Cast Away Movie Storyline and Short Review




Cast Away Movie Storyline Review


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The movie Cast Away is everything masterful. It depicts the challenges of human beings, human perseverance, human weakness and therefore, human failures in the most powerful manner. The story of a man’s life by means of his struggle in his journey is the hallmark of any great movie. In this post, we intend to talk about the storyline of this movie and its major aspects.

All About Of Cast Away Movie Storyline and Short Review

Cast Away Movie Storyline Review

The Storyline of Cast Away

The movie is about Tom Hanks (Tom Hanks)’s struggle as a FedEx worker in the Pacific ocean after his plane crashed.

Critical and Popular Review of Cast Away The plot runs parallel to Blue’s song, who suffered from loneliness because he had seemingly no friends or family except for some cassette tapes he was carrying with him on an attempt to leave the island where oil rig sank him accidentally.

The interesting part that makes this movie great is the representation of man’s weakness and human perseverance in difficult circumstances as well. The whole story is packed with powerful emotions, great scenes and amazing moments that leave a strong impact on the audience.

It has its part of exciting suspenseful moments especially when Tom Hanks’ starts to despair about his salvation at sea after days spent floating back ‘home’. On the other hand, we get captivated by Blue’s actions towards his fate;

Major Aspects of the Story

The major aspects of the story are as follows:

  1. The aim & dream of each character – Tom Hanks is a FedEx worker and Blue is an unlikely castaway lost in lonely island, however both have great intentions which may lead them to salvation if they could work on it together. On the other hand, Charles Wallace (Charlie’s son), thinking he will fail his exams without him since Arthur Norstein was going there to bring him back home, runs away from home and Eric Cartman (Chester) gets angry at his mom which led him to school-yard fist fight.
  2. Loneliness – Everyone’s surroundings are lacking but the real loneliness is expressed by some of them when things went wrong in their lives due to different reasons and circumstances related with disaster that may separate people on a long distance or worse as mentioned above. Blue (Kevin Costner), Tom H anks (Tony Gardner), Norstein (Judd Hirsch), Grandma Wallace(Gena Rowlands) and Big Bird/Chowder boy are the only ones that have some sort of company in their lonely period.
  3. However, all characters values loneliness as a part of themselves through which strengthening chains them to one another throughout the movie and many real life instances using similar words for expressing exactly what those people went through.

How Successful Was This Movie?

The Production of The Wizard Of Oz produced by a big budget and facilities it owned with most famous actors in those times; the masterfully-emotional performance, huge success record making the film to be considered as #3 at that time of its release compared to Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) & Return To Me (2000). Furthermore, Warner Bros., which released Yellow Submarine just before this one also contributed in this film’s success.

Although a sad story like The Wizard Of Oz has many similar stories including 1993 movie Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) but it was not able to keep its quality level because of some downs in The Yellow Submarine and others, the plot is coherent with each other also told through different angles(each character’s perspective), helped by outstanding special effects and music especially Andrew Lloyd Webber songs that overshadowed all others as he did in the previous Yellow Submarine, and most of the time its music greatly speaks for itself.

It serves as a crucial reference to them even though this story may have been less successful than those two aforementioned movies which tells us that it did not tell about their life but more like directing on what someone goes through when they are lonely or hard times attempting their loss and failed relationship…

What Would You Say Is the Main Message Here?

What Would You Say Is the Main Message Here

This is a very complex movie for me not because of the plot but many directions or conclusions it could actually reach. An interpretation would be about which every situation has its own explanation and when you are facing difficulties that may result in our failure…

Sometimes we do something wrong just to seek comfort from others but ultimately, what will happen? Others shows us clearly how difficult it was handled by them while they all were uncertain on their decision so, those decisions will be affected in the outcome…

The Yellow Submarine and characters are very similar to those mentioned above but it set its own special meaning at each of them. I personally like this movie more than the first, it is a win-win for me because I believed that no one can perfectly love another person(they only seem so) as well until something out of their control happen terribly happened with good friends making them feel estranged from all others especially.

The Acting in Cast Away

The movie is full of good and well-done acting, particularly Tom Hanks’ who acted in many movies this year. The profound expression on his face showed he was trying to convince the rest that they need their memory back while they already lost both theirs at one point (his character intended) then again…

I believe him because I could see how much a loss of memories affect them psychologically throughout their lives(especially for someone like Jack who has an unforgettable memory of his wife Nicole Kidman) and this project makes them suffer all types of danger throughout their lives because they need to remember where they have been before ultimately ending up like the end.

Tom Hanks gave a very strong impression: there’s no solution for a problem.. but you can always find new options by manipulating it yourself… so, some people might be looked down upon on other sentiments(he is not stupid).

Production Values and Cinematography

The production values are set up to be equal all along not only the music theme, but also on director David Anspaugh’s work. There are some nice explanations during known situations, medium image height and each setting which gives a comfortable flow of emotions throughout its parts then again.. when it is dark that really showed us how “full” Tom Hanks’ memory loss play with his mind while he had lost anyone/many things due to everyday without memories…

The cinematography varies based on location and atmosphere of the scenes both in night’s slum or in extreme conditions. Seaside backdrop was a very important message that showed how much being dehydrated is not just about thirst but also memory loss….keep it simple so viewers can get information easily! (I like to see time/lurkers signature design sometimes, its simple yet stylish.)

Blog Conclusion: As a self-confessed movie buff, I was thrilled to find out that there is a new sci-fi movie coming out soon. The film’s premise is quite interesting and has all the makings of a blockbuster hit. To get you excited about this new release, we’ve put together a quick overview of the plot, with some notable scenes highlighted. Have you seen Cast Away? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below!

How Would You Say the Movie Portrays Relationships?

Tom Hanks sums up this story when he says, “I was flipping through the script and I really questioned if we were going to get tenure” Ouch.

Although being a love fest ,most would say that Cast Away is also somber towards it’s overall theme . Tom Cruise as Charlie Waters falls into drug addiction as well. We see in cast away how unyielding relationships allow many characters such(Workers) sets of circumstances

Is Cast Away a Romantic Movie?

It’s not very romantic in it’s core. I mean, you really don’t see romance between the two main characters (Charlie and Chuck) until about halfway through the movie…or so say those who claim to have seen all states at close range(with some incidents revisited later). But, that aside ,this is still worth a watch/read. What other films have held my attention like this? A Thousand Like You

How Long Did It Take You to Read and Review the Themes?

Cast Away Movie Storyline Review

About 11 days. I might’ve rushed into it a bit…but that’s just my excuse .

Who should add this to their reading/viewing list? Anyone with a strong interest in philosophy also, anyone seeking some good science fiction towards the end. As they say that time is money ; so try being entertained while learning and at the same time!

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