Conanicut Island -Everything you have to know



Conanicut Island


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Conanicut Island is the largest of the Long Island Islands and is located in the middle of New England, about 25 miles (40 km) off the coast of Connecticut. The island is 64 miles (103 km) long and 14 miles (22 km) wide, making it larger than Manhattan. The island was first settled by the Wampanoag people in 1636, and it became part of Rhode Island in 1644. In 1692, Conanicut Island was transferred to the Colony of Connecticut. The first English explorer to sight the island was Roger Williams in 1614.

Conanicut Island


Conanicut Island was first settled by the Wampanoag people in 1636. It became part of Rhode Island in 1644, and then was transferred to the Colony of Connecticut in 1692. The first English explorer to sight the island was Roger Williams in 1614.

The early inhabitants of Conanicut were primarily fishermen and farmers. During the Revolutionary War, it served as a base for British troops who attempted to recapture New England from American forces. In 1777, General Henry Knox captured Fort Ticonderoga on Conanicut and used it as one of several bases for artillery pieces to attack the American stronghold of Boston, Massachusetts.

Landscape and climate


Conanicut currently sustains a white-sand coastline along Atlantic Ocean. Large quantities of native dune grasses grow on their island paradise; aside from its well maintained beach bums by summer cottages, Conanicut is only known for two active resorts (Croswell Beach State Park & Stevens Point Campground). Geographically speaking however this little ri -er provides a marvelously diverse assortment of topography and landforms.

Prosaic (low-lying) tract lands yield to rolling, forested mountains; placid ponds give way to woody swamps teeming with fish & wildlife – In short the island is contoured by hills, valleys and bluffs! Conanicut’s other striking feature are its 4 pond communities Tapawingo Tract – High potential mountain swamp tumbling down embankment into South Pond Torrs Pond – Swamp/creek type wetlands… J L Barger Craighall Rockaway River Webster Chapel Town Cave Ell wood Pond – A swamp capable of popping up dry in a flash.


The island experiences a humid subtropical climate. During the course of a year, temperatures are generally much more mild than those found along coastal Massachusetts and Rhode Island; especially in winter. Average annual rainfall for this part of Connecticut is ~60 inches (1621mm) with flooding rains from late October to December (along Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket).

When compared to the severity one experiences on rocky Cape Cod in Massachusetts, rain events occur seasonally here as well! For Conanicut Island residents we can appreciate that they do find their dry summer often enough – As opposed…with “the snowbirds”.

Believe it or not but “The Conanicut” even boasts 450 sunny days annually – There is a good deal of cloud cover in the winter months but for most of the year enjoyable sunshine prevails during daylight hours. This makes this far-off land inaccessible (at least from late fall to spring) to those seeking golfing help! No snow falls here and snowbelt conditions do not exist; however temperatures can more than double during cold spells…when air masses descend across New England with their share of wintry precipitation/snowfall.


Conanicut Island culture reflects a mix of British, African American, and Native American heritage. In the 19th century, many entrepreneurs from southeastern Massachusetts settled on Conanicut to develop whaling businesses. These families – often including Scots-Irish migrants – created a tightly knit community that retains much of its traditional character today.

The island’s most notable landmark is the 1829 Federal style captain’s house built by William Woodville Leavitt for Captain Ezra Richardson (a major figure in early U.S whaling). The mansion served as an isolation hospital during both World Wars and now serves as the community center and headquarters of the United States Coast Guard.



Conanicut Island is an unincorporated territory of Rhode Island. The US Census reports that the population was 2,174 at the 2010 census. It is home to Coast Guard Station Conanicut and its staff of about 50 people who enforce federal laws on maritime safety in Narragansett Bay. Conanicut is part of the 12th District of Rhode Island.

Public access to Conanicut remains a contentious issue among locals, who would like it opened for recreational purposes but have been prevented from doing so by private landowners since 1994.

During this time period, various individuals and groups launched pressure campaigns in State legislatures (including those on both sides of the aisle) as well as before federal environmental agencies (such as National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service), all seeking Federal action that would overturn owners’ restrictions restricting public access to the island airfield property. Unfortunately none resulted successful.

Government services

Government services

Conanicut Island is located in Rhode Island, within the 12th Congressional District. The US Postal Service operates a post office on the island with limited hours. The island is home to several public elementary schools as well as private, parochial and academy schools.

Each summer since 1989 the United States Coast Guard operates Conanicut Island Air Station (CGAS), which was under development by 1984–86 with a number of major building projects at that point including an air station control tower complex on Conimicut Point.

The CGAS includes 11 mobile homes, several construction buildings and an equipment maintenance wardroom facility in addition to its four permanently based MH-65 helicopters assigned there from nearby Southeastern MA where they are attached/attached because subantarctic weather conditions make it impossible for them to be operated full-time from their usual operating locations.

CGAS is home ported at Eddystone Point, Lower Warrenton, Massachusetts and administratively connected via planes and helicopters to four of the five Coast Guard stations in Rhode Island as well as Boston Air Reserve Operations (which provides flight services).


Conanicut Tourism

Conanicut Island is a popular tourist destination year-round. Air travel to Conanicut Island is provided by American Airlines, JetBlue Airways and United Airlines from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts. There are also ferry connections from the mainland port of Newport News, Virginia.


If you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, look no further than Conanicut Island. This picturesque island is located in Rhode Island and is famed for its natural beauty. With rolling hills, crystal-clear streams, and lush forests, it’s no wonder why this island is such a popular tourist destination. If you’re interested in exploring the island further, be sure to check out some of the top attractions like the Conanicut Lighthouse or Mount Hope Bay.


What’s the Capital of Conanicut Island?

The capital of Conanicut Island is Newport.

What is the Population of Conanicut Island?

The population of Conanicut Island is around 1,700.

What is the Currency of Conanicut Island?

The currency of Conanicut Island is US dollars.

What is the Time Zone in Conanicut Island?

The time zone in Conanicut Island is EST.

What is the Temperature Range in Conanicut Island?

The temperature range in Conanicut Island ranges from 37 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius) to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius).

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