East Kangaroo Island



East Kangaroo Island


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East Kangaroo Island, located approximately 760 kilometres off the southern coast of Victoria, is a small island that is home to around 350 permanent residents. The island is about one kilometre long by one kilometre wide, with a coastline measuring just over two kilometres. East Kangaroo Island was the first Australian territory to be settled by Europeans, and it was charted in 1770 by the British navigator James Cook.


East Kangaroo Island is one of Australia’s most isolated inhabited places, and during the Australian colonial period it was a key stopover for ships travelling between Melbourne and Britain. The first European people to land on East Kangaroo were members of the crew of HMS Endeavour, who landed in 1770. The island was later claimed by New South Wales but following the transfer of sovereignty in 1835 it remained under British administration until 1904, when it was inherited by the Commonwealth of Australia.

For most of recorded history, East Kangaroo Island has been home to non-indigenous flora and fauna – after European settlement in 1835, it became an important flotation ground for whale oil merchants and whalers. In 1858 a small group of settlers established station at Mount Jean.


East Kangaroo Island has a pleasantly warm climate all year round, with average temperatures ranging from 18°C in winter to 26°C in summer. The island is relatively wind-free, and precipitation is almost evenly distributed throughout the year – there are only a few months when it can be very wet or cold. Today, there are between 200 and 400 inhabitants of the island.

The majority of Islanders speak one or other variety of Australian English; however, some linguistic minorities include Eastern Australian Aboriginal words (such as “kangaroo”), Indigenous Torres Strait Islander terms (“Koitabu” for people) and Queensland-Sthwestern mixtures such as Cairns dialects.


The majority of people on East Kangaroo Island are Christian (although there is a tiny Muslim population); however, the island has significant cultural differences from other parts of Australia. In areas including language, cuisine and traditional rituals; East Coast Old Zieks perform many songs pertaining to Australian Aborigines who lived in the area before colonisation.

Kangaroos play an important role in folklore throughout New South Wales – they feature prominently as representatives of the Australian nation and its people in the song “Waltzing Matilda” (1874), as well as in other patriotic songs including many Aborigines.


East Kangaroo Island is a very safe place to live, with crime rates below the national average. The island has two councillors and two representatives to the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly. East Kangaroos also elect one member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly through proportional representation. Government services are limited however. Public health, road maintenance and utilities (electricity and water) for both resident islanders as well as tourists have been privatised; with East Kangaroo Island being considered one of Australia’s most serviced islands by many mainland organisations.

Government services

East Kangaroo Island is self-governing and has its own representative in the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly. The island also elects one member of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly through proportional representation. Public services such as public health and road maintenance are also privatised. The island has been considered one of Australia’s most serviced islands by many mainland organisations.



East Kangaroo Island is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty, laid-back lifestyle and close proximity to Darwin. The island has several resorts as well as a number of small businesses catering to tourists. Many mainland organisations provide services such as public health and road maintenance on the island.


Settlement and farming on the island has evolved into a successful tourist-based economy with over 800 tourists spending $4 million in 2006. Tourism provides much of the economic activity: there are no cattle, sheep or grain farms; only holiday retreats which attract fewer than 200 Australians annually during winter months when most industries close for annual maintenance closures.

The main industry is now ecotourism focusing on wildlife conservation from which East Kangaro os benefit through volunteer programs and donations of goods. Horticulture is also being promoted as a potential industry with the island making major strides in early growth production, helping to improve food security on the mainland.



East Kangaroo Island has good air and sea connections, with daily flights to Darwin via Sydney. The island is also well connected by road, with a sealed route connecting the island’s major settlements. East Main Road connects the northern and southern extremities of the island, with a further two sealed roads running through these settlements. The road network is maintained by volunteer efforts from residents in each township, who also undertake maintenance work on their local streets for those who choose to stick with Adelaide Town’s designated side.



East Kangaroo Island cuisine is a mix of Australian and NZ flavours with some unique dishes that have developed in the island’s isolated setting. These dishes include East Coast curried goat, saltbush lamb chops, salmon pate and mango pavlova. Other dishes include cooked foie gras and scallops, beef burgers and prawn goulash. The unique aspects of the island’s cuisine are in its use of local ingredients such as chilli plants for seasoning, arum lily for a spiciness that is lacking in most other parts of Australia or New Zealand.



East Kangaroo Island is home to a range of wildlife including wombats, koalas, Flightless Birds and sea lions. The island’s ecosystems are relatively intact providing habitat for a diversity of birdlife. East Kangaroo Island is also internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area due to its significant populations of Australian pelicans, sooty oystercatchers and yellow-tailed black cockatoos.


East Kangaroo Island is an unincorporated territory of the Australian state of Victoria. It is located in Bass Strait, about 430 km east of Melbourne and about 90 km west of the island of Tasmania. The island has a population of around 100 people as of 2016. The main economic activity on the island is sheep farming, with some tourism also generated.


What Currency Is Used In East Kangaroo Island?

East Kangaroo Island uses the Australian dollar as its currency.

What Is The Population Of East Kangaroo Island?

As of 2016, the population of East Kangaroo Island is around 100 people.

What Hours Of Daylight Are There In East Kangaroo Island?

There are around 20 or 22 hours of daylight on the island.

How Old Is The Oldest Person Living In East Kangaroo Island?

The oldest resident currently living on the island was 77 years as at 2016. But this doesn’t include people who were born and lived for a long time before coming to live permanently on the island, such as Charles Brook Mulligan and Anne S ivewright.

What Is The Area Of East Kangaroo Island?

East Kangaroo Island, located in Bass Strait between Mackay and Cape Barren Islands and north-west of Flinders Group island, has an area of 788 km² making it equal to 0.09% (7659 ha) which was included within Melville Islands insular formations biogeographic community under EPBC Act extended continental shelf legislation division . It is almost in the same position as Flinders Island, which was also 788 km² and included within Melville Group biogeographic community by EPBC Act (23/2004) extended continental shelf legislation division.

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