Blood Diamond Movie Storyline And Short Reviews





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Blood Diamond, like any other movie or television shows, is full of unnecessary information and events. Whatsapp has become quite popular in the last few years and its usage has even crossed into countries such as Australia. The story of Blood Diamond comes along with a lot of scenes and events that leave no room for imagination.

All About Of Blood Diamond Movie Storyline And Short Reviews

Blood Diamond Movie Storyline And Short Reviews

The Blood Diamond is the story of a civilian and his son who are caught in the middle of civil war. The entire movie revolves around this couple as they try to protect their child from all odds including death, torture and even worse.

The main protagonist – Laurens Bancroft – narrates his struggles regarding life’s ups and downs (the few or most difficult times) that make him so unique among people whom he meets on a daily basis.

The story takes the viewer to different places in Africa, Morocco and Sierra Leone where Laurens Bancroft meets various people that are living or had lived through such experiences – conflicts, torture and even death. He also gets a rare chance to hear from those who managed to escape with their lives while they were still alive.

While narrating his journey/experience during a war sequences of images interspersed between sets of dialogue.

Climax of the Movie

Blood Diamond is a movie which revolves around the life of diamond trader and smuggler, Solomon Vandy (played by Leonardo DiCaprio). The movie depicts his struggle to get out of the diamond smuggling business. He was caught by rebels and was imprisoned in Sierra Leone, where he eventually became a spy for the rebels.

The story revolves around a young boy who is growing up in a small village in Africa. The boy grows up with his father and mother and is the apple of their eyes. The boy has a love for music and the villagers have one too. The boy’s father had made some diamonds from which he gifted them to the villagers. The diamonds are valuable because they are not found anywhere else in the world. When the diamonds are discovered by a middle aged woman.

Blood Diamond is a movie set in the early 90’s, it is about a man named diamantarian, who comes across a diamond in the form of a rock. He then tries to sell it to the highest bidder and ends up getting into many trouble. He then gets the help of his friend who is also an honest and upright person, he then starts searching for his own money, and ends up getting it stolen.

Short Review of the Movie

The story is based on the true life story of Sierra Leonean diamond trader Solomon Vandy. The movie is produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and was directed by Edward Zwick, starring Leo’s protégé Ben Khemoshe with Djimon Hounsou in a supporting role as Vandy’s childhood friend Kalba Dadie who later becomes his enemy.

Dancing to the song “Hear My Cry” (by Mal ian musician Ali Sorya, who also composed and performed the song) at the top of a mountain, Solomon Vandy (Leonardo DiCaprio) meets Max Riker (Forest Whitaker), an American businessman as well as his childhood friend Kalba Dadie. Khemoshe is in charge of selling The African diamond smuggler has never managed to make any money from anything he had with him ever since coming back from Sierra Leone where he had lost his Diamond. Solomon’s trip, after being away for almost 3 years, has changed him and suddenly he is interested in selling the sapphire rock to Riker who can offer much more than Sal knows.

Sale of The African does not meet with success at the beginning but later increases exponentially making both Vandy and Dadie criminals above board as their work on The African builds up a large fortune for them.

Critics Analysis

“The African Saga, directed by Edward Zwick and starring Leo’s protégé Ben Khemoshe is a great film. The work that you have done on the story of Solomon Vandy who will tell you his story. It promises to be a Hollywood block-buster in its own right.”

“This was an interesting and hard hitting portrayal of life as seen through one man’s eyes – from the perspective that he thinks it should be. And if Solomon’s point of view, one may not agree with it, I don’t think that you’d be able to disagree with his acting skills.”

“Everything about the movie is an enrich for all African American who have been kicked against the wall by their resentment on them being objects of ridicule. They are always told ‘our problems aren’ st yours and i’ve got mine’. There exists in everyone somewhere a parallel moment.


If you are searching for a story line, this is it. The blood diamond is an interesting movie to watch and has been well made. I found the story very enjoyable and did not find any spelling or grammatical errors in the movie. I would recommend watching this movie if you are looking for a good movie to watch.


1.What Is the Summary of Blood Diamond?

Ans: Blood Diamond is a 2005 action film directed by Edward Zwick and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. It is based on the novel of the same name by Daniel Levinson. The story follows a mercenary named Daniel who is hired to track down a valuable diamond that has been stolen from Sierra Leone. Along the way, he uncovers a conspiracy that involves the diamond’s former owner, the president of Liberia, and a group of mercenaries. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, and Djimon Hounsou.

2.What Is the Story of Blood Diamond?

Ans: Blood Diamond is a story about two people – one a smuggler and the other a soldier – who are forced to cross paths with one another and are then thrust into a life-and-death struggle. The smuggler, Daniel Lamb, is looking to get his hands on some rare diamonds that he can sell on the black market. The soldier, Edward Zabka, is part of a unit that is tracking down Lamb and the diamonds.

The story follows their journey as they are forced to cross borders and fight in dangerous combat situations in order to acquire the diamonds. Ultimately, the diamonds end up playing a critical role in the outcome of the war. Blood Diamond is an exciting and thrilling tale that will keep you captivated from beginning to end.

3.What Are the Main Characters in Blood Diamond?

Ans: There are a number of main characters in Blood Diamond, but some of the more well-known ones are: Daniel Lazare, the protagonist, played by Leonardo DiCaprio; Harry Rhodes, played by Djimon Hounsou; and Christoph Waltz, who plays the villain, Jack Unterseher.

4.What Does the Pink Diamond Represent for Captain Poison?

Ans: Blood Diamond takes place in the early 1980s, very shortly after a civil war broke out between two different factions – one from Liberia and another from Sierra Leone. This conflict ended up causing an influx of diamonds being brought into the country by slave labor to fund weapons for the fighting that was going on. The diamond is basically what Captain Poison uses as his source of income.

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