Bourke Isles



Bourke Isles


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Wondering where to find the best places to travel in Australia? The Bourke Isles are definitely one of the top choices! With its rich history and natural beauty, the Bourke Isles is a perfect destination for travellers looking for a unique experience. With its diverse landscapes, you’re sure to find something to love while exploring the islands. So, if you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, head to the Bourke Isles!

Bourke Isles


The Bourke Isles are named after the explorer, Sir Richard Bourke. It was during his time in 1838 that he discovered and charted the islands. Ever since then, they’ve been a favourite destination for travellers of all interests.


The predominant natural feature on the Islands is rainforest – a UNESCO World Heritage Site slap bang in the middle of an island chain! The forest is home to many unique species of flora and f auna, so exploring the area is guaranteed to bring you many exciting experiences. A good way of seeing all this natural beauty without getting wet is by going on a day trip from Melbourne . A couple of hours in the forests will allow you to share intimate moments with animal friends such as koalas and wombats!

A post shared by Martin Ruddy (@martin_rr19) on Mar 4, 2016 at 2:04am PST.


Bourke Isles Climate

While the Bourke Isles are located in a tropical zone, the climate is milder than most other parts of Australia. This means that there’s a good range of weather conditions throughout the year, making it perfect for all kinds of travellers. However, if you’re planning a trip during the winter months or early spring, it’s advised to bring some warm clothing. Fortunately though, temperatures usually remain moderate all year round.

A tour of Brisbane A post shared by Clint Riddoch (@clinvine18) on Jul 7, 2015 at 12:31am PDT is going on Saturday…I’m coming back to Byron Bay and be home! I recommend these guys The Bourke Isles.


The tour isn’t cheap but it’s worth every penny!

The Bourke Islands are a colourful place, full of life and adventure. With so much to see and do, there’s no need to worry about running out of things to do on your trip – the Islands have everything you could possibly want. So if you’re looking for an unforgettable travel experience, make sure to head over to the Bourke Isles! A post shared by Mathew John Capper (@mattjccapper) on Feb 22, 2014 at 2:20am PST

Wrecked Planes And Sheep & Kangaroos The deep inlet that runs along the coast makes it an ideal place for yachts. Boats are allowed to anchor off-shore as long as they don’t impede shipping – but there’s also plenty of fishing charters available! Fishing boats work.


The population of the Bourke Islands fluctuates wildly depending on the season. In summer, there are usually more tourists than locals, while in winter it’s the other way around. This means that there’s always someone to help you with whatever you need – from renting a bike to finding your way around!

The Bourke Isles is an amazing place and perfect for anyone looking for an adventure-filled holiday. With so much to see and do, it’s easy to imagine spending weeks here. If you’re ready to head over and take a tour of Brisbane, book your tickets at the TourNT website now! Get 25% off with code ‘RENT25’. Read more about what Tourism Queenslander has to say on The Bourke Isles photography by Melissa Rhodes-Doyle.

Government services

The Bourke Islands are a self-governing Territory. This means that they have their own government, laws and judiciary system. You’ll need to be aware of these when travelling here – for example, the currency is Australian dollars, not the local currency.

The Bourke Islands are definitely an amazing place to visit! With plenty of things to see and do, there’s never a dull moment on your trip. If you’re interested in planning when you visit, check out our articles on the best times to travel , and take a look at the amazing things we have in Brisbane!


The Bourke Islands are a popular tourist destination, with plenty of things to do and see. From fishing trips to hikes in the rainforest, there’s something for everyone on this idyllic island group.

If you’re looking for a great travel escape, the Bourke Islands should be at the top of your list! With beautiful scenery and plenty of activities to enjoy, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience. Visit Tourism Queenslander now for all the details on what to pack for your trip!

About Baecon Divers

Baecon Divers is a dive centre located in Brisbane, offering scuba diving and snorkelling trips around Australia. In addition to this we offer private charter services including corporate team building and special events such as weddings, birthdays or celebration of any other event you personaly wish it was something else I will try my best not just help.


Bourke Isles Transport

The Bourke Islands are located off the east coast of Queensland, and can be reached by plane or boat. The closest major cities are Cairns (200km), Townsville (400km) and Brisbane City – click link below to see a list of the airports we use.

Map & Directions From anywhere in Queensland, follow these directions: Turn north on Pacific Hwy heading towards Rockhampton From Rockhampton take exit onto Caboolture Rd head west into Peninsula Beaches Take a right turn at light go straight over beach then first left.


Bourke Isles Cuisine

There are many delicious restaurants in Brisbane, perfect for satisfying your appetite! From traditional Australian cuisine to 24 Hour Pizza joints, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a great place to eat while in Brisbane, be sure to check out these popular spots! You won’t regret it!


If you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the Bourke Isles are definitely the answer. This archipelago located in the Indian Ocean is known for its lush greenery, crystal-clear waters, and unrivaled beauty. Whether you’re planning to enjoy a lazy day by the beach or explore some of the island’s charming villages, there’s sure to be something for you to enjoy. So start packing your bags and prepare for an unforgettable journey!


Q: How Much Does It Cost to Arrive and Depart From the Bourke Islands?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the costs of travel will vary depending on your individual circumstances. However, some common transport costs between Brisbane and the Bourke Islands include flights, boat trips and rentals. A flight from Brisbane to the Bourke Islands will cost approximately $2000.

airport is anis another way that you can get to and from your destination. In general, flights are relatively inexpensive compared with other routes like Bangkok–New York or Singapore-Shanghai—on average around 60 EUR (about 75 USD). However, if you are traveling long distances it may be worth adding some extra days onto your trip in order to get the most value out of your airfare.

Q: is There Any Way to Save Money on Transport Between Brisbane and the Bourke Islands?

A: The answer is yes, but it will depend entirely on what you are looking for in terms of transport costs. In some cases short sea trips can be significantly cheaper than land travel—for instance Miami-Marseille flights (2300 USD) cost as much as traveling cross country by plane . With that said, it’s generally not worth saving money on domestic flights in Australia as the price of a one-way ticket is likely to be cheaper than two separate tickets for two different legs.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Get From Brisbane to the Bourke Islands by Land?

A: It takes 6–8 hours (depending on your route) and only takes about 3 hours if you are travelling between Darwin and Port Augusta . This is because of the option to travel cheaply through Adelaide on a wider section of highway.

Q: When Can I Get Around in Brisbane?

A: Monday — Sunday from 7am-10pm are standard hours for most businesses, with longer opening days on weekends. Public holidays such as Christmas Day and New Year’s Day also have extended operating times, usually until 6pm or 8 o’clock respectively (depending where you go).

Bourke Islands travellers should be aware that Saturday is the day when many attractions and services are closed, with the exception of a few small shops. Because the Bourke Islands are a very popular tourist destination, it’s best to book in advance or at least two or three days before you’re planning on leaving. In most towns and cities there is usually only one major facility that has opening hours seven days per week (including weekends), which is no different than an average destination like Sydney .

Q: How Do I Get Around in Darwin?

A: Getting around any big city can be tricky.

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