Emen Island-Everything You Need To Know



Emen Island


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Emen is a remote island located in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia. The island is approximately 580 square kilometres in area and has a population of around 2,000.

The majority of the population are Arabs who have lived on the island for over a century. The island’s economy is largely agricultural, with crops such as cotton, beans, and tomatoes being the mainstay of its exports. Emen also has significant fisheries and tourist potential.

Emen Island History

Emen Island

In 1942 the British Royal Navy declared it an open port. The island was used as a base to supply Allied forces by following Operation SPAINJOB (also known as ONSLAUGHT or SWANTON). During this period, several dhows were sent with at least 2 matchlock rifles each and 8 revolvers in order to arm local Arabs against possible Italian retaliation for Imamura’s Raid on Baranja raid of 1941.

The island’s value as a naval base became little more than symbolic after the Italian withdrawal from British Somaliland in September 1944. After this, Emirate of Adeje in the Canary Islands started to use Emen for fishing and trading purposes starting 1946 until 1949 when was joined with Somalia (then called “Somaliland” – i.e., Somali Regency).

The relations between Italy and Britain at that time did not recognize French Somaliland as an independent state although it was more or less their protectorates.

The island is currently administered by the federal government of Puntland, which implements Islam and some elements from Somali culture in its daily life. Emen Island’s inhabitants are predominantly ethnic Somalis who speak Adeoyo, one of the two major branches (along with Tukaraq) that make up what is known collectively in Somalia as Soomaali.



According as the Minister of Agriculture in Somaliland, some plants and animals flourish on Emen Island.

Somali Gunshot Eucalyptus (Empress Tree) – a huge tree that can reach height of 130m with broad crown spreading to 180cm leaves reaching an average width 620cm . It is hardy plant that grows well under all climatic conditions except salty soil.The Somali gunshottu tree is poisonous, so it should not be gathered and distributed to other places where people gather or visitors.

Arabic Spice – A large evergreen tree grows on the Island with wide branch spread up to 50m thick canopy reaching as high as 100m at its peak/branch drooping down towards ground when young but forming a dense columnar trunk after 3-5years shedding of leaves .

These trees grow faster than normal bushes under all condition except sandy soils. It is ideal for building materials, fuel wood and medicine ingredient with grains of the barks reputed to be good antiseptic & disinfectant agent while containing potent cardiac vasoconstrictor . Jurneyi sugar cane – An everGreen tree that can reach height of 3m without drooping down towards ground after a few years shedding its leaves (few stumps remain). These trees grow fast than normal bushes under all condition.



Somalilanders still live in agricultural and pastoral communities. They were part of Somalia’s traditional diverse Islamic (Saba’i) culture that was largely influenced by the surrounding Ethiopian, Somali Arab, and Afar cultures.

The predominant Somalilandwe conservative Sama religious tradition is Islam supported by Sufi doctrine characterized with a prominent mysticism active calling to God “Allah”, belief in Prophethood which resulted in contributions as a great mass of pre -modern information recorded in chronicles and poetry.

All these gave birth to vernacular literature of their own which involves Alugash, Fagdhiye, Osmanya Shuwaalo sariimaanadan as well as religious “Sama Dhexe” (poets), Gebshaawi of Sabaayte schools () most notably the ancient scolars Shaykh Ali Nabhan Mohamed bin Abdille Giirreel.



Somaliland is considered as the most isolated, sparsely populated and undeveloped area of Africa with an estimated 200 entirely pastoralists /nomadic herdsmen/nomads although in 1984 approximately 150 000 nomadic bisabitun (remaining parts), inhabiting about one-third of Somaliland territory.

They remaining part that reside along coastal areas such as Hargeisa town have greater urban sector distribution mainly from Berbera Fromaniba (the capital of the State) between Hargeisa and Berbera, Bormide on banks of Indho River in southwest Somaliland.

Somalis have been interested in making a profit from tourism for delicious natural resources like its fruits harvested honeycombs bees hives products being very famous throughout the region used widely by other middle east countries such as Yemen after united with Somalia back in 1960s until present which were replenished.



Although, for decades Somaliland has been the least developed of all African countries are capable in terms of transportation which reflects from today’s advanced transport facilities. The only airstrip is located at Burao and Hargeisa Municipal Airport long distance air service with Berbera airport also opened to public freely accessible as it can be seen nowadays there’re hotels bus stations post office kiosk-banks etc., serving up and coming popular.



Conservationists have been trying to protect the wildlife of Somaliland by endeavoring, prohibiting international poachers from killing them.

In February 2006 and October 2007 respectively 25 elephant carcasses were found on different places in southern regions of Somaliland but subsequently it was shown that they had arrived recent and all belonged to herds living long time ago passing through

In the 1960s when country was under military administration then officially declared as a controlled shooting range with no government control but lack of public awareness during that time easily encouraged poachers from numerous neighboring countries.

Poaching is also believed as one of main cause for unemployment and overpopulation in most developed districts (urban-temporary refugee camps) especially in southwestern Somali region up north being can be found herds grazing area project on some plains west direction like Berbera town . Currently the population growth has been lower than average at around 2,657 per cent.


Located in the Persian Gulf, Emen Island is one of the many uninhabited islands in Qatar. With a population of only around 100 people, the island is home to goats, sheep, and a few cattle. The main economic activity on the island is fishing.

The only other way to make money on the island is through tourism, which has been growing at a trickle in recent years. This article will tell you all you need to know about the natural beauty and history of Emen Island.


1.What Are The Natural Resources Of Emen Island?

Ans: Emen Island, located in the Indian Ocean, is a mesmerising destination with its azure waters and lush greenery. With its soft white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, it is the perfect place to relax and unwind. With so much to offer tourists,

Emen Island is an ideal spot for a relaxing holiday. Not only is it a great place to stay, but it also has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. From crystal clear waters to pristine white sand beaches, there is something for everyone on Emen Island.

2.What Is The Official Population Of Emen Island?

Ans: Emen Island is a paradise for tourists looking for a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city. Nestled in the Gulf of Oman, it features beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery.

It’s also home to some rare animals, including the Arabian Oryx, the Arabian Cheetah, and the Arabian Elephant. If you’re interested in visiting Emen Island, here are some tips on how to make the most of your trip!

3.How Did Emen Island Come To Be Uninhabited?

Ans: Emen Island is a beautiful getaway located in Abu Dhabi and it offers stunning 360-degree views of the cityscape and the Persian Gulf. As an island retreat, it offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life while still being close enough to enjoy all that Abu Dhabi has to offer.

With its vast gardens, private beaches, and luxurious villas, Emen Island is perfect for those who want to relax and rejuvenate.

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