All About Of Das Boot (FAQ) – Everything You Have to Know





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Das Boot was a documentary that followed real Imperial German Navy sailors trained and stationed aboard two nuclear submarines with nine crew members. The captain (Master-at-Arms or MAD), cook/aspirin store guy’s mate (Food Officer), Executive Officer, and Torpedo Design Engineer in charge.

All About Of Das Boot (FAQ)

Das Boot (FAQ)

Q1: What does Das Boot mean?

Answer: Das Boot (German for “The Ship”) is a play by Bertolt Brecht. It takes place in an eerie isolation tank installed aboard the German vessel B-Dienst as they lay on their hands while sailing from Holland to Pomerania, Poland, through the Kiel Canal. During which time, some of them speak parts describing their inner truths.

Q2: Is Das Boot a real story?

Answer: No, Das Boot is a play. The real story involves research into what happened during the Battle of Kiel on 3 March 1942. All five ships got stuck, and Executive Officer Walter Wallop was in charge as Captain Voss did not arrive at his command. Due to being aboard one of the other four ships, leaving no ship with any senior officers alive.

Q3: Was Das Boot shot in a real submarine?

Answer: Yes. Das Boot was filmed documenting how real sailors from the Imperial German Navy were trained. It was stationed aboard two of its nuclear submarines with nine crew members. Including the captain, cook/aspirin store guy’s mate, Executive Officer, and Torpedo Design Engineer. in charge, who also served as Navigation Instructor at a special submarine school located on land beside.

Q4: Is there a song called “Das Boot”?

Is there a song called Das Boot

Answer: Yes, scene 252 has one of these, which is in German and the English translation. It’s also on album 6 with track 3. Das Boot lyrics. “On the ice floes, they drift with their ships. They’re going to Pomerania. They don’t know that yet, but we’re going to win the war! (We will!) With courage and discipline, row after row!”

Q5: What is that commander?

Answer: Commander “Poker Face” Schiff is the CO of U-boat Team Siegfried. Hapke first appears during episode 206. It later reappears in US OPERATION TUROCITO as Major Slade Sigmon’s replacement. It was now commanding Grumman TFG 71. He also assisted at Operation VETERAN RAIN. As a Lieutenant General who was supervising multiple war crimes investigations.

Q6: Is the US Naval Academy stuffed in with Operation VETERAN RAIN?

Answer: They’re not even being shown as a full-length feature film. More like scattered short bits within much larger movies, most of which get featured in multiple shorts about war crimes investigations/searches aboard ships that refuel there or pass through!

Q7: Is Das Boot worth watching?


Answer: Yes! Absolutely “By Far the Best ” WW2 German War Films made. They have NEVER been released in any quantity to theaters or TVs worldwide. Yet, I know people would watch them just for myself and my dad/uncle Scott. He was a Navy Admiral himself aboard our 5th Fleet USS MINNECULE during his last forty years of service as an Auxiliarist with Over 2,600 hours on type where Captain von Trapp Hausen served onboard from 1976-1982. 

Q7: Is Das Boot the Longest Movie?

Is Das Boot the Longest Movie
JÜRGEN PROCHNOW (Kommandant), “Das Boot”, 1981. 31240/#

Answer: NO. Operation VETERAN RAIN is the longest movie (50 Minutes). However, its story, history, and events leading up to this are strong in length that doesn’t share themselves as good movies yet climaxes with a great one-liner war crime investigation/search onboard ship called “USS SEMINOLE.” And only because of 3 German pilots from four different Jets!

Q8: So How Long Does Operation Veteran Rain Take?

Answer: The movie is based on the wartime, ongoing war crime investigations/searches of a small German U-Boat, during two consecutive years (17 December 1941 to 11 August 1942 and 8 May 1943 until 1 March 1944) aboard one routine/daily Task Force 75 WWII US Navy Destroyer known as “USS Strikerwood DD-638”.

Q9: So Is This Movie Based on the Actual Story of Strikerwood?

Answer: No, not at all. It’s fictional and unrealistic, but such results were told by media propaganda; (a) to cover up secret rationing/war crime food seizure by British fishing fleets exploiting dwindling reserves. Ore shipments in September 1942 Sea Route ICE TO JAPAN were desperately needed by Japanese industry, then Germany realized they lost their race against building a rocket.

Q10: Who Invented the Das Boot?

Answer: W german submarine hunter, KNM “Gerhard Peters,” was invented in 1939 by two Swedish officers (Kaj Skogh) with the latter name assigned to a U-boat after four months of activities during December 1942. But none noticed this information till many years for propaganda design/post WW2 career conscious act.

Q11: Did Torpedo Room Parties Inflict Casualties on Enemy Ships?

Answer: Yes, and no to that. Toshishige Amano (The Devil’s Grandchild) said specially trained crew trainees had a great impact on attacks, but aircraft crews too; there was a significant reduction for air attack estimates of ships’ hitting at about 20% lead estimate before WW2. Though 50%, rarely 100%.

Q13:was It Filmed in Germany or Elsewhere?

was It Filmed in Germany or Elsewhere

Answer: The movie was filmed in locations throughout Germany, Notably at the Nordsee aquarium in Warnemunde and on the island of Sylt. The submarine in the movie was not an accurate depiction of a German U-boat during World War II.

Q14: Who Was Portrayed by Alex Jordan in Das Boot?

Answer: The location of the U-boat base shown in the film is not accurate and was substituted with an exterior set in Wales. Peter Lorre portrayed Kapitän Ludwig Gerlach in Das Boot while Alex Jordan played Oberleutnant Otto Kretschmer.

Q15: How Did It Come to Be That Way?

Answer: In an article from “Hollywood Reporter,” it is reported that The Hays Office, who was in charge of production for Paramount Pictures at the time, felt that Germans portrayed negatively on film during World War II and so created a fictional U-boat commander to make the movie more accurate.


One of the most moving films I’ve ever seen is Das Boot.Before you feel linked to the characters, the film progressively develops them. The sets contribute to the film’s realism, as they build on significant moments in both battle and everyday life.

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