Chocolat 2000 Meaning and Ending



Chocolat 2000 FAQ


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The chocolate-based brand Chocolat has had a memorable presence on Indian TV through its content producing commercials like the “Chocolate Barbie”, “Chocolate Rahul” and such.

It is interesting to note that, the advertisements have a distinct musical theme to them, with the mesmerising tune of “Achoo” from the late 80s movie in Hindi. A quick look at the chocolat entry at Wikipedia reveals that this song was sung by the legendary singer Pankaj Udhas, who also sang for blockbuster advertisements of Old India Cane Sugar (OICS).

Chocolat 2000 Meaning and Ending

Chocolat 2000 Meaning

The word “Chocolat 2000” has 2 different meanings:

  1. The year of the chocolate bar founded in Belgium by Madame Chocolat and a chocolate-loving monk named Armand Portman in 1885 (there is no indication as to which century this happened, that tale might be considered mere local folklore).
  2. The year of my present life. This seems to be the most popular interpretation and signifies a renewed attempt, as it were, by Chocolat’s creators at communicating with all those earnest customers who have grown weary over the years from Madame Chocolat’s repeated message that meaning is in having your cake (in this case chocolate).

How is this possible, if all humans are incapable of meaning? Through the illusion of listening to a guru who preaches detachment from things material. Chocolat 2000 has a tendency to say that;

Chocolate means happy chocolate or whatever else subsists between one’s ears.  So long as it keeps you fed and numb then don’t think too much about what was the ultimate message that pulled us into Madame’s store in Paris some 150 years

Chocolat 2000 Ending explanation

Ending explanation

When Madame Chocolat finally says we’re all going to die, she imparts a message of universal self-realisation through the one word “Huh?” But no. The lucid idea that death can lead you towards meaning is not hers but anyone availing on her wisdom will soon come to realise they are least likely to be at peace while sitting under their bedsheet in front of an oriental oil lamp and nibbling only chocolate .

Though Madame Chocolat’s business fell into disarray after the passing of Armand, who was clearly in no mood to live forever, I remained a fan.I would occasionally stop by and reread her most famous works like  Sighs: Memoirs of A Chocolate Lover , which should inspire anyone out there on yet another deadly quest for chocolate gut-punching excellence .

Learning from Chocolat 2000

The thing about Chocolat 2000, is that there’s so much to take from it. It asks us (if we’re listening) not only what happens to people who buy chocolate but also if they even have a self in the first place.

Madame de Pompadour considered herself wise and vastly experienced; she did live long enough to fire her hairdresser after some lengthy overdue shampoo sessions costing quite a lot of money .  The hairdresser was overly tired and decided to lay down for a bit under her desk; it wasn’t justifiable, but he claimed not eating his evening meal before going on shift made him feel like death since then.

It’s obvious that there is something about chocolate entirely other than the blowout of insulin-falling fats resulting from chronic excesses in diet -all part of a lusty reciprocation .

Key characters from Chocolat 2000

There’s the ‘indigestion’ of a person whose name is Catherine that slowly starves to death – like an ascetic monk eating only half a loaf in order for his body to live quite selfless and virtuous even if he sips Nescafé coffee.

Vianne Rocher

Vianne Rocher

Vianne Rocher is a woman whose husband has run off; her children are teenagers who are suddenly without the paternal presence of their father . She struggles with raising herself and being utterly on her own.

Comte de Reynaud

Comte de Reynaud

The Comte de Reynaud is an old man who wants only a few hours of work and then to rest for the entire day. Although he doesn’t want his housekeeper’s wife around, it would not be proper for her to roam about in the castle as she chooses (as long as there are savories in sherry trays hidden here and there), even if Desirée isn’t supposed to touch anything.

Anouk Rocher

Anouk Rocher

Anouk is Vianne’s daughter. She strives to walk out of her mother’s house and live with a family, but she can’t leave without leaving any trace at all .


Tomas works in the chocolate plant near Montvillargues-le-Bretonneux proving once again that real men work for money by ensuring the quality of what comes from Guittard factory stays high if not even higher.

Madame Audel


Madame Audel is rich, but it’s not her money that has given the Comte de Reynaud a pleasant income and competes well with marrying off his son.The planters have holdings all over France (ein ganz besonderes Warenhaus) . They silently advise markets to give free gifts when chocolate products are out of stocks.

Caroline Clairmont

Caroline Clairmont

Caroline is a rich women who owns sugar plantations. She doesn’t have to stay in her confortably big house by the sea, but she can invite any of her wealthy friends and relatives from the distant plantations such as Caroline du Tourac if they wish .

Final thought

In ‘Chocolat 2000’, the meaning and ending are discussed. The ending is a short story, an allegorical one, not far from the protagonist’s life. But the main story is about two works that were written by two authors in 1982 and 1987 respectively, that are similar in style to each other, but different in nature. They are highly appreciated by people who like a good story with a well-defined and realistic conclusion. How they became reality-shows one night in June 1982, four five great-grandchildren of a former president of France, Jacques Chirac.


How Can I Find Meaning in My Life?

Meaning? Why do we even need to look for meaning in our lives, life is meaningless

In this study of symbolism there’s always a deeper meaning. You don’t see the hidden message behind these pictures unless you know what it all means. The people that view them differently can read their own meanings into each individual gateway and conclude .

What Comes After Meaning ?

Yes and no. The question is not whether there’s only one meaning hidden behind all of these pictures, but rather can we find a world in which new meanings may be added to our common trunk .

What Where You Do to Get This Idea ?

Checked out a few video and images, this website is good for some research but not very complete. Or you can ask your friends who have seen the old car commercials .

Why Do We Just Discuss in This Study ?

This is very simple, but people never think about it because they believe that there does not exist any hidden meaning to their decision and all choices are made for no reason at all. Also, if you buy a perfume or drink beer

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