Bijoutier Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Bijoutier Island


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Bijoutier Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Eastern Caribbean. It is part of the Leeward Islands, a chain of islands that stretches from the Virgin Islands to Haiti. The island is known for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and abundant wildlife. In fact, it is home to the world’s second-largest mangrove ecosystem. Bijoutier Island also offers some of the best snorkeling in the area, as well as some of the best diving.

Bijoutier Island


Bijoutier Island is a small island located in the Indian Ocean off the East coast of Africa. The island was originally discovered by the Portuguese in the early part of the 16th century and was named after Pierre Bijoutier, an explorer who sailed along the coast of Africa in search of a route to India. The island subsequently passed through various hands before being acquired by Mauritius in 1810. The island was administered as part of the Mauritius Coast Reserve until 1968 when it was declared a national park. Today, Bijoutier Island is a popular tourist destination and is home to a variety of wildlife including cheetahs, lions, leopards, and elephants.


Bijoutier Island geography

The landscape of Bijoutier Island is dominated by flats and lagoons, with a few small hills scattered here and there. The island measures just over 2 square kilometers in size, making it the second-smallest Leeward Islands island after San Salvador.

Bijoutier’s only population is made up of a few dozen goats, chickens, pigs, and rabbits that live on the western end of the island.



Bijoutier Island is an enchanting place that is home to a wide variety of fauna and flora. The ecosystem of the island is made up of several different habitats, including coral reef, mangrove swamp, and rainforest. The island is also home to a number of endemic species, some of which are critically endangered.

Some of the most notable fauna species on the island include the Bijoutier Barbet (Eudyptes bijoutieri), Bijoutier Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus bijoutieri), Bijoutier Mongoose (Ateles bijoutieri), and Bijoutier Warbler (Sylvia bijoutieri). In addition to its rich biodiversity, the island is also home to several endangered species, such as the Bijoutier Turtle (Cheloni mydas) and the Bijoutier Parrot (Psittacula bijou).


There are no permanent residents on Bijoutier Island, which is home to a few dozen goats, chickens, pigs and rabbits.



There is no formal economy on Bijoutier Island, which is used primarily for tourism purposes. The island is home to a few small businesses that cater to the tourist industry, but there are no factories or other major sources of employment.

Bijoutier Island was first settled by Polynesian settlers around 1000 AD. By the late 1800s, it had been claimed by the French colonial government and was known as Île de la Providence. The island was declared a national park in 1991 and is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Leeward Islands.


The climate of Bijoutier Island is tropical, with a warm and humid temperature season. The island experiences a pronounced dry season from November to April, which is when the majority of the tourist attractions are closed.

Culture and Religion

There is no permanent population on Bijoutier Island, which is home to a few dozen goats, chickens, pigs and rabbits. The island is primarily used for tourism purposes and there are no formal businesses or churches on the island. However, the majority of the residents are Catholic.


The primary languages spoken on Bijoutier Island are French and English.


There is no formal education system on Bijoutier Island, which is used primarily for tourism purposes. However, the majority of the residents are literate in French and English.


There is no formal political system on Bijoutier Island, which is used primarily for tourism purposes. However, the majority of the residents are French.

Government Services

The island is part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, which are a part of the French Republic. The main government service available to residents of Bijoutier Island is civil protection.


The primary tourist industry on Bijoutier Island is fishing. The island is also home to a few small businesses that provide tourist amenities, such as restaurants and hotels.

Hotels and Resorts List

There are no hotels or resorts on Bijoutier Island, which is used primarily for tourism purposes. However, the following list provides a few recommended tourist destinations nearby:

1) Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Islands

2) La Digue National Park

3) Mount Pelée Volcano National Park

4) Cruzan Coral Reef Reserve.


Bijoutier Island is a small and picturesque island located in the Saint Lawrence River. It’s known for its beautiful green landscape, crystal-clear lakes, and idyllic villages. It’s a great place to relax and unwind, with plenty of activities and attractions to keep you entertained. Some of the main attractions of Bijoutier Island include:

  1. The Bijoutier Castle – This impressive iron castle was built in the 18th century by the Pigeon family. It’s now a tourist attraction that offers beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
  2. The Beausoleil Falls – This natural waterfall is one of the most popular attractions on Bijoutier Island. It’s located in a secluded valley, and offers an awe-inspiring view of the surrounding lakes.
  3. The Bijoutier Golf Course – This 18-hole golf course is a great place to spend a day playing some golf while enjoying the scenic views.
  4. The Bijoutier Village – This charming village is home to many shops, restaurants, and boutiques that sell local products and artisanal goods. It’s also home to several museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum of Folklore and Customs.

If you’re looking for a relaxing vacation with plenty of activities to keep you busy, Bijoutier Island is definitely worth considering!


There are many activities to enjoy while on Bijoutier Island. Some of the main ones include:

  1. Kayaking – Renting a kayak and exploring the beautiful lakes and waterways is an excellent way to spend a day in nature.
  2. Hiking / Walking – The countryside surrounding Bijoutier Island is full of quiet paths perfect for walking or hiking, especially if you’re looking for some peaceful solitude.
  3. Fishing – Dozens of different types of fish can be caught in the many lakes and streams on Bijoutier Island, making it a great place to enjoy some fishing fun.
  4. Cycling / Riding Bike – One of the best ways to see Bijoutier Island is by bike, which allows you to explore all the hidden corners and scenic areas that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.


There are several ways to get to Bijoutier Island, and all of them offer excellent transport options. Some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Ferry
  2. Plane / Airplane
  3. Car / Motorcycle


There are a few restaurants on Bijoutier Island that serve excellent local cuisine. Some of the most well-known ones include:

  1. Les Racines
  2. Chez Laurence
  3. Le Petit Bijoutier
  4. Cottage Restaurant


In conclusion, Bijoutier Island is definitely a place worth visiting if you’re looking for a relaxing getaway. The island is home to beautiful beaches and plenty of activities to keep you busy, whether you’re enjoying the fresh air, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, or exploring the many hidden gems that the island has to offer.


What Is The Fastest Way To Get To Bijoutier Island?

There are a number of different ways to get to Bijoutier Island, and all of them offer excellent transport options. Some of the most popular ones include ferry, plane/airplane, and car/motorcycle. whichever route you choose, be sure to take advantage of all the wonderful sights and attractions that this unforgettable island has to offer!

What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Bijoutier Island?

There are a number of great times to visit Bijoutier Island, but midsummer is definitely the peak season. This is when the island comes alive with all its beauty and energy, making for an amazing experience.

What Are Some Of The Best Things To Do On Bijoutier Island?

There are a lot of great things to do on Bijoutier Island, but some of our favorites include swimming in the crystal-clear waters, exploring the many hidden gems that the island has to offer, and enjoying delicious local cuisine at one of its restaurants.

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