Devon Island



Devon Island


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Devon Island is a Canadian Arctic island located about midway between the mainland of Nunavut and the north end of Ellesmere Island. With a land area of 1,752 square kilometers, it is the largest island in Nunavut. It had a population of just over 1,000 in the 2016 census. The main settlement and only incorporated municipality on Devon Island are Aklavik, with a population of 298 in the 2016 census.

Devon Island


Devon Island is a small island located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is one of the many islands that make up Nunavut and is part of the Qikiqtaaluk Region.

The history of Devon Island dates back to before Europeans arrived in North America. In 1670, it was known as Sanction Isle by French explorer Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville who was given permission by King Louis XIV to explore the region.

Later on, it was named Saint-Germain-des-Prés which later became Newfoundland and finally, Devon Island after Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s ship HMS Discovery landed there in 1583. The name ‘Devon’ came from an English governor at the time who had visited the island during his tenure as governor of Newfoundland.

There are two versions regarding how he got his nickname: either because he was a man from Devon or because he brought new plants with him to Canada. It is also said that he coined terms like ‘the Devil’s country’, ‘Devil’s passage’, and ‘devil’s arsehole’. When Captain John Davis explored northern Canada in 1610, it was named New Ireland by Davis but when Samuel de Champlain sailed through the region in 1613, it was called St. George’s Bay (later known as Ungava Bay).

The first European settler on Devon Island itself didn’t arrive until 1772 when Peter Warren Dease set up a trading post for fur pelts near Ooyoo Lake while James Knight built Fort Churchill where today you can still see some ruins left behind by these early settlers such as a fireplace made out of rocks!


Devon Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It has a population of about 80 people who live year-round on the island. The island is made up of different habitats, like tundra and forest. The climate of Devon Island can be described as a continental climate with dry summers and mild winters.

The highest temperature ever recorded on the island was 35 degrees Celsius which occurred in the 1930s while the lowest recorded temperature was -32 degrees Celsius which occurred in 1868s. In summer temperatures reach almost 20 degrees Celsius while in winter it falls to below -20 degrees Celsius.


Devon Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and it is an uninhabited island. The culture of Devon Island depends on the people who live there, whether they are part of a particular ethnic group or not.

The indigenous people living on Devon Island belong to the Inuit group and they speak a dialect of the Inuktitut language. They are called Nunamiut and they have a very close relationship with their nature as well as each other.

They take great care of their environment which is one reason why Devon Island has become known for its pristine beauty.

On top of that, everyone plays an important role in maintaining the natural balance between animals and plants in the area, thus preserving its biodiversity which makes it a protected area under Canada’s Endangered Species Act.

Besides that, because they are part of a small community most residents don’t own cars so it doesn’t contribute to pollution problems like big cities do where cars travel everywhere without any care for safety or environmental protection. This also contributes to less number of accidents among road users since most people walk rather than ride bikes or use public transportation instead if needed which also helps keep roads safe from accidents and pollution issues. All these reasons explain why Devon Island is such a beautiful place to visit!


Devon Island is a sub-Arctic island of Canada, which lies in the Arctic Ocean, north of Ellesmere Island. It is one of the northernmost places on Earth. The population numbers around 100 and it is governed by the Canadian government.

The politics of Devon Island are similar to that of any other country in the world with respect to federal and provincial governments, local government, and even international relations. For example, just like many other countries in the world, Canada has a Prime Minister who represents the people’s will while its territories have their own Lieutenant Governors who represent them as well.

Government services

Services that are typically offered by a government in Canada, including health care and education, are also available on Devon Island. In addition to this, many businesses on the island are operated by the Canadian government such as Arctic Radio Canada which provides local radio services across North America.

Infrastructure and community development

Another important thing to remember about Devon Island is that it lies within a research station operated by the Canadian government called “McGrath” which makes many advancements for science in general, including climate change. It also has labs run by Arctic Services Limited (ASL), another branch of the government agency that provides services in northern Canada every year.

Basically with its cold environment came very harsh weather conditions like blizzards, floods, ice storms, and even wildfires.

Because of these harsh conditions, many scientific projects are conducted in the area to improve research and awareness about cold weather phenomena all around the world like climate change, albedo, etc. A large amount of wildlife in this place is also very interesting including polar bears which dwell mostly within a few hundred kilometers radius as well as wolves (who have been previously hunted by humans).



There is still a lot of tourism potential for Devon Island. For example, there are many interesting places to visit such as “The Whale Museum” which tells the story of whales and Inuit whaling from a historical perspective. There are also many hikes that can be done in various locations on the island like Whiteface Summit which is the tallest peak on Devon Island at 1,835 metres above sea level.


Devon Island is connected to the rest of Canada by an ice road that was built in 1984. Although it can be very difficult to travel on during winter, there are also air services operated by Air Canada and WestJet which fly into Inuvik airport from various airports in other parts of Canada such as Yellowknife and Calgary.


Devon Island is about as close to a desert island as you can get in the warmer parts of the world. It is a barren, windswept island located in the Canadian Arctic. The Inuit people who live on it rely on hunting, fishing, and seal hunting for their sustenance. The island is part of the Qikiqtaaluk Region of Nunavut.


What Is The Climate Like On Devon Island?

The climate is cold and harsh, with temperatures reaching as low as -40 degrees Celsius in winter. The average temperature in summer is around 8 degrees Celsius. In addition to weather conditions, the island experiences strong winds that can make it quite difficult to travel anywhere on the island.

How Large Is Devon Island?

Devon Island measures about 2,100 km 2, with an area of about 84 km2 east to west.

How Much Land Is Water On Devon Island?

nearly 90% (7049) of the island is water (nearly 8,000 km2)

What Features Does Devon Island Have?

Devon Island has what appears to be an elevated plateau in some places called “The Whale Museum”. There are also several volcanic structures that date back to Inuit times, as well as a few rock outcrops which were formed when lava erupted kilometres above sea level causing massive waves reaching towards the coast. The landscape on

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