Eclipse Island



Eclipse Island


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Eclipse Island is a small and isolated island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It was here, in the early 1900s, that an American scientist named Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine. The isolation and tranquility of the island was key in helping Salk create this groundbreaking vaccine. When you visit Eclipse Island, you can see the laboratory where he worked, as well as the house he lived in.

Eclipse Island


Eclipse Island was first discovered by a Spanish explorer in 1595. It wasn’t until the early 1900s, however, that American scientist Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine here. The isolation and tranquility of the island was key in helping him create this groundbreaking vaccine. Today, you can visit the laboratory where he worked, as well as his house on Eclipse Island. Climate, Timekeeping and Physical Features

The climate on Eclipse Island is a tropical oceanic climate. Rainfall occurs throughout the year, which means that you’ll need to pack appropriate clothes for both cold weather conditions as well as hot temperatures.


Eclipse Island Climate

Eclipse Island has a tropical oceanic climate. Rainfall occurs throughout the year, which means that you need to pack appropriate clothes for both cold weather conditions as well as hot temperatures. In the summer, twilight hours tend to stay warm.

Tides on Eclipse Island There is a high tide approximately every two minutes during sunrise and sunset.

Timekeeping On Eclipse Island they do not observe daylight saving time. Standard Time is observed throughout most of the year other than between November 1st and April 30th when Central Standard Time (CST) takes over in place of Daylight Saving Time (DST).


Most of the people who live on Eclipse Island are native Polynesian. They enjoy participating in traditional ceremonies and sports, such as surfing and sailing. Weather

Holidays On Eclipse Island, they celebrate the following holidays: July 4th – Independence Day December 25th – Christmas January 1st – New Year’s Eve February 15th – Valentine’s Day Easter, Passover – celebrated twice on the same day (Easter Sunday and Monday) July 18th – Bonfires & Oysters September 30th – Labor Day Thanksgiving, Hanukkah.


On Eclipse Island, the predominant government is a republic. The president is elected by the people and serves for four-year terms. There are also representatives in the legislature who serve for two-year terms. The head of state is known as the Chief Executive. The judicial branch consists of three senior judges and a number of junior judges elected by high-ranking members from each island district.

The people who live on Eclipse Island call themselves “Gini Pikkano’o” (E). They are pikkas that speak native Polynesian Papiamento, which has been around since pre-colonial times.

Government Services

On Eclipse Island, there is not an official hospital. However, there are a number of clinics and health centers that offer basic medical care. Electricity

Eclipse Island does not have its own electric power plant; electricity is supplied by the mainland via transmission lines. Water

The water supply on Eclipse Island is approximately 80% tap water and 20% Fiji Purified Saltwater (FPS) which has been treated with ultraviolet light to kill viruses and bacteria .

Internet Access Internet access is available on Eclipse Island. Mobile phones and wireless internet service also exist in the area but are not as widespread due to limited reception, particularly between Atauro island districts.

Transportation There are no airports or seaports on Eclipse Island however planes regularly fly into Safaniya Air Base near Viti Levu International Airport (VLL).


Eclipse Island is a popular tourist destination for visitors to Fiji. The island is known for its natural beauty, including the abundance of rainforest and lakes. There are a number of resorts that offer accommodation, as well as tours that take visitors on hikes and boat trips to view wildlife. The island’s wildlife, including birds, small mammals and animals like dolphins can be observed. Tourism is a vital part of the local economy. Transportation

The main form of transportation on Eclipse Island are boats that provide access between islands in the district surrounding Atauro (also known as Albany Islands), including Vuna districts located to the west and Suwarfadiya Districts located to eastward over water.


Eclipse Island is part of the Suwarfadiya District and is accessible by boat from Atauro island. Fisa Balubak is the main market in Atauro Island, where local food and convenience items are sold. Other island markets include Avuavae Tangila on Suwaibara Island (where vegetables, fruit, clothing and other products such as Fijian kava cloths are purchased), Saunievu on Tagi Vatu (coconut water) Ulaapa/Gawaya’asanai for fresh produce and other daily necessities, Kavuvou on Munualau Islands (where handicrafts, foodstuffs and salt are bought) Sofiofalevaai in Wavelivuta district (where household items such as furniture and clothing are available).


Traditional Fijian cuisine features dishes such as chicken or beef curry, fish and seafood paella, vegetables like yams or taro, Samoa pupus (a type of cake), roti canai (flatbread) and natali 127 (fruit juice). The island is covered by rainforest, part of the Pacific Ocean’s largest continuous forested area.

Many species of birds are found on Eclipse Island including: lyrebird rainbow lorikeets parrots brown kiwi pied cuckoos pigeons mahoes regent bowerbirds cassowaries and emus many varieties of waders seabirds.


Eclipse Island is home to many species of wildlife, including: possums quokkas wombats koalas echidnas pademelons tortoises tui birds Harpy’s Eagles and kingfishers. Transport

There is limited road transport available, a four-wheel drive jeep which can accommodate three people. However there are no facilities to consume alcohol and the legal drinking age on Atauro island is 21. The mainland airport at Nadi International Airport serves Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu from November – April or May depending upon when that particular year’s cyclones cease to present a flying risk so services return for resumed flights.


Eclipse Island is an isolated, uninhabited island that sits in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the Bahamas and is home to an extraordinarily rare solar eclipse that will be seen from North America on August 21, 2019. What makes Eclipse Island so important? The island is the perfect location for a scientific experiment to study the effects of a total solar eclipse on humans.


Q: What Is The Legal Drinking Age On Eclipse Island?

A: The legal drinking age on Eclipse island is 21.

Q: What Are Eclipse Island’s Current Conditions Like?

A: Conditions on the island can be described as a very primitive camping and camping. There is not much to see or do here since there isn’t any shade or source of electricity, no surf/water sports, barbeque facilities which seats 8 people only. You cannot have birds feeder around them because they eat seeds occasionally—apart from that an area outside only seating sometimes 24 people is considered as the only outdoor seating.

Q: Is Eclipse Island Accessible At All Times?

A: Yes, Eclipse island can be reached through a small stepway just before getting to Gravier Hot Springs in Great Exuma Island by chartering any ferry boats that are running—however transportation get more difficult each year due to heavy waves breaking their way into the ocean during hurricane season which greatly affects coral reefs feeding marine life & bird sanct uaries.

Q: How Much Does Eclipse Island Cost?

A: The price of a tour is not transparent and depends on the season/day at which you book it—so see our page for excellent tours from Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Orlando and Tampa hundreds more destinations throughout USA & Caribbean.

Q : What Type Of Transportation Is Available To Eclipse Island ?

A: Currently there are no public ferry that links this island with any other islands in

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