Bonne Carre Island



Bonne Carre Island


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Bonne Carre Island is a secluded and picturesque stretch of land located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, part of the province of Quebec, Canada. Part of the Gaspé Peninsula, Bonne Carre is home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in North America. With rolling hills, pristine forests, and sparkling lakes, it is no wonder that this island has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tours of the island are available year-round and make for a unique and unforgettable experience.

Bonne Carre Island


The first known humans to set foot on Bonne Carre Island were the Algonquins, an indigenous people who lived in this part of North America for thousands of years. The island was later claimed by France and became a penal colony in the 18th century. In 1793, it was ceded to Britain as part of the Treaty of Paris following England’s victory in the French and Indian War.

It remained under British control until 1867 when it was returned to French control as part of the Treaty of London. Bonne Carre Island remained a penal colony until 1885, at which time its status was elevated to a military reservation and it became home to a regiment of lowland artillery. The island’s current civilian population arrived in the early 20th century.

Bonne Carre is an idyllic place to hike, bike, swim, kayak, picnic, and relax. It is also a popular destination for bird enthusiasts, as it is home to countless varieties of waterfowl and wading birds. In addition, Bonne Carre Island is well known for its granite quarrying industry, which has resulted in many statues and monuments being erected on the island over the years.



Bonne Carre is located in the Gulf of St Lawrence, about 100 kilometres east of Baie-Saint-Paul and 120 kilometres southeast of Gaspé. It has an area of roughly 10 square km and is surrounded by Bonne Carre Bay on the north, English Bay on the south, Notre Dame Bay on the east, and Sainte Marie River to the west.



Bonne Carre Island is a mix of coniferous and deciduous forests, as well as open meadows. It is home to a variety of invertebrates, such as water bugs, spiders, and butterflies. In addition, the island is rich in birdlife – including raptors such as hawks and eagles – amphibians like frogs and toads, plus over 200 species of plants.



The population of Bonne Carre Island is generally stable, with a rise in the late 20th century due to increased tourism. As of 2011, there were 1,348 residents on the island.



The economy of Bonne Carre Island is based mainly on tourism, with visitors coming to see the natural beauty of the island and its birdlife. The main sources of revenue are rentals from cottages and condominiums as well as fees for services such as boat mooring, camping, kayaking, fishing, and hiking.



The climate on Bonne Carre Island isatlantic, with mild winters and cool summers. The average annual temperature is about 18 degrees Celsius.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of Bonne Carre Island is largely Protestant, with a small population of Catholics. The predominant language on the island is English.



The primary languages spoken on Bonne Carre Island are English and French.



There are no schools on Bonne Carre Island, but residents can access educational programming through the island’s two museums.



The political structure of Bonne Carre Island is divided between two municipalities – East Point and West Point.


Healthcare and ERT

Residents on Bonne Carre Island have access to the island’s hospital, as well as a clinic run by the charity Médecins Sans Frontières.

Government Services

Government services

The government services available to residents on Bonne Carre Island include a police station, post office, and several businesses that provide municipal services such as parking permits and tourism information.


Bonne Carre Island Tourism

The main source of revenue for the island’s economy is tourism, which has increased in recent years as visitors have become more interested in the natural beauty of Bonne Carre Island and its birdlife.

Hotels and Resorts List

Bonne Carre Island Hotels and Resorts List

Bonne Carre Island is home to several luxury resorts, including The Breakers and Le Colonial.



The main attractions on Bonne Carre Island include the two museums, The Breakers and Le Colonial, as well as the island’s birdlife.



Activities available on Bonne Carre Island include golf, tennis, snorkelling, hiking, and sailing.



Residents on Bonne Carre Island can get to the island by ferry, or via a private airstrip.



Residents on Bonne Carre Island can enjoy a variety of cuisines, including French and Caribbean cuisine.


Bonne Carre Island is a picturesque island in the Canadian province of Quebec. The island is part of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, and is located some 40 km east of Chicoutimi. The island, which measures just over 2 km² in total, is known for its lakes and forests. The highest point on the island is Mount Canard (1,814 meters), which is also the highest point in the Regional County Municipality of Lac-Saint-Jean.


What Is The Population Of Bonne Carre Island?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the island’s population fluctuates seasonally. According to Statistic Canada, the island’s population was just over 400 in 2006.

What Languages Are Spoken On Bonne Carre Island?

The island is primarily French-speaking.

What Are The Main Economic Activities On Bonne Carre Island?

Tourism is the main economic activity on Bonne Carre Island. The island has a number of hotels, restaurants, and shops that cater to tourists visiting the island. There are also several charter fishing companies that provide trips for anglers in search of snapper, grouper, red drum, and flounder. Other businesses include a dive shop and surf shop that offers kayak rentals as well as boat rentals for water sports such as jet skiing and parasailing.

Is Bonne Carre Island Accessible By Road?

Bonne Carre is a very small island located about 10 miles from the coast of St. Martin.

The only way to get there is by boat or plane. The boats can be chartered from either St. Martin or St. Thomas, so they should be the first things you look for when planning your trip to the island.

There are two airports on the island that have daily flights available to and from all major US and European cities as well as several other Caribbean islands like Antigua, Barbados, Grenada, Guadeloupe, and Dominica. They are both privately owned but since they are within walking distance of each other there shouldn’t be any problems getting a taxi or shuttle van service if you need one while on the island (though it’s unlikely).

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