joined so that they could be used both fallow (as picnic spots) and at other times during the year . There are several places to visit and the island’s lighthouse (Eneva-class) is up for visiting.

Nature On The Island

Nature On The Island

-Although there is only a small population of some 150 people, no part of the island has been developed. The island borders Sankt- Pavel -Saint Petersburg Bay and it is right in front of islands such as St. Catherine’s Island (60 meters) and Big Duke’s Lighthouse (), both featuring museums which are open to visitors.-

There was once a lighthouse built on Babushkin Island but this ceased functioning after World War II . The island has a swampy north-central section and the lighthouse stands on one of the island’s capes. There are nothing but forests, fields and wetlands on this island.

– After World War II when Parnu became an independent municipality in 1948 there was no longer any native Tallinnan population left here so all groups adhered to Estonian nationality by declaring Ambshoprihvit as their place of residence – whereas formerly they were.

Wildlife At Babushkin Island

Wildlife At Babushkin Island

-Birds:- Chickadees, Nuthatches, White-breasted nuthatches and Wilson’s Snipes are favorites of nesting eagles – they nest into adobe birdhouses which people lay on the island in winter. The Caprimulgidae (sparrow) family is also plentiful around here.

– Swans that were brought to Parnu as a result of wars across Europe became especially numerous at Babushkin Island and several islands of the group at Sankt-Petersburg Bay . Their number exploded during World War II and they consumed a lot of fish. They even joined fishing expeditions (as they are needed to side with people by preventing eagles from herding too many sheep).-

Eels, cormorants The Island’s island mansion () was once the family home of Tallinn sculptor Konstantin Sarapuu who lived there in the 1930’s. His sculpture studio was on the island too and he left it a gift of 50 000 kroona (1,5 million today) – btw while young Sarapuu spent his summers here with Giuseppe Mazzola , these were legendary years of peasant anarchy in Estonia.

– There are many more islands around Parnu but this article is only meant to give an overview as well as some general information .For more islands and details of their history and local folklore head to Parnu’s Historical Overview on this website.


In the Soviet Union, during the 1930s, the Babushkin Island was regarded as a place for scientists to conduct secret experiments. This remote location was perfect for hiding scientists and their equipment from the prying eyes of the public. Today, Babushkin Island is known for its diverse wildlife, crystal clear waters, and picturesque surroundings. If you’re looking for a peaceful getaway, this is your island!


1.What Is Babushkin Island Known For Today?

Ans: Babushkin Island is a tiny and uninhabited archipelago located in the eastern Bering Sea. The islands are formed from a group of small, ice-covered hills, which rise to a height of about 100 feet. The nearest inhabited island is Chism Island, about 8 miles to the north-west.

2.What Was The Soviet Union’s Role During The 1930s?

Ans: Babushkin Island is an uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Finland, near the city of Saint Petersburg in Russia. The island is a part of the Leningrad Oblast, and it is administratively a part of the town of Pyatigorsk. The island has a total area of 2.5 square kilometers and a coastline of about two kilometers.

3.What Are Some Of The Wildlife Animals That Can Be Found On The Island?

Ans: This remote location was perfect for hiding scientists and their equipment from the prying eyes of the public. Today, Babushkin Island is known for its diverse wildlife, crystal clear waters, and picturesque surroundings. If you’re looking for a peaceful getaway, this is your island!

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