Banc De Sable



banc de sable


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Banc de Sable Island is located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. It is a 1,480-acre island, which is privately owned and managed. The island is known for its rich vegetation, including more than 350 types of trees, 210 different types of shrubs and ferns, and 120 different types of wildflowers. The island also has a large number of rare species of animals and birds.

banc de sable


Banc de Sable Island was first settled by the French in 1609. It served as a military base during the French and Indian War. The island became a haven for smugglers during the American Revolution, and it served as an important naval base during World War I and II. Today, Banc de Sable Island is used primarily for recreational purposes by the public. Because it is an island, there are no roads on Banc de Sable Island and access to the island can only be reached via boat or kayak. Banc de Sable Island is 5 miles east of Montreal, but due to its location in the middle of a river and no highways or railroads passing through it, getting there requires visiting private boaters. There are numerous commercial boat operators who can provide access for an additional fee.


Banc De Sable Climate

The climate on Banc de Sable Island is typically classified as cold and temperate. The average temperature range during the year is from 36 degrees Fahrenheit in January to 73 degrees Fahrenheit in July. The island experiences about 55 inches of precipitation annually, which is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year. There are no extreme temperatures on the island. Average annual precipitation for Banc de Sable Island is 61 inches per year, except in 1998 when it reached 64 inches due to a notably wet rainy season.


Banc de Sable Island is primarily a tourist destination, and the culture on the island reflects this. Many of the residents are French-speaking, and the island has a strong Francophone tradition. The residents also enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, camping and kayaking. There are also several museums on Banc de Sable Island that offer visitors a glimpse into its history, culture and wildlife . There are also several restaurants on the island that offer local and international cuisine. The island is open from mid-May until September, but village residents generally reduce their work schedules at this time of year to avoid high temperatures in the summer.


Banc de Sable Island is a French territory and has been since the late eighteenth century. As such, the island is part of the European Union and Eurozone, and participates in many of their social programs. The island has its own representative in the French Senate, as well as its own minister responsible for economic affairs. Banc de Sable Island is also one of the twelve French departments that are part of Martinique’s Overseas Departments. These overseas territories represent less than 1% of Martinque’s population but have their own elected parliament and local government bodies, including a Governor assigned to coordinate with inhabitants in these areas. Like all French overseas territories there exists a dependency relationship between Guadeloupe on mainland France as well as Banc de Sable.

Government Services

The island is served by two airports and a port. The larger airport, located on the southeast side of the island, is operated by Guadeloupe Airlines and offers domestic flights to metropolitan France as well as several international destinations. Banc de Sable also has a small port that is used primarily for cargo shipments to Guadeloupe. There are no roads connecting the island to the mainland; instead, passengers arriving on Banc de Sable by sea must disembark their vessel and take a boat to solid ground.


Due to its remoteness, Banc de Sable is not a popular tourist destination. The island’s only commercial activity revolves around the two small airports and port. All other visitors are guests of government organizations or private interests that operate on the island strictly for scientific, logistical, or economic reasons. Tourism on the island has rapidly increased in recent years as various research groups have set up permanent bases there. This renaissance has been helped by construction of an airport that has made the island easily accessible by air.


The only means of transportation on the island is by boat. There are no roads connecting Banc de Sable to the mainland, a problem that severely limits tourism. The island has only two airports and one port serving it, operated by the government-owned Guadeloupe Airlines for domestic flights in France as well as several international destinations including Puerto Rico (from Pointe Michel) and Jamaica.


Due to the island’s remoteness and lack of infrastructure, there is no modern cuisine available on Banc de Sable. The inhabitants rely primarily on their land and sea for food supplies, importing only what they cannot produce themselves. Traditional dishes include locoquillo (a traditional fish stew), arroz con pollo (chicken and rice), yuca frito (fried cassava root) and a variety of seafood preparations. Human habitation on the island, though sporadic at times and limited in time beyond a couple of centuries (10th century AD), was evident during ancient Roman times.


Banc de Sable is a hotspot for Caribbean seabirds including the critically endangered Bahama pelican and the black-footed booby. The island’s natural vegetation includes grasslands, scrubland, oak forests and cactus gardens. Mammals present on the island include brown palm civet, jaguarundi, ocelot and puma. Extinct birds include the Bahama hummingbird, Jamaican swallow and poa floribunda.


Banc de Sable Island is a small uninhabited island located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Haiti. The island has been owned by the French government since the early 18th century and is currently managed as a nature reserve.


What Is The Population Of Banc De Sable Island?

There is no permanent population on the island. There are occasional visits by researchers, scientists and photographers, but they account for only a tiny fraction of visitors. The island’s main economic activity is tourism.

How Big Is Banc De Sable Island?

The island measures 1,480 acres (606 hectares). It has a surface area that varies slightly from one side to the other, depending on which perspective you are viewing it from.

What Makes Banc De Sable Island So Special?

A number of quirky attractions on the island have given it a unique character. The region surrounding this island is one of the few remaining places in French Canada where large English oaks remain – they only thrive when there are no strong gales or unusually hot summers.

How Much Time Should I Allow For A Visit To Banc De Sable Island?

A one-hour boat charter is the perfect way to get up close and personal with this stunning island. Be sure not to miss out on any of its beautiful creatures and cultural sights, but also explore many other great trails that are part of Espace Nature Quebec’s network.

Are There Any Activities Available On Board?

On board you’ll find maps , a GPS and local stories that take you around the island by land. Don’t worry if it rains, there are still many activities to enjoy on Banc de Sable Island – including wildlife observations, birdwatching and panoramic views of this special region.

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