Beesley Island




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Beesley Island is a small but charming island located in the heart of the city of Cape Town. A popular tourist destination, it offers visitors an opportunity to relax and take in the sights and sounds of this beautiful city. With excellent walking trails, a variety of restaurants, and a vibrant nightlife, it’s no wonder why this island is so popular.

Beesley Island



Beesley Island was first discovered in 1559 by Portuguese navigators. The island became known as Beelsay after the Scottish captain John Beelsay, who claimed it for Scotland in 1692. The island’s natural resources were quickly depleted, however, and it remained a sparsely populated district until the mid-19th century.

In 1820, a group of London businessmen purchased Beesley Island from the Cape Town government and sold it to the British government in 1841. The island was part of Khayelitsha, a district which had been established for residents who did not have any other residential options, and remained such until 1913 when the population started increasing dramatically due to urbanization.

At this time community structures were built on Beesley Island as well, becoming homes for its families.The village of Beelsby’s House, named after John Beelsby himself , was a center for culture and activity in the area. The Western Cape government took ownership of the island during this time, and in 1957 they began work on building a hospital there to help alleviate severe poverty in much of Khayelitsha.



Beesley Island enjoys a temperate climate with warm temperatures year-round. The island experiences moderate rainfall, which helps to provide the fertile soil necessary for agriculture. The island is covered in jungle with a diversity of trees and shrubs, including oranges, figs , blackwoods , cashews , banana vines.

The adults of the population are mostly involved in an economy based on fishing and farming while approximately 50% work as servants or workers responsible for servicing hotels and other local businesses, 20% have no paid employment whilst others have their own small business; prostitution also continues although this has been outlawed since 1892.



Beeley Island is a peaceful place that offers a lot of recreational activities.

The island has great beaches and sandy terrain, it also has wide grassy areas for camping and hiking. The island also has an amazing wildlife, such as wild boar, deer, foxes and rabbits.

There are also other animals like raccoons and snakes living on the island which make the place even more beautiful!



There are a lot of people who love politics. But most of them have no idea about the politics of beesley island.

The island is located in the middle of the river and was used by the British for their military purposes during World War II. The place is named after Richard Beesley, an officer from Royal Navy who surveyed the island in 1776.

The word ‘island’ has been given to this area due to its geographical feature, which resembles an island. This makes it look like a haven away from war zone where one can live peacefully with nature and enjoy life at its best.

This is why this place has also been called as a heavenly paradise by many people who visit here on weekends or holidays. If you are looking for relaxation and peace then Beesley Island would be a perfect destination for you.

Government Services

Government services

The island is administered by the Western Cape Province. Beelesby/Kwaggie exists today solely for people from the Kwaggies in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Established on 23 March 1959 by Johannes Bekkerath Christianus (born 1945), a man named Figuuriren who has since passed away, he wanted to give his sons an opportunity of going to school and perhaps obtaining employment after matriculating at Caledon high School



This is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in South Africa. The place has been untouched by human hands, and this makes it a paradise for nature enthusiasts. There are few hotels on the island catering to tourists, but there are several campgrounds that can be used for camping as well.

The best time to visit Beesley Island is from May to October, when the weather conditions are ideal.


Pullen Island Transport

Beesley Island can be reached by ferry from Port Elizabeth, and it takes around two hours to travel here. The island has its own airport, but flights are not very frequent.

It has a B & Q grocery store, and the best way to get around at this place is using Vodacom’s high quality 4G LTE Internet services. If you are driving here, then take some blankets along with your vehicle as during rainy seasons there won’t be any electricity on the island.



The island’s cuisine is similar to that of Southern Africa, with a lot of emphasis on seafood dishes. Local wines can also be quite good and should not be overlooked if you’re looking for something alcoholic to drink while on the island.

The local signature dish is a fresh water crayfish called ‘tsitsikamma’ cooked in an East Indian style. The snails native to the area can also be eaten at times, but you have to make sure that it hasn’t been contaminated with poison by someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.

Sometimes certain herbs and spices used for seasoning cracked wheat bread are more commonly found on Beesley Island than anywhere else on this planet



Beesley Island is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards and crocodiles. It’s also a great bird spot, with more than 300 types of birds inhabiting the area. Activities

There are several places on the island that can be used for taking outdoor photographs. Most images of birds and animals will provide you with a good image, since most animals choose to stay close to water all year round here. Of course there is Zambezi National Park too, where many wild animals like lions and cheetahs also reside in their natural habitats. Other activities include fishing from your own boats as well Water sports such as


Beechesley Island is a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada. It is located in the Bay of Fundy, and is part of the Fundy National Park. The island was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.

Bayley Island is a small piece of land located in the St. Lawrence River. The island got its name after explorer Samuel de Champlain came across it while travelling up the river in 1615. The island is a popular tourist destination and it is also home to the world’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site:

The Champlain Valley National Heritage Park. Over the years, Bayley Island has been witness to various events such as the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the construction of the Rideau Canal. Today, Bayley Island is a popular tourist destination for those who love nature and history.


1.Does Beesley Island Have Any Hotels?

Ans. No, the island does not have any hotels that cater to tourists. However, there are several campgrounds that can be used for camping.

2.Can I Swim In The Ocean On Beesley Island?

Ans. There is no swimming allowed on the island.

3.Why Is The Currency Different?

Ans. The money in South Africa and Canada are both very similar, but there’s a difference of twenty cents on that side.

4.Are There Scuba Diving And Swimming Facilities?

Ans. There is one small dinghy sailing company on the island which offers tours. There are no jet skis available to hire during your stay at Beesley Island.

5.How Do I Get Here?

Ans. You can either take a ferry from Bay St. George, Nova Scotia or you drive there and bring your own boat. The vehicle-ferry is the same run that’s used to transport supplies of lobster meat used in restaurants on the island during summer time.

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