All About Of Belle Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Belle Island


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Belle Island’s history reminds us of the first inhabitants of the area. It is a decaying and abandoned fort, built by the Portuguese in the reign of D. Joao II. Within the fort there are remnants of stone walls, stone floors and decayed masses. It is considered a good place for meditating and roaming at will.

Next to it is the main altar for people to kneel in prayer. Near the main altar there is a cactus called Napoleașchi or the Devil’s Pear, said to have pain-relieving properties. This place is again a place where you could sit with your friends or alone to talk or meditate.

All Discussion Of Belle Island

Belle Island


This archaeological site has been a place of major discovery for the Romanians. Along with some other sites , Beloe Lake, Ulmița Băi and Baia de Criş have given an important fillip to Romanian written history (three volumes by Dumitru Tomescu from 1970–1975.

More recently archeologists have found two tantalizing clues in recent studies that led them to believe this might be the Very interesting views and a good place for informal meetings, Beloe Lake is one of the most famous beauty spots in Romania, offering breathtaking scenery; it has long been called by writers as “the Carpathian’s reward”. It has many legends connecting to its supposed noble creation. You can also enjoy hotels with rooms or apartments to rent on the waterfront promenade near Soulard Club and Moleshkovych restaurant bar in Cl.



The climate is typical for the Carpathian Mountains with clear winter and spring, warm summers and cold winters. The average temperature in July ranges from 15°C to 20°C. The annual precipitation fluctuates greatly according to altitude ranging from 150 mm at 1,350 meters of altitude up to 200 cm on peaks over 2,340 m above sea level.

Muteșelu Marin County has most rainfall due between the months — October and March with an annual precipitation of 644 mm. The only rivers in Muteșelu Marin County are: Transport: The A0 road goes from Cluj Napoca through Deta and Dumbrava, then to Sârbi in Gagauzia region.



Carpathian culture is strongly rooted in Moldavia. It is an integral part of the traditional history and folklore of this region that provides for a fascinating cultural mosaic. Significant contributions were made by: Since 1918 to date, this land has witnessed two great political movements – most active from 1927-1940 at Mt Cuib de Sus with its collection point (a guest house followed by many others).

These visitors used the valley as their own Historical buildings are preserved in the village “Nicolae Titulescu” today and you can enjoy that some other are restored such as Court towers, the Archangel Michael Church (1773), small banks, mills and power houses.

Most of them were rebuilt after World War I up to 1945 with traditional materials combined with modern components. The striking vistas from Mt Cuib de Sus dominate all these places influenced by nature which shapes their architecture. Agriculture and small-scale industry are the backbone of Carpathian culture, notably carpentry, weaving, blacksmithing and brewing

Hiking trails: Hiking trails accessible from Muteșelu Marin County include Mt Cuib de Sus (2160 m), Cotroceni Peak (2010 m), Valea lui Iuliu Manole (1650 m) and Râpa Roșiei waterfall.



The only interest tourism-related is the waterfall of Râpa Roșiei which can be reached via a tracked road. His main services are: Post Office (6,00 lv); convenience store; butchery and bakery shop. Muteșelu Marin County has two “Notaries”  – one from 1893 until 1910 in ”reformativtim” Mihai Bravulescu” – and the other in “cp.” Marghilea” – Nicolae Bobu”.

It is more than 20 years since there are no craftsmen working at these places, they have been taken over by German-Greek companies interested only on land acquisition from local owners for development projects aimed to give high profit.



Car and Tram – Through the county is accessible through roads, railway (Mureș) and powered plane; however it seems that there are no plans implemented to connect Muteșelu Marin County with Bucharest.

Services- Hospital / Pharmacy in “reformativtim”  – Nicolae Titulescu”, telephone combo – 0726211531/32), butchery/bakery shop  – “Ștefan Sabău”, post office  – Maria Nicolae”. Demographics from “”Ștefan Sabău””.



Local food: ”is made in traditional manner, roast suckling pig and wild boars are available on the menu. In Winter months, it is worth visiting this mountain to deal with those game animals at meat supply units; rabbit (semi-wild), hare and pheasant subspecies”  – ” – both sewered hunting is a well known tradition of specialties nowadays”. Other culinary finds from Muteșelu Marin County:

“The traditional cheese production in the county is of high quality, where a large variety of processed cheeses are produced. Pecorino Romano, Feta, Ricotta”, “a wide range of game meat can be found on menus at local restaurants”



There are no wild animals in Muteșelu County other than pheasants, hare and boar (of which there is a proper hunting season). However it has the largest reindeer population on Romanian lands; this breed of deer was once widespread across these regions but they were imported. The area where such game keeps…is preserved as natural parkland by local gendarmes and forestry staff”


Although industrialization has affected the natural beauty of this region, which produces some coffee and other crops facing problems with pests due to today’s civilization development is worth a visit. Conclusion on tourism in Muteșelu County;  “On the whole theme there are tourist units that could be called as centers appreciated by backpackers who wish being away from daily consumerism’ “.

Muteșelu County times the smallest of all in terms of both surface  and population, 675 inhabitants. The county located on the Western side (north) and north-western part(s) is situated between 4 – 5 1200 m above sea level. Average air temperature during summer months is 17–18 °C; at night temperatures can drop to -12  ° C ). Annual average precipitation totals around 2100


1.Where Are People Scarce In Muteşelu?

Ans: Living at paradise is one of dreams that every resident dreams about but reality doesn’t have this kind of luxury. Tourism has grown mostly around lakes and natural beauties, so there isn’t much need for an industrialization nowadays iot”s quite lively as it always was.”

2.How Much Does It Cost To Go To Belle Isle?

Ans: If you go on the public bus from Sibiu, it’s around 13 Euros.. Backpackers are the biggest group of tourists here but there is not much development for hotels. An only resort has been built a few years ago in Doma de ceata and it was great at that time. But nowadays this small town (250 people) doesn’t demand more inhabitants: every.

3.Is Belle Isle Still Open?

Ans: Belle Isle is open only in summer. There are several lakes nearby to go swimming and boating, but 3 times bigger (and nicer than this) ones were built on the South part of Sibiu county near Mareş quarter called it Costeşti (cool name).

Precise location: Longitude 49°48’22″E Latitude 22°19’21″N Telephone number : +40 766 8025

4.What Is Belle Isle Known For?

Ans: Belle Isle is known as the most beautiful “Bucovina” village (by Bucovina being this part of Romania, but there are quite some places around here that could be also named “bucovin”). It’s located on a circular island from where you can admire an unbelievable view on Sibiu city and hills. On one side it’s calm, brought by ducks swimming all over the tiny beach beaches; other sides hosts

5.Is There A Cheaper Alternative To Belle Island That Works Just As Well Or Better Than It Does?

Ans: Oh no, it’s going to be very difficult. There is a beach on lake near Sibiu called Costeşti but what you can see at Belle Isle doesn’t come close even with one foot…

What are the most exclusive things that we should try or do in this place? His name is Steven (twitter: @stevensebastian) He arrived without any idea of public transportation and asked drivers at various stations if.

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