Faq Of Persepolis – Things To Know



Faq Of Persepolis


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Faq of persepolis and the role of the logo in advertising.The purpose of branding is to create an emotional connection with your customers. Branding can be done through various means such as logos, colors, typography, and brand name. The function of a logo is to help people recognize your business by visualizing what it represents.

Faq Of Persepolis

1. Who Is the Biggest Enemy in Persepolis?

An intelligent reader might wonder why, if he is a carefree and jolly warrior-king who has defeated foes to win his crown, he would need anyone’s help. The answer is that he’s not a carefree and jolly warrior-king, despite what the name of his city proposes.

Rather, as a much younger man from an ancient Persian family (read: “noble”) named Sanjulioo used to shout when learning about the history of Persepolis for the first time (“Before me!”).

2. What Can You Learn From Persepolis?

What Is the Irony in Persepolis

Here are the things you can learn from Persepolis:

  1. Keep everything simple, be recognizable.
  2. Don’t overdo it with colors or logos and always make sure that your brand is understandable even to people who has never encounter with your business before in their lives.
  3. Be consistent! Whatever branding choices that you made for yourself must not change at a later time or those will appear as irrelevant quirks of an original design.
  4. Persepolis is not only a story that explores the iranian revolution but also the role of art, media and music in creating an image of what satrapi describes as ‘the real social life’.

3. What Is the Irony in Persepolis?

What Is the Irony in Persepolis

The story of Persepolis is like an ancient text with all Phoenician plot twists coming through a novelistic sad saga. All characters are symbolic, especially Sanjulioo – the young protagonist and man who struggles to break with old social codes threatened by everything that could possibly be familiar and unavoidable (the high priestess).

This struggle will result in events as tragic ones. The irony should also come from how tense this battle was: Persepolis was damaged by a small accident at the end of its life, while the condition in which it is showed to modern Iran would be like disaster.

4. How Is Power Shown in Persepolis?

How Is Power Shown in Persepolis

There are many ways the main characters manipulate power to fulfill their own interests:

  1. Sanjulioo always recounts his past complete with violence and threats as a reason for now standing strong, repeatedly refusing every kind of safe-option given to him by others. The memory will be shown in flashbacks while being narrated.
  2. This makes it very self-justifying of Persepolis being important as there were others who wanted this asset leading into constant fears if it would be lost or stolen..

5. Why Is Persepolis Banned in Iran?

My favorite things in this book are: As you can see, the thistle is an important part of Iranian culture so it shouldn’t be punished. Some people think that pro-Mousavi protests could compromise its culturcial history. My problem with Persepolis being banned before we get even one image from this school or building does not make sense to me.

6. How Is Religion Shown in Persepolis?

There is a scene where Darius, one of the king’s sons argues why he should marry Ioximweh and continue on with his family (the children are named Cyrus and Sanjulioo). He says that if he does not do this then the people will turn against him.

The islamic revolution peaked in 1979 during students’ demonstrations for islamic representation. The west was shocked by this revolution and it wanted to prevent the islamic revolution from spreading.

7. Does Marjane Believe in God?

Persepolis is told by the eyes of Marjane’s companions, but I feel that it is clear to us how she feels in the book. Her words reassure them throughout their difficult times and they believe in her because they know that if she were not with them then no one else would be either.

Satrapi is an artist who was born in marrakech, morocco in 1966. Throughout the years satrapi has developed multiple talents and interests including film making, painting and drawing. Marjane satrapi’s illustrated autobiography set during turbulent times.

8. Who Was Darius the Great?

Who Was Darius the Great

This is one ne of the best questions asked in Persepolis and I feel like it is important to get a clear answer. There are people who believe him to be Persian but other water standing beliefs including Greek, Greek legends and claims by satrapi herself.

Azaadi movement means freedom (for example when Roxy Midnight spoke about Azaadi in france). This arahchi based social group has been protesting for over 100 years because they don ‘t want to be under British and Russian rule.

9. Why Does Marjane Lose Her Faith?

Marjane doesn’t lose her faith. She rather expands on it early in the book and as we reached the end, she comes to realise that everything is all just a test from God. There will be no destruction of any kind once you pass away because there is nothing after death.

10. What Part Does Tehrir Play in Marjanes Life? Does He Really Love Her?

I feel it is best to leave some parts of this story ambiguous so that the reader has room for interpretation and their own personal opinion.

Tehrir does not really represent any idealised sort of love in the book but he was a person who Marjane could find comfort with, broken relationships have always been important themes throughout her writing career as she says “to me life consists of meaningful connections: family, friends and lovers.

11. What Techniques Does Satrapi Use in Persepolis?

What Techniques Does Satrapi Use in Persepolis

Satrapi uses many techniques to depict key events and symbols of her story. She she is an expert on symbolic gestures, she said that being able to look at a startling moment in time. And capture it exactly was the secret most comics writers. Don’t have because they do not write just for illustrations but also film making.

She has heard from everyone in this world about life – what all faith teaches us – but she has not seen it beyond these palaces. She came to see for herself the world’s greatest cities by night, including its “most dangerous”, such as Shantiya or Isfahan.

12. Why Is Persepolis in Black and White?

After the book was finished and she locked it away for a long time, Satrapi began to think about this period where all her life had been in black and white.

The events happened when Afghans were captured after 1979 war with Russia. They were sent as exiles from their own land only to be tortured for different reasons by many countries hoping that these Iranians would reveal .

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