Crocodile Islands



Crocodile Islands


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Crocodiles, not one of the most prominent species of reptile in the world, come from Africa’s Nile Delta. The Nile River meanders through Sudan, Uganda and Central Africa. Soon after its formation, the Nile began to expand and steadily flow into Lake Victoria. Being the largest lake in East Africa, it is also home to some impressive species of crocodiles in the world – Uganda crocodiles.

Crocodile Islands


The Uganda crocodile is one of the oldest living species on Earth. It has been around for over 25 million years and can be found in northern Uganda, southern Sudan and northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The population size is not currently known, but it likely numbers in the thousands.

These reptiles live solitary lives in large aquatic habitats such as rivers and lakes. They feed primarily on small prey such as birds, rodents, fish and amphibians


Crocodile Islands Climate

The Uganda crocodile faces numerous threats to its survival. These include habitat loss caused by human development, poaching for meat and leather, flooding as a result of climate change, and the fragmentation of their large aquatic habitats

Your Role

As citizens of the world, we have a responsibility to protect our planet’s biodiversity. We can help conserve these endangered reptiles by taking simple actions such as avoiding consuming or damaging their habitats, educating ourselves and others about their


The Ugandan crocodile is a significant part of the cultures and folklore of many African countries. Along with the Nile crocodile, it is considered one of Africa’s most feared animals . It is often associated with trickery and the supernatural, such as people that shapeshifts into a crocodile to escape justice .

In many areas, the crocodile is considered a good luck symbol The species was first described by zoologist Richard Lydekker in 1902. He named it Crocodylus nilotica

Conservation Goals (for Uganda)


The Uganda crocodile is protected under the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The species is currently listed as “endangered”, meaning that it is likely to become extinct in the near future. Some conservation efforts have been implemented by local governments, such as establishing game reserves and working to decrease poaching rates

Your Role

As citizens of the world, we can help conserve these endangered reptiles by avoiding consuming or damaging their habitats, educating ourselves and others about their


The Ugandan crocodile is a significant part of the cultures and folklore of many African countries. Along with the Nile crocodylus , it is considered one of Africa’s most feared animals . It is often associated with trickery and supernatural powers

Government Services

Wildlife is protected by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. It is also protected by the local government if it occurs in privately owned land. Local laws are enforced by Park wardens who specifically patrol game parks to prevent poaching, often carrying AK-47s

Your Role

As citizens of the world, we can help conserve these endangered reptiles by avoiding consumption or damage of their habitats and educating ourselves and others about their culture


Tourism has the potential to help protect and preserve endangered species, as it can provide money for conservation measures. For example, in Uganda’s Mount Elgon National Park, ecotourism provides 50% of the park’s income . However, many conservationists believe that el Safari , or ‘wild tourism’, offers a more holistic approach that includes sustainable practices like Ecotourism can also present problems for tropical rainforests. Many tour operators are


Transport is the main threat to these endangered species. Poaching for wildlife products such as crocodile ivory, lemur fur and turtle eggs has led to a substantial decrease in populations of some of the world’s most threatened animals . Many also believe that increased tourism, especially for safari trips, could lead to an increase in poaching

Your Role

As citizens of the world, we can help conserve these endangered reptiles by ensuring our transportation practices do not


The cuisine of these endangered reptiles is often used in traditional medicine or eaten as a delicacy. Some, like the Komodo dragon, are hunted for their meat while others, such as the serpent eagle, are hunted for their feathers

Your Role

As citizens of the world we can help conserve these endangered reptiles by avoiding Consumption and damage to habitats


Wildlife is an important part of many cultures and it helps to maintain the balance of nature. However, some people believe that wildlife can be hunted too much or used in traditional medicine which has led to a decline in populations. By understanding these cultures, we can help conserve these endangered reptiles Wine bottles

Many reserves are protected by fences to keep the invading species out. However, many believe that these interconnected networks of electric fencing may become a barrier rather than a means for conservation because it destroys habitats and further threatens endangered animals . By understanding each reserve’s land use strategy we can help conserve these endangered reptiles


Did you know that Malaysia is home to crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodile islands? Yes. Our count includes more than 1700 islands in the country. In fact, each year, thousands of tourists visit these islands to witness their splendour and cut the lawn with them. However, this has become a rare sight as few of these islands are inhabited anymore.

The last remaining island that is home to the sleeping giant is Labuha Island in Ranau, Sabah. On the next page, read all about this island and its inhabitant, before heading over to other destinations in Malaysia.


Are There Any Dangers Associated With Traveling To Crocodile Islands And If So, How Can One Avoid Them?

There are no real dangers unless you get stuck in an island to which there is not a way back. The weather can be very different!

How much time should I budget for traveling to Crocodile Islands and other attractions in Malaysia?

Admission fees average about RM100 altogether. Add another hour or so if taking the overnight boat trip from Sandakan, Sabah. There were two of us and through it was only me but we

Where Are Crocodile Islands Located And What Countries Surround It?

Labuha Island is located in Ranau, Sabah. The two other islands are part of Malaysia’s east coast and are surrounded by the Andaman Sea – it shares its border with Thailand to the south/southeast and Indonesia — primarily Java island — to

Which Airlines Fly To Crocodile Islands And Which Ones Do Not?

As aforementioned, Labuha Island is near the south coast of Sabah and thus has regular air services to Sandakan Airport at one end. Jungle dreamers are well catered for as Malaysia Airlines flights code-share with Singapore airlines..

Am I allowed to touch crocodiles while visiting Crocodile Islands? Do they bite people? What should I do if suddenly confronted by a crocodile in the wild or on an island?


How Did Crocodile Islands Become Famous For Its Crocodiles?

In 1936, the famous British oceanographer Dr Hugh Wheeler was invited to curator of a museum that had been set up in Bario (now Ranau) by German half-brothers who managed

As you can see on this video , it appears crocodiles are not as aggressive here as elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Even though they’re large, they don’t seem

I heard there’s only one croc at Crocodile Islands and he has

What Are The Advantages Of Visiting Crocodile Islands?

Crocodile Islands conservation. Of the local inhabitants, only about 70% are better off than 6 years ago and so that should

Which ports are closest to Crocodile Islands? How many hours will it take for me to get there from these places? Is distance between different ports sufficient when there is navigable river crosst.

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