Chuginadak Island



Clavering Island


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Chuginadak Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Bothnia, off the coast of Finland. The island is notable for its rich birdlife and its association with Finnish author and naturalist Kustaa Viljas. Viljas spent most of his life on the island, and it was here that he wrote his best-known work, The White Sail. Today, the island is a popular tourist destination, well-known for its picturesque surroundings and its many rare birds.

Clavering Island


Chuginadak Island is located in the Gulf of Bothnia, off the coast of Finland. The island was first mentioned in written records in 1304, when it was referred to as “Kembenez”. The name Chuginadak may be based on a Russified form of the Finnish word “kumpenia”, meaning “thicket”.

The first settlers on Chuginadak were probably fishermen and hunters. Over time, however, the island became well known for its rich birdlife. It was here that Finnish author and naturalist Kust aa Viljas lived most of his life, and he usually spent four to five months out of the year there. Before living on Chuginadak, he had been a naval officer serving in several different countries (including Russia), as well as studying at various Universities abroad including Russia’s Saint Petersburg’s University.

Though many stories surround Viljan’s time on Chuginadak Island, certain myths have run rampant through history with regard to his residence here. The main myth stems from 1869 when it was claimed that almost all boats sunk in the Gulf of Bothnia were launched from Chuginadak Island. The old tales persist today and the island is often associated with supernatural activity, such as alleged hauntings. Aside from these superstitious beliefs, investigations have shown that a number of boats were indeed sunk on Viljan’s watch during his time at Chuginadak (though many of them had already been replaced).


The climate of Chuginadak Island is temperate and maritime, with strong northwest winds and a very long summer. The island experiences significant rainfall in the winter months, though summers are largely cloudless. The average annual precipitation is only 300 mm, while over the course of a year there are several ice storms.


The culture of Chuginadak Island is largely rooted in the traditional fishing and hunting practices of its first settlers. Today, however, island life revolves around tourism. Visitors can explore a number of natural attractions and enjoy some locally made crafts. The folk music and dance scenes on the island are especially vibrant, with performers often travelling far to take part in rounds of festivities.

Chuginadak Island comprises two small main islands and a nearby peninsula. The island’s largest settlement is Chuknel (or ‘Skansen’, the old hunting camp). An entire town of some 210 permanent inhabitants, the village has now become home to one hotel and several shops as well as other summer buildings.


Like most of the Arctic islands, Chuginadak Island is a self-governing constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The local government exercises control over a number of matters, including policing and social welfare. While there is no direct representation in Russia’s federal parliament, members of the governing elite from mainland Russia often make visits to Chuginadak and meet with island leaders.

Government services

There are no airports or harbours on Chuginadak Island. However, there is a small port located on the mainland just a few kilometres away. The island’s only road links it to the mainland and its residents rely heavily on boat transport for access to goods and services not available locally. The Russian postal service operates regular mail flights between Chuknel and Moscow, but these are mostly used by tourists visiting the island attractions rather than locals.


Tourism is the main economic activity on Chuginadak Island. The island has a number of natural attractions, including an ice-free harbour, glaciers and lakes. Visitors can also enjoy locally made crafts and take part in folk music and dance festivals. In recent years, the island has become increasingly popular as a film location because of its dramatic landscape and affordable prices.


There is no reliable transport on Chuginadak Island. Residents usually rely on boat or plane to get to and from the mainland. Popular destinations for visitors are Moscow and St Petersburg.


The traditional cuisine of Chuginadak Island is based on local animal and plant products. Foods include lamb, Aberdeen Angus beef, trout, seal meat and berries.


Chuginadak Island, located in the Western Caribbean Sea, is a small uninhabited island which is part of the Sint Eustatius Bonaire National Park. It measures only 1.1 km² and has a maximum height of just 1.9 m above sea level. The island’s isolation, as well as its coral reef, make it an ideal spot for diving and snorkelling.


1 .Is There Any Food Available On Chuginadak Island?

No, there is no commercial food service on the island. However, visitors are welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks with them.

2.How Can I Get To Chuginadak Island?

There is no public transport available to take visitors to Chuginadak Island – travellers must organise their own transportation arrangements from outside of Bonaire. Alternatively, they can charter a boat or professional dive vessel to take them directly to the island.

3.What Should I Wear While Visiting Chug Inadak Island?

Visitors should wear suitable pants and shirts in order to protect against the unpredictable Caribbean weather. If they decide to visit during the wet season, they are advised not to bring bathing suits.

4.Do I Need Any Permits Or Entry Forms For Visiting Chuginadak Island?

The island is protected under Bonaire’s national parks legislation and visitors must adhere strictly by all park regulations when on the islands of Sint Eustatius Bonaire National Park – a tourist permit will be required for non-nationals staying overnight at an eco accommodation facility on the island.

5.When Is The Best Time To Visit Chuginadak Island?

The best time of year to visit Chuginadak during low tide will be around March until end of November – there are no major waves due to ocean swell above this period, which ensures a safe and enjoyable snorkelling experience for swimmers and divers alike. Visitors should avoid staying on the island after December 1st in order not wear cause extensive beach erosion on part sandy beaches or damage an area that is otherwise protected by law from tourism use (see question #3) .

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