Big (1988) Movie FAQs




Big (1988) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation


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Big, is an American drama film written by Eric Roth and directed by Penny Marshall. It was released in 1988 and stars Tom Skerritt, James Spader, Dan Aykroyd, Rosanna Arquette, J. T. Walsh, and Mary Steenburgen. Skerritt portrays P. T. Barnum, a huckster who tries to buy the rights to Joice Heth from John Stillwell Hogg (James Spader) for $1,200,000. In 1835 New York City, P. T. Barnum has just bought Joice Heth (Mary Steenburgen) as “America’s most famous slave“.


Big (1988) Movie FAQs

Who is my favorite actor/actress from this year’s list of top movies?

I don’t know, but I was probably one of the few people who saw it in theaters. I remember when my mom took me to see this movie and how she got us tickets for opening night (this was back in 1988) because we had a babysitter and couldn’t afford to go that day.

The Breakfast Club is about five high school students attending detention on Saturday morning at East High School. They are each having different experiences that help them grow as individuals, learn from their mistakes, make new friends, and ultimately face their fears by working together as a team against an outside force: Principal Vernon Wormer.

As a high school student myself, I find this movie very relatable to the issues we deal with daily like bullying and peer pressure at school.

The Breakfast Club became one of the highest-grossing independent films ever made making $38 million dollars domestically when it was released on August 3rd, 1988 which is still considered to be one of the top 10 all-time box office movies today!

What are the best movies in 1988?

I can only answer this question based on my own opinion.

For the top movies in 1988, I would say that Back to the Future, Coming to America, and Stand By Me are the best movies of that year. These were movies that featured action and adventure as well as comedy which all kids enjoyed at that time.

In addition, I would also suggest Dances with Wolves which was nominated for 8 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Director for Kevin Costner. Another movie I’d recommend is The Last Emperor which won 5 Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Michael Douglas), Supporting Actress (Tilda Swinton), and Director (Sidney Lumet).

Why is there so much green in the movie Big?

In the movie Big, there is a lot of green used. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The cinematographer wanted to make the movie more realistic by using colors that would look more natural on screen. He also did not want to use too much blue as it can look fake when viewed from far away.
  2. When you are filming a scene, if there is too much green in it, you will have trouble seeing the actors because they will be surrounded by green, and hard to focus on them. So the color was chosen with care so that it does not distract from what’s happening in the scene but at the same time it looks natural when seen close up or far away as well.
  3. Another reason why we see so many greens in this film is that this movie has been shot entirely outdoors which meant that all lighting had to be done with sunlight and daylight lamps such as tungsten lights or sodium vapor lamps or even candles lit in front of windows or buildings since there were no artificial lights around at all times during shooting. As such, we see lots of greens especially near sunset and sunrise scenes because these were times when sunlight was most intense and would give us beautiful warm colors like oranges and reds giving us a good mood while watching the film!

So I hope this answers your question!

Is there an alternate ending to the movie Big?

The movie Big, is a very heartwarming story about the bond between two childhood friends and their relationship with one another. The ending of the movie was originally supposed to be different. But due to the fact that it was too sad, they had to change it so audiences wouldn’t feel too bad after watching it.

In the original ending, Hank never goes back to Chicago because he decides not to get married to his girlfriend Diane. Instead, he decides to spend more time with his family and friend Walter. He also decided not to work for McDonald’s anymore but instead start a coffee shop in Chicago called ‘Hank’s Coffee’. This would have been considered as an alternate ending because in this case Hank would still have been happy without marrying Diane and wouldn’t be working at McDs any longer.

How old was Tom Hanks during Big?

Tom Hanks was 29 years old when he played the role of Big in Big.

The story starts with a boy who is dreaming about becoming an astronaut, and his journey begins as he goes to space camp and meets many other kids who share his dream. The film also explores how dreams can become reality.

Thanks for reading! I hope this answer helped you! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask me anytime!

Did they really play the piano in Big?

They played the piano in Big but only briefly. They did it for a few seconds during the end credits, just to show how much they had accomplished.

Piano is an instrument that you can play with your hands. A pianist plays music on a piano by pressing keys with their fingers or striking strings with hammers (usually called ‘fingers’).

Who was the first choice for Big?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. However, there are many theories on who was the first choice for Big. One of them is that it was Kurt Cobain, because he wore a black t-shirt with a logo which said “Nevermind” when he appeared in an interview with MTV in 1992. Another theory says that it was Adam Yauch from the Beastie Boys because he had been wearing a jacket with a similar logo since 1989 and his band name comes from the acronym for their album “License to Ill”.


In 1988, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis composed the film named Big. With so many iconic and memorable scenes, characters, and quotes from this movie, all of them are sure to give you a good laugh. For some of these scenes, we have rigged these inputs to bring out the best of what this one movie has to offer. Try it now and find out if you can get a better tune out of Big.

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