Duncan Islands



Duncan Islands


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Located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, the Duncan Islands are a group of low-lying coral islands that offer stunning views, both from atop the islands and from the water. What’s more, these islands are a popular tourist destination because of their idyllic nature, interesting history, and picturesque beaches. Travellers can visit the islands either by boat or by air, and there are plenty of activities that can be enjoyed while on the islands. Whichever route is chosen, be sure to check out the Duncan Islands!

Duncan Islands


The Duncan Islands were first discovered by Europeans in the early 1800s, and they became a part of Queensland in 1859. The islands were officially named after explorer John Duncanson, who charted their location in 1883.

The natural beauty of the Duncan Islands has drawn tourists for centuries, with many visitors coming to enjoy views from atop the islands or relax on their sandy beaches. In recent years, however, tourism has also taken on more practical interests as well. Companies have found that the islands offer an ideal location for spying on shipping, and locals hope to increase tourism at smaller accommodations so they can earn additional income from visitors interested in their beautiful nature spots.


The climate on the Duncan Islands is tropical, with average temperatures ranging from 33 degrees Celsius in summer to 25 degrees Celsius in winter. The islands are also subject to occasional cyclones, so visitors should be prepared for weather conditions that can change quickly. Natural Features

Tourists can enjoy stunning views from atop the islands, which are located in one of Australia’s most idyllic spots. After exploring the historic remains of homesteads and old buildings aboard a fully-decked little motorboat or catamaran trip to these remote Islands; you will be rewarded with full sweeping views across crystal clear water surrounded by an expanse free from any form of modern pollution.


The culture of the Duncan Islanders is based around subsistence farming and fishing. Many residents still use traditional methods for cooking, such as open fires in cook-houses and an oven known as a digeridoo. Visitors can also enjoy visiting local markets to purchase handicrafts made from natural materials such as wood, coconut shells and cassava root. The main means of transport is an open boat or a catamaran; but small fishing boats and simple motorised dinghies are used for the local island-hopping. Some visitors opt to stay on their respective islands, where accommodation options differ.


The islands are a self-governing Australian territory and the local government is responsible for healthcare, education, social welfare and infrastructure. Visitors should be aware that there is no formal currency on the islands; so visitors should bring USD with them or purchase some local currency at the markets. Snorkelling

Visitors can snorkel with colourful tropical fish and learn about corals from skilled local crew. Swimwear is not required, however beach attire is recommended when swimming in the crystal-clear waters.

Government services

The islands are serviced by a small airport on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. The closest major city is Brisbane, which is around two hours’ drive away. Seaviews can be reached via charter flight from Brisbane or on a catamaran. Medical emergencies can be received in the nearby town of Maryborough, which is around thirty minutes away.

Religions and culture The main religion is Christianity, with the majority of residents being born and raised in St. Lucia. Non-Christians are welcome on the islands for private functions; however a special permit will be required if non-residents wish to hold prayer services or other religious events that involve large crowds. Some locals perform fire dances as part of their cultural traditions while visiting Seaviews is encouraged to participate in such activities as well superstitious beliefs relating to foreboding occur in some markets.


Tourism is the main industry on Seaviews and it’s estimated that around one thousand tourists visit the islands each year. The majority of visitors come for snorkelling, windsurfing, scuba diving and fishing but there are also plenty of optional activities such as sunbathing, swimming and kayaking. Accommodation options range from simple camping sites to luxurious villas; most places offer a relaxed home-from-home atmosphere and a peaceful out of the way location.



Flying is the easiest way to get to Seaviews, with charter flights from Brisbane or Melbourne available on a regular basis. A catamaran service operated by the islands’ own company also offers visitors convenient transport between islands. Some visitors have also made the three hour journey to Bribie Island which is north of Brisbane. A campsite on Binjai Island, ten kilometres west of Seaviews, has facilities for overnight stay by those wishing sleep under a blazing starry sky.



The cuisine of Seaviews is a mix of Austronesian, African and Spanish influences. Typical dishes include barbecued chicken, curries influenced by the Indian subcontinent and local seafood such as kingfish, mahi-mahi and grouper. Local wines are also popular with visitors who enjoy sampling different varieties from vineyards on the neighbouring islands.





The wildlife of Seaviews is diverse and abundant. The islands are home to over a hundred different bird species, many of which can be seen while kayaking or hiking around the island. Elephants, buffalo, pigs and monkeys are also occasionally sighted on the islands. The largest and greediest mammals include the wild boar, emu and pig-deer.


Several yacht clubs exist to cater for sailors who want to visit Seaviews. The water is usually calm enough without surf conditions. There are many fishing grounds around, with a variety of fish including bream and mangrove cod as well as sturgeon from rips on the coast line between Dayman Harbour and Bu cca Island. You can also see the lovely tropical fish: turtle dovefish, shade-loving pomfret and local trevally caught by hook and line

There is a small supermarket at Seaviews village where fresh milk, bread and eggs are available along with a frozen food section offering pizza’s as well as ice creams! There is also an information centre on Binjai island which provides lots of free literature about Seav iews and there is a network of nature trails, if you have time (and energy) to go look around.


The Duncan Islands are a group of islands located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 kilometres east of Hawaii. The area is known for its rich and diverse biodiversity, and is also one of the most important sites for the study of seabird migration. The islands are uninhabited, but are home to a number of seabird species that are regularly studied by scientists.


Is There Any Drinking Water On The Islands?

There is fresh drinking water available at Seaviews village, but if you are visiting the island with a group you will need to bring enough supplies for everyone. There is also a small supermarket on Binjai Island which sells bottled drinks and food.

Can I Hike Or Kayak Around The Island?

Yes, there are several nature trails that offer beautiful views of the surrounding islands and the ocean. There is also a small office on Binjai Island that has maps of the trails, so it’s easy to follow them even if you don’t have a boat or kayak.

Which Islands Are Inhabited?

The island group consists of dayman Harbour and Buccas front (south side) with Seaviews Village located in their centre , which includes three uninhabited offshore rocks: where animals can be seen including Giant Tortoises and beautiful Macaroni Penguins. On the other side there are two uninhabited islands: Laurel Island, an expanse of rocky outcrops that can be walked over; Oliver (the east island).

Where Do You Buy Food?

There is a supermarket on Binjai Island where they sell fresh fruits and vegetables as well frozen ones like fish boxes, pizza’s etc… There is also a shop in Dayman Harbour which is seasonal and sells mostly food for the tourists.

Can I Stay On An Uninhabited Island?

There are no unoccupied islands on this group of small uninhabited islands, but its possible to kayak out in between them (one or two hours) though basic navigational skills would be necessary. Please note that Binjai Island has a sign saying NO PEOPLE allowed! That’s why we offer only accommodation with

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