Dean Island-Everything You Need To Know



Dean Island


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Dean Island is located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Cook Islands, a country in Oceania. The island has an area of 1 square kilometer and it is made up of lava rock. There are no trees on this island as the volcano has not erupted for many years now.

Dean Island

What Is Dean Island?

What Is Dean Island

This volcanic activity has created a series of canyons and tunnels on Dean Island which were formed by flowing lava during eruptions that occurred over thousands of years ago.

These natural formations have given rise to two lakes on Dean Island, one of which is named Punga Lagoon and another lake known as Pele’s Pool (after Pele, goddess of fire).

On 25 November 2017, Dean Islanders voted to make this their new national symbol because they feel it reflects the values and culture held by them. They hope that its inclusion will help promote unity among all people living on the island while at the same time helping tourists get to know more about their home country through its natural beauty.

Only people who live on the island are allowed to use this symbol and it is displayed with pride. To show their naturally made country’s beauty and traditions, sewers were also built from rocks of lava basically in the mountains – another reflection of natural characteristics.

What Does Dean Island Have To Offer Tourists?

What Does Dean Island Have To Offer Tourists

The island was named after John Dean, the former White House counsel under President Richard Nixon. The island is a man-made island and it is located in the southeastern part of the Philippines. It is about three miles from the shoreline of Samar Island.

The highest point on this island reaches about 1,200 feet above sea level and it has an area of 810 square kilometers. The majority of people who live here are fishermen and they earn their living through fishing activities like selling fish to restaurants or to local markets as well as other small businesses that provide goods and services to tourists visiting the area.

The main source of income for most people living on this island comes from tourism since there are a lot of resorts around here that offer accommodation to tourists coming here for vacationing purposes. In addition, there are several dive shops located on this island where divers can enjoy diving activities such as scuba diving or snorkeling just like any other tourist destination in the world would do.

How Many People live On Dean Island?

How many people live on Dean Island?

Dean Island is located in the East Sea and it is a part of Guangdong Province. The island was first discovered by Europeans when Spanish explorers visited the area in 1557.

The island has an area of 14,482 square kilometers and its highest point reaches 2,170 meters above sea level. It is mainly composed of limestone with several caves and karst formations like arches and columns that can be found on the coast line. Also there are some cliffs at the beach which were formed from erosion over time.

Around 400 people live on this island. The majority of them are fishermen who earn most of their money by selling fish to restaurants and small businesses located around the island. They also sell a lot of seafoods but they mostly focus into fishing activities since there wasn’t enough jobs for them in other areas due to the fact that there is no industry here at all aside from extracting rocks such as sand, limestone or clay which can be used commercially as geose als.

The island is also home for a few residents who are teachers and business owners or just people who live on the outskirts of the town. Also there are a lot of small businesses found around here that provide services to tourists coming in an out as they need such like common cafes, motorbike hire, food/clothing stores along with traditional tailors which sell souvenirs to foreigners visiting this island.. There’s even a greenhouse where farmers.

What Is The Weather like On Dean Island?

What is the weather like on Dean Island?

The average temperature in Dean Island ranges from 15-28℃. Wave heights range from 1-3 meters and winds are normally around the southeast direction with an occasional northwesterly part existing throughout, which keeps this place slightly cool all year round.

The climate on the island is generally tropical plateau meaning that people who live there have extremely hot summers due to sea currents cooling the surface waters of humid clouds, while winter brings dry weather conditions .

A majority of the year on this island are overcast with occasional rain showers and powerful tropical storms, but rarely does that occur.

Does Dean Island have any natural resources?

This is a small isolated island so it also doesn’t possess much in terms of its own…natural resources to speak about. The natural encompassing vegetation here consists of scattered trees, as well as hills near the perimeter which consist some bushes like Cedar wood .

The environment surrounding the island houses a lot of dugong and sea cows, two native animal species which are endangered. What’s the history behind Dean Island? You might have heard about it? Do you know any legends or local customs here on this village? I feel like people would enjoy reading those! Well…I’ll do my best to research them for your need 🙂


At the end of this project, we’ve come to know a lot about Dean Island from all sides. Some facts have been discovered and some gained knowledge on what kind as well as how people live here.

The inhabitants of this island are mainly western expatriates at present time but will be losing their culture soon when not being represented enough by new locals who travelled there in order to get accustomed with other cultures that can benefit themselves both physically and mentally.

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