Barry Lyndon Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation




Barry Lyndon Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation


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Two questions that are often raised by viewers, are “What does ‘barn’ stand for?” and “What is the ending of Barry Lyndon movie about?”. The character, Barry Lyndon, is the focus in this movie.

He is an Irish boy who was a member of a private school for rich English boys but got expelled for running off with his brother’s girlfriend. Then, he joins an all-Irish regiment in England.

He also gets to kill and be killed as a soldier in battle. As the movie progresses, he gets depressed and goes back to England, while secretly falling in love with a pregnant woman who is a cousin of his.

All Discussion Of Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

Barry Lyndon Movie Meaning

Barry Lyndon is a movie based on the life of British Army officer and diplomat, Lord Edward FitzGerald. It is based on the novel of the same name by William Makepeace Thackeray. The film is directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1975. The story revolves around the life of Lord Edward, who goes from being a talented officer to a man of dubious morals. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1976.

Barry Lyndon is a 1964 film adaptation of the novel by William Makepeace Thackeray. The film was directed by Stanley Kubrick and was produced by Kubrick’s production company, Spartacus Films. The film stars Ryan O’Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick Magee, Hardy Krüger, Peter Bull, and Shelley Winters.

The movie is set in 18th century Ireland and portrays the story of a man who is never satisfied with his life and wants to become a great hero in the Irish Rebellion against England.

Over time, he falls apart and loses everything except for his luck and ambition to succeed at whatever cost (including murder). During this period of his life when trying to make something out of nothing, he meets a woman who protests with him on her death bed that she is not happy with her relationship as it ends too quickly like they are both unaffected by its brevity.

The man then became disillusion ed of his own love and thought that he just became too cynical in his trust as there were many others who had also experienced similar losses before him.

The film was written by Kubrick who took great care over creating a visually stunning movie which included 450 costumes, 1,100 sets (including bookshelves), 80 naval ships lit with pyrotechnics, editing 28 hours of footage into the final cut for all five versions of the movie to.

Message of the Movie

Message of the Movie

The movie takes a more critical look at the theme of boring and formless jobs in society. The allusions made to British aristocracy through its setting also clearly portray that it was an uptight time with unclear moral boundaries as they would control their interests above everything else and why none could be close enough to any other people without interference by others.

The code of proper behaviour being followed is still strong despite such social reality, hence the main character eventually became more cynical. We are in constant doubt as to whether we should trust others or not because it is constantly illogical and difficult for us to make out any logic behind what they say, hence the main character came down with a fatal illness only proving this point further.

With an uncertain ending of his own death that felt very anti-climatic on first viewing, but watching all five different versions helped clarify more about Kubrick’s message such as how we adapt to the flaws in our environment and often won’t be able to find meaning from them despite going out of their way trying.

In essence this is a movie that can almost stop you short should its difficult nature prove too much for anyone, but upon multiple viewings it starts becoming more pronounced nevertheless as its message only becomes stronger each time one watches it with different feelings at how events unfold throughout both Kubrick’s work and his own life such form ulating the ideas behind his philosophical themes.

Ending Meaning

Ending Meaning

Throughout the movie there is a recurring theme of meaninglessness that explored in multiple instances such as: During one part where Grace was lying down it gradually changed to her being bound with Richard’s help.

It then transitioned smoothly into how they were both tied up and jailed together which had them constantly thrashing through the following day before she died, showing some form of unhealthy boredom throughout our world being trapped by circular thinking.

This allusion signified to us that there is no real meaning to life, hence we must be aware of this ideology in order for it not stop us from living because our lives feel empty and directionless most of the time.

The term ‘snow’ was constantly used which symbolised how once having a goal things simply evaporated into nothingness without rhyme or reason whereas with Kubrick’s work Snow can refer to dust as much as snow where everything in his work eventually resolves.


Barry Lyndon is a movie very little known by many and never reviewed until now, hence by its own merits this movie can encapsulate most of Kubrick’s philosophies within one film as it transcribes each theme beautifully through various incidents that would still affect one no matter how little about them has occured in their lives generally for example expressionless titles throughout movement to portray the moments following our characters surroundings despite the still image of the title card when opening up each story.

What Does the Movie Barry Lyndon Talk About?

What Does the Movie Barry Lyndon Talk About?

We are not sure, but it is likely that the plot centres on a nobleman this man who allows life to pass him  by as he becomes disillusioned with women and other seemingly insignificant characters. He is lost in his own mind and it seems as though he cannot get out; however we like to think that good will come from all of the pain endured.

What Was True of Kubrick?

What Was True of Kubrick?

The Shining : In 1994, a hotel caretaker claims to have been abducted by ghosts while playing with their children 24 years before.

How Is the Movie Barry Lyndon Based on History?

Barry Lyndon is based on the life of British military officer and statesman, Barry Lyndon. The movie is set in 1812 and tells the story of how Barry becomes a disastrously successful courtier.

The movie is an adaptation of the novel by William Makepeace Thackeray. The novel was first published in 1844 and follows the fictional adventures of Barry Lyndon, a lower-class Irishman who rises to become one of the most powerful men in England.

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