Clipperton Island



Clipperton Island


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Clipperton Island is a small and uninhabited volcanic island in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, about 1,550 km (945 mi) east of South America and 2,160 km (1,370 mi) south of North America. It is administered by France as part of Martinique. The island has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Clipperton Island


The first recorded landing on Clipperton was in 1521 by Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendaña, who named it Isla del Sol after the sun. The island remained uninhabited until 1765, when a small settlement was established by French colonists.

In 1809 the British East India Company set up a penal colony on the island; this lasted until 1814, and caused considerable damage to the natural environment. In 1840 France bought Clipperton from Britain for $60,000 (equivalent to about £4 million as of 2017), and declared it an overseas territory . It was renamed Clipperton Island, after the French admiral Pierre André de Suffren. Under France’s new constitution of Judicial Authority settlers were granted full property rights in 1876.

A town called Port-de-Paix grew up on the island and numerous sugar cane plantations were established. In 1963 a naval installation was constructed during a period of tension with Cuba, to house American military advisers then fighting against pro-Communist forces in South Vietnam; this base continued operation until 1994 when it was removed by President Bill Clinton under pressure from Martinique voters out to keep their money local, a policy maintained by President Trump .

The island’s economy was based on sugar cane, rags and saltfish until a penal colony closed in 1864. After the American withdrawal, there were no longer any bases on Clipperton Island itself; however Soviet submarines occasionally visited for resupply due to its location as one of the most isolated parts of [The] North Atlantic Ocean[…]

The island is an irregular polygon with sides up to 20 km (12 mi) long extending 495 miles offshore, enclosing 7400 sq miles (19300 square kilometers).


The climate is tropical, moderated by the Trade Winds over the Pacific. The average temperature is 79 °F (26 °C), but ranges from a low of 66 °F (19 °C) in January to a high of 95.3° F (35.5° C) in July. The island receives approximately 360 inches (3.5 m) of rainfall a year, averaging 11–13 tropical cyclones per year from June to December, making it one of the most affected places in [The] Pacific Basin.

On average there are two distinct seasons on Clipperton Island: a dry season between November and May with no rain falls and little wind; vegetation dies back completely during this period.


Clipperton Island has a unique culture that revolves around the deep ocean and its mysteries. The people have an oral history which tells of their ancestors who crossed to the island from other parts of the world, including Polynesia, before it was colonized by Europeans. They claim that they are not actually isolated, but rather have a magical connection to the island.

The Clippertons believe in making sacrifices and appeasing their gods. They also worship sharks’ teeth as religious artifacts, believing them to be objects from supernatural beings that can purify any mixture of water or food and which must always remain at hand for just such an occasion; it is suggested this belief may extend even further than its intended pre-European origins , where we might say these shark’s tooth necklaces (and others) became “magic talismans” only after colonization .


The people of Clipperton Island are a democratic republic. The president is elected by popular vote and serves a four-year term. The government consists of an executive, legislative and judicial branches. Laws are voted on by the Congress, made up of representatives from each district on the island. In addition, there is an appointed Senate to provide leadership for national issues affecting all islands in [The] Pacific Basin .


Clipperton Island has few natural resources except for strategically placed fish traps set across its coasts that catch swordfish, marlin and other large predators that feed off coral reefs. Other oceanic resources, such as sea turtles and their eggs or exotic fish species, do not appear to be economically significant enough to offset the island’s low productivity. Clipperton Island is primarily a subsistence economy with severe long term malnutrition problems in some districts – agriculture has no real role on this island except for short-term fishing efforts; food shortages are a chronic matter .

Government services

There is no hospital or other medical facilities on Clipperton Island. Basic health care and emergency services are provided by the US Coast Guard .



Tourism is the main economic activity on Clipperton Island. Visitors come primarily to sightsee the island’s natural attractions, including its impressive coral reefs and unspoiled coastline. There are no restaurants or other businesses on Clipperton Island; all supplies must be brought in by air or sea .


Clipperton Island is only accessible by air or sea. Air services are provided by the US Coast Guard and transport to the island is expensive, due in part to its remote location .


Clipperton Island is an uninhabited island in the eastern Pacific Ocean about 2,000 kilometers (1,300 miles) west of the coast of South America. It is about 1.3 km2 (500 acres) in size and formed by a rise in the seabed about 15 million years ago. The island has been a French possession since 1815.


What Is The Population Of Clipperton Island?

There is no permanent population on Clipperton Island. However, during the summer months (March-May) when meteorological conditions are favorable, scientists from France conduct research on the island. They typically bring between 8 and 16 people with them to live in tents or small shelters while they are there. During this time, other than a few short visits by cruise ships en route to North America or Europe, Clipperton Island is essentially uninhabited.

How Big Is Clipperton Island?

The total size of Cl ipperton Island (and a bit beyond in some places) is about 13 km2.

How Far Away From The Nearest Island?

Clipperton Island, after Champerico and Chiloe, is the third-most distant island situated west of Hawaii. It’s a French territory estimated to be 2,000 miles (3200 km) off West Africa across a stretch of ocean called the “Brazilian Sea”. The exact distance varies depending on how you calculate it because researchers don’t know for sure exactly where Motonagon and Espiritu Santo archipelagoes , the island’s easternmost continent, lay (off Africa).

What Weather Conditions Are Necessary For Research On Clipperton Island?

The main factors that need to be present for the French team to conduct their research in summer are calmer seas and rain.

How Big Is The French Research Team?

The team typically ranges from 8 to 16 people, though only a few stay for the duration of the summer.

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