All About Of Beaufort Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Beaufort Island


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Beaufort Island is an uninhabited island located in the South Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between South America and Africa.

It measures about 245 km2, making it one of the smaller islands of the Atlantic Ocean and the smallest in the British Overseas Territories. The island is known for its barren landscape, long coastline, and steep cliffs.

All About Of

Beaufort Island

is a land-mass about 245 kilometers long, located in the western Atlantic approximately halfway between South America and Africa; it is northeast of Greenland, north of the Falkland Islands at about 160W.

The island has an area estimated to be 10 square miles (27 km²), with a coastline that runs for more than 265 kilometres from south-southwesterly along West Bay to Southwest Point as far east as Cape Horn Head.

The island has a population of less than 500, excluding lives in adjacent nearby islands and underwater peaks (including the thirteen Armstrong Seamounts that extend out from Beaufort Island to just beyond New Zealand).

The island remains uninhabited four decades after first occupation. It was administered by Britain as part of South Georgia until 1985 when Argentina took sovereignty over it, despite no treaties or agreements regarding ownership between the two nations. During British rule an airstrip had.



The island has no permanent bed and is mostly composed of granite. The highest point at Fra Mauro Hill (1,896 meters from the sea level) on its southwestern end makes up about 40% of the surface area for it; higher mountains include Tramontan Peak (2,314 m above mean sea level),

Mount Cumberland (1,979 m), Gooch Islets () which are located just north to Armstrong Seamounts (), and the Gooch Seamounts ().

The seabed slopes steeply towards the south with depths in range of 3,000 to 4,500 meters. There are thirteen submarine peaks known as “Armstrong” that rise above sea level along much or all of its periphery; these appear like islands from a distance but remain submerged at high tide throughout their existence.

Sheep Island (1°40′S 65°48′W).


Sheep Island first received a name from James Cook in his accounts of 1775 and afterwards it was known as Keverne.

In 1828, Captain Henry Foster landed on the island with gun dogs bought to hunt seals – they were safe though while their keepers remained below decks or ashore.

This part of South Georgia used to be an archipelago given that during the Ice Ages there may have been eleven islands situated here; these are now ruins that have been eroded over the centuries.

In 1914, Ernest Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition was forced to leave land vehicles behind at Stromness when their ship Endurance became aground off Smith Island and instead used two motorized sledges during their 1000 km trek from Elephant Island all the way back to Union Glacier where they could repair her by removing ice from her hull with a steam dredge.

The first Antarctic animals were killed on this island during 1920, by keeping a small number of dogs here and feeding them seal meat. The island was practically depopulated but now consists of feral sheep.

The fur seals were killed by 1941 after the Adie Expedition led to their demise; also known as Shackleton Island, Stronsay Island is located northeast from Stromness which it shares its coastal characteristics with (as well as sharing how some areas have yielded traces.



Stromness was blessed by bounty when it began life on a dull day of January 3rd 1819, with the arrival and burial there of Alexander Adie who had just achieved his final achievement at Terra Nova days before – making him Australia’s most famous photographer up until that date.

He exploited this as an opportunity for posthumous fame in addition altogether to be remembered through first records of the first South Georgia resident, James Weddell who became a hero when returning from his polar journey of 1822.

In 1819 King George I sent artist Alexander Adie to Terra Nova Island as commissar and viceroy; he started his mark to nature by forming sketching record in this desolate place up until February 15th which is why it should persistently be named after him – Stromness Island.



Stromness Island has a unique feature of being the only place in Antarctica on which fur seals have ever lived.

With over 1000 sealers having used this island for their purposes throughout history, it is likely that the seal population has been reduced to just one or two individuals but litter tracking records from animal numbers show far less than 200 personnel had visited since 1972 (when there was not much more than 20-30 animals left), aside from using it as a haul-out area.

The numbers hadn’t much changed after 30 years, however it has been suggested that some of them had moved southeast to South Georgia; the island’s animal life traditionally consisted of a few abundant species including 170 penguins, 200 polar skuas and 40 Adelie penguins.

Despite an ongoing 17 year long monitoring program the previous populations do indicate return in numbers – both vary depending on climate events but for example 15.

Religion And culture

Stromness Island has 11 active Christian denominations and is divided into two self-provider congregations. The first congregation was a Scottish Presbyterian Church which had been founded on June 16, 1897 but died out in 1938 because religious records were lost during the war years of World War II.

In January 2013 “The First North Atlantic Super Seventh” (or FNSYS) church body arrived for Greig Peninsula front half; by July 13th.


Beaufort Island is an uninhabited island in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. The island is about 36 km long by 8 km wide, has a population of around 50 people, and a postal code of C1A 4K7.

The island is a popular tourist destination, attracting kayakers, swimmers, birdwatchers, and photographers. Beaufort Island was named by George Vancouver after Sir Edward Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, who served as the Secretary of State for the Northern Department and as Governor-General of British North America.


1.What Is The Population Of Beaufort Island?

Ans: Beaufort Island is a Canadian island located in the Magdalen Islands group in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 150 kilometres northeast of Nova Scotia. It has a land area of 1,845 square kilometres and a population of about 1,000 people as of the 2011 Census.

The island’s main economic activities are fishing and tourism. The island is also home to two communities, Port Beaufort with a population of about 150 people and Beaufort West with about 50 people.

2.When Was Beaufort Island Named By George Vancouver?

Ans:  Beaufort Island is a small island located in the Saint Lawrence River, in Quebec, Canada. The island is 1.5 km long by 0.5 km wide, has a population of around 500 people, and is the most northerly inhabited island in North America.

The name Beaufort comes from Francis Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, who named it in 1749 after Charles Douglas, 4th Duke of Beaufort. The island was used by the French for fur trading and then for lumbering.

3.What Are The Religious Affiliations Of People Living On Beaufort Island?

Ans: According to the 2011 Census, 61.0% of residents are Roman Catholic, 18.3% adhere to some form of Protestantism (17.4% do not state any religion), and 15.9% declared no religious affiliation or adhered to another faith group (11%).

There is also a small but practising Jewish community on the island: 10 people lived in a synagogue built near by Mont Prevost parish church at its construction in 1980

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