All About Of Bear Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Bear Island


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Bear Island has everything a traveller could wish for: natural splendour, stunningly clear waters, and a serene and welcoming atmosphere.

The idyllic island is the perfect place to relax after a day of exploring the outer harbour and the surrounding islands.With its sheltered coves and sandy beaches, Bear Island is an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and windsurfing. There’s even a playground for the children and a store for the essentials.

All Discussion Of Bear Island

Bear Island

Bear Island

Bear Island

The rocky isle on which Bear Island sits was owned by a Mr. Gosford years ago, and it was his son-in-law who built the beautiful lighthouse tower of Portland stone that’s still there today.

The current lighthouse in place long predates this very old one though; an earlier light station stands just off Little Caribou island to the mainland side away from Stonington Harbour .

The Outer Harbour

The Outer Harbour

St. John’s has a few smallish islands and islands off its shoreline, although not many of them are as picturesque as Bear Island ; the closest being Little Caribou island to the mainland side away from Stonington Harbour , then Gooseberry: an isolated little isle northeast across Arthur Moats Lake .

The outer harbour belongs mostly to Quebec when it comes down to Marine Canada Lands (something we will never hear in Newfoundland). If you’re heading out on a picnic, then feel free to bring your own foods and drinks.

Just keep in mind that you will need boats and/or some type of vessel to get around while exploring the islands as there are no bridges out at all from Stonington Harbour . Fort Amherstburg It’s interesting learning about the fortifications during days of war past if nothing else; their reach is long gone with most structures having.

The Islands of the Outer Harbour

The Islands of the Outer Harbour

In those days with expanding empires wars came upon the oceans and out on them it was a sign of death to be invaded. The fort architecture has crumbled a lot in times.

able now to see just by looking at the walls how when cannons were firing 30 feet over potentially keepers heads, they were scared shitless as well besides others getting critters like rats or mice killed so some type of fire would take care off this! To think that.

Activities on Bear Island

Activities on Bear Island

Bear Island has everything a traveller could wish for: natural splendour, stunningly clear waters, and a serene and welcoming atmosphere. The idyllic island is the perfect place to relax after a day of exploring the outer harbour and the surrounding islands.

With its sheltered coves and sandy beaches, Bear Island is an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and windsurfing. There’s even a playground for the children and a store for the essentials.

Stacey and her father is a caretaker. No one really lives on the island, but bears that you can see beating their way around; yet they are always there watching everyone’s every move =)

Things to do in the Outer Harbour area

Things to do in the Outer Harbour area

Traveling down to St Catherine’s the ferry terminal there you can take the ferry ride out of Ontario over and back in again; I had never did that before. The ferries go about hourly so traveling on them is good for getting around with no concern of being stuck overnight somewhere such as at one islands or another from searches/searches, Police fights etc.

It’s also a very safe means shipping too due to strict legislation enforcement by Homeland Security and any vessel that enters must belong to Homeland Security; in fact, I bagged a $50 fine.

For those who want to travel on the Water you will see here trains of big freighters going up into Quebec transporting all kinds precious metals etc.. A lot of times you’ll see Airplanes flying bypassing over Ontario in order not breaking laws this one’s ship stop point that everything comes off/in goes thorough there by special boats that goes in fast to dislodge everything that’s coming and going which be loaded back on then within seconds it is submerged again with vast sums of money etc..

Oshawa (Toronto) – St. Catharines Steamship Terminal, 1905 Historic Harbour cruise boats passenger steamers taken out; cheap land travel by car/bus service works too….  Ontario ferry terminal

Restaurants and cafés in the Outer Harbour area

St Catharines, home of the Canada’s first Heritage Alert List for endangered national historic sites ..  Built in 1835 by Captain Thomas Moore during a severe fire that blazed across much of Ontario; With it housed two stories on either side used to store cotton and produce etc..

19th century ship building firm where most Canadian worlds largest cruise Ship was built ( Queen Mary), since renamed , Queens Quay and all facilities including a free Museum are within walk distance; There is also the Aitken Bloedel depot opened in 1899, located on York Street (boat cruise stop)

Shops in the Outer Harbour area

Shops in the Outer Harbour area

On the Ontario side of our Water front In Walpole stores we lacked diversity and advetising but newly built atrium style terminal was a major plus. Although area is marginal, I felt this new expansion will bring more people to visit in the future;

it brings jobs like any project that protects your heritage…the building itself gives you an idea why they did not tear down this old shipyard depot used during early 1900s ; It houses museums and a restaurant called The Walpole Landing..

At the Port of Toronto you will find most stores doing very well and many support services making them successful like this veritable Thriving store named: Canadian Tire; This store is due to be replaced by another Canadian tire on Simcoe Street some years from now . Still afloat all these so-called convenience joints with proper GM building standards. Considering that we have 3 quite large ones ..We need more.


Well it always starts good intentions and hoping but with progress will come change.  If you open a new business at the Port of Toronto Mills, Simcoe Street or Aylmer then be sure these are also protected shops not only from above soots from built up areas.. since If everything shuts down like stations then when enough buildings are demolished more … your beauti ful architecture becomes rubble as.


1.What Is Your Opinion On The Increase Of Convenience Stores In The City?

Ans: Bear Island is an unspoiled wilderness located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. The island is accessible only by boat, and it is one of the most beautiful places you will ever see. The journey there is peaceful and relaxing, and the surroundings are absolutely stunning. It’s a great place to take a break from stress and enjoy nature at its best.

2.How Do You Think The Proliferation Of These Stores Has Affected The City’s Aesthetics?

Ans: Bear Island is a small, uninhabited island in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. The island is known for its rugged cliffs, deep valleys and sea lochs. The island also has a rich natural history, including a population of Scottish Black Bears.

3.Do You Think That This Kind Of Development Is Healthy For The City, Especially In Light Of Its History?

Ans: Well, even if I might agree with the massive disproportionate development of these bust-up joints and convenience stores along Simcoe street , Lanark Ave et al that are functionally useless  furnishing only passable values ..Well more pleasing will be when There’s another start up business going on at some point in time where we can say this was one last long standing operation.

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