Benjamin Island



Benjamin Island


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Benjamin island is a 570-acre (220 ha) island located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, north of Haiti. The island’s capital is Higüey. The island is known for its offshore oil reserves, which were discovered in 2002. The island has been the site of protests and riots. In 2010, a major oil spill occurred when a well blowout caused an estimated 8 million gallons (30 million L) of oil to leak into the Gulf of Mexico.

Benjamin Island


The island was first settled by the Taínos about A.D. 1000 and was known as Xaraguá. The Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés landed there on November 25, 1502, naming it Isla de la Juventud (Island of Youth).

In 1763, the island became part of French Saint-Domingue. It passed back to Spain in 1802 and then to Haiti in 1825. In 1916, it became the Incorruptibly Republic of Minerva and was organized as an island republic (Columbia).

In 1949, Las Salinas de Higüey’s electric plant on Antillón Island exploded in a fire started by sparks from its workers’ welding equipment that destroyed 500 homes and damaged surrounding forestland belonging to nearby Corrales community. The incident is remembered locally as one of the island’s worst disasters .

In 1972, the Dominican Republic invaded and took control of Higüey.


Benjamin Island Climate

The island has a hot, humid climate. The coming of the rainy season is signaled by an increase in the number of mosquitoes.

The island has two seasons: a dry season from January to May and a wet season from June to December .

The main sources of income are agriculture, fishing, tourism and petroleum production. The island is split by the Tángara River, which empties into southern Higüey. It has a rolling terrain with steep hillsides on three main heights and more than 15 other smaller ones scattered around including Pico Alto (6 m [20 ft] ), Monreo Grande (4’5”) , San Pedro Hill or Lo Callerito.

Higüey’s major settlements are Santiago de los Caball eros, Las Salinas de Higüey and Santiago Industria.


The island has a rich cultural heritage. The traditional Haiti-based Creole culture predominates with African influences, especially in music and dance. Higüey’s is the most popular Haitian style of punta capers .

The island was also an important center of early Santo Dominguan religious thought , and its religious communities formed a powerful social network that helped to propagate the Dominican Reformation.


The island is divided into five municipalities: Santiago de los Caballeros, Higüey Viejo, Las Salinas de Higüey, La Romana and San Pedro Sula.

The economy of Higüey depends mainly on agricultural production (mainly tobacco), fishing, tourism and the extraction of natural resources such as oil .

The main exports are tobacco , coffee , bananas and seafood . The principal imports are machinery and vehicles . It produces 5% of that consumed.

Higüey also has a significant fishing industry, whose exports are traded aboard at Puerto Cortés .

Government Services

The island has a population of about 106,000. The government is headed by an executive president and a unicameral legislature .

The main political parties are the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) and the National Restoration Party (PNR). Higüey has also experienced tension in the past due to divisions among political leaders, which have attempted to influence electoral results through vote-buying.

The island’s economy is largely agricultural with a number of cattle ranches and agriculture plantations located along the northern coast. Several ranches on Higüey maintain extensive shrimp farming operations along its eastern coast just across from Puerto Cortés.


The island enjoys a high degree of popularity as an all-inclusive tourist destination with year-round sun and sand, crystal clear waters and lush vegetation. Higüey is also well known for its cigars and its old-fashioned horseback riding.

Pursuant to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommendations, local jobs may not be directly affected by a modification in either foreign reserve assets or debt service obligations within the framework of arrangements regarding changeover from a floating exchange rate system. The effectiveness of any measures that are adopted depends primarily on macroeconomic policies implemented both nationally and internationally as well as on prospective international financial market developments .


The main airport is Higüey-Luperón, which has regular scheduled service to national and international destinations. There is also a small airstrip on the north coast that can be used for emergency landings.

There are numerous port facilities on both coasts of the island, as well as inland harbors at San Lorenzo and Guayabito . The principal transport mode is road; there are limited rail services .

The two bridges connecting the island to the mainland are both rail bridges.

Family planning, health and welfare services like maternity, child care as wellas sports facilities , and surf schools (through competitive sportscastings at high school level) are subsidized upon demand by a national maternal initiative.


Most dishes in Higüey are based on the staples of corn, beans and pork.

One dish particularly associated with Higüey is mofongo, a type of soup made from either fresh or dried fish and starch (usually cooked with plantains) that is usually served over white rice. It may also contain chicharones (fried pork rinds) as a traditional accompaniment. Mofongo is often prepared in large quantities and served tapas style, but can be used to prepare Sunday lunches for people who might otherwise not have access to such foods.


The island is home to a wide variety of mammals, including iguanas, howler monkeys, toucans and white-nosed lemurs. There are also horses , cattle and pigs roaming freely on the island. Community

In the prior centuries, Higüey was considered separate from other haciendas of Puerto Rico but today its inhabitants consider themselves part and parcel with one another. Higüeyan people are considered a very calm and friendly Puerto Rican culture, showing pride in their heritage.


Benjamin Island is located in the Caribbean Sea and is one of the four islands that make up the country of Saint Kitts and Nevis. The island is about 15 km long and 7 km wide, and has an area of about 128 km2. The island is a National Park, and it is home to a variety of wildlife, including sloths, monkeys, iguanas, eagles, and vultures.


  1. What Is The Capital Of Benjamin Island?

The capital of Benjamin Island is Higüey.

  1. What Is The Population Size Of Benjamin Island?

There are about 8,000 residents on the island who live in 31 villages. The estimated population as of 2010 was 10,200 people. The population of the island is increasing yearly.

  1. What Are The Major Sources Of Income On Benjamin Island?

The main source of income for people who live on Benjamin Island is local government jobs and tourism related activities such as scuba diving, beautiful beaches, snorkeling sites for tourists to locate fossil records etc; People cultivate coconut trees in their respective homes which also provide them a good alternative to use salt at times besides some minor livestock rearing.

  1. What Is The Weather Like On Benjamin Island?

The climate on Benjamin island varies depending on how far south you are, the further to south it gets towards Cuba, it becomes dryer and summer temperatures can get up into 90s or higher.

  1. What Are The Major Religions On Benjamin Island?

The major religion of Benjamin Island is Christianity, there are also many Catholics and some Jews living in this island as they had to escape across the Caribbean sea rather than being wiped out during World War Two like other large populations who have been annihilated by Nazi forces during that time period.

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