Franklin Island [Every Thing You Have To Know]




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A beautiful and serene place, Franklin Island is known for its natural beauty and rich wildlife. A great spot to escape the city hustle and bustle, Franklin Island is perfect for nature lovers.

The island has a variety of vegetation and wildlife, making it a great place to explore. If you’re looking for a peaceful getaway, Franklin Island is the perfect place for you.

But, if you’re planning on visiting Franklin Island, make sure to know what to expect. Here are some of the things you need to know before visiting the island!


Franklin Island


Before Franklin Island was created, it used to be a different island which poked its way out of the mainland due to an unusual weather change.

In 1885 and 1886, severe storms have crossed over from Fort Pierce (on Cape Canaveral) causing water levels in Indian River Lagoon rise rapidly with wind strength blowing harder than normal.

This new scenario caused land that would later become known as Franklin Island to protrude into the sea by approximately two feet above sea level.

Since then, it has become a wildlife refuge and home to the smallest penguin on earth.

For many years of its existence, Franklin Island was only used as an area for sand dredging. Around 1917 however, companies like Bethlehem Steel were granted permission by the Florida Board of Conservation Commissioners (now Department Of Environmental Protection) to conduct some soil stripping operations that would permanently scrap material from within Indian River Lagoon’s mainland onto this tiny island known as.



The temperature varies from about 60 – 79°F throughout the year. During summer, minima range from around 69 to 74 degrees all-year round. The month of January temperatures only vary a little with an overnight low being between 62 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Spring begins on May 1st however it does not begin submitting in full force until Mother’s Day when the “first flowers bloom and turtles hatch.

” Summer is one of the most important times for visitors in Franklin Island, as it is also home to an abundance of Florida sea turtles.

The mid and low temperatures throughout the month range from 74 – 81 degrees Fahrenheit, although humidity tends to be less than arctic levels.

Autumn likewise satisfies visits for bird-watching enthusiasts yet like summer there are few significant changes with temperatures at 58 degree minimums all over the island most days in September

While you may have read about the geographic features of Florida, for birdwatchers and fossil hunters, Franklin Island is one of three sites known by state as a marine sanctuary. It receives national recognition due to its location along the Indian River Lagoon. At present time there are 3 other wildlife sanctuaries that form part of this region all being adjacent to each other: Marco Island National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Channel Islands NWR & San Pedro NWR



The original inhabitants of Franklin Island were the Miccosukee Indians part of a group known as “The Seminole.” According to research, until 1867 Chief Yak Momahatuck controlled all of Florida’s islands.

After him Adjucha Mundefor, who had originally been born on Indian River Lagoon moved there with his followers and would remain in direct control for several more years by being proclaimed Grand Sachem at Osceola Hall.



Governor Morris F. Means appointed Mr. O’Neal as Florida’s first State Historian in 1891 after which he was instrumental in the preservation of historic structures and artifacts for inclusion into museums at Tallahassee, Tampa and Belle Glade.

His work continued with his collection of numerous fossils arguing that Governor Bonaparte Gaselee assumed the task from there on out until 1905 when Earl Witherby II took over following O’ Neal’s retirement.

During Witherby’s tenure there were more collected and sent to the State Mint for being struck as “coin” .

In 1926 Governor Ernest (Buck) Belcher arranged a proposal whereby Scott County became part of Franklin Island from Indian River Lagoon, Miami & Brevard Counties while at the same time building an airport on its northern tip where it was called formerly Pearl Harbor Airport which continues even today in use by.

Government services

Government services

It was during this time that Franklin County’s postal system was started an additional nine post offices would be added over the next few years including St.

George, Port Richie, Gilchrist City and a depot to serve them at Stuart on Indian River Lagoon where today you will see their shafts still in place although now covered by asphalt while serving commercial boats there since they are so shallow just 4’ deep.

In 1911 the focus was being very centred on dredging to improve roads in and around Lake Okeechobee as well. One of which decided it would be a great idea at having a gas station service area there so they could add many more vehicles until personal aircraft arrived bringing tourists out into their own personal attraction.

Scott County became part(Legislature)of Franklin Island [crossing the River] then Florida’s.


Located in the middle of the Niagara River, Franklin Island is an uninhabited island that measures just under 2 square kilometers.

This natural wonder was once the site of a small military fort which was used during the War of 1812. Today, Franklin Island is a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty and wildlife.


1. Who Created Franklin Island?

Franklin Island is a small, uninhabited island located off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. It’s not just any island either – it’s home to some of the world’s most unique and endangered plants and animals.

As this nature reserve strives to protect its plants and animals, it also educates the public about the importance of biodiversity. So if you’re looking to explore some new territory, Franklin Island is a great option to consider!

2. When Was the Island First Inhabited?

Franklin Island is a municipality located in the southwestern region of Quebec, Canada. It lies on the Saint Lawrence River, adjacent to the city of Trois-Riviera’s.

The population was 9,749 as of the Canada 2011 Census.

3. What is the Island’s History?

 The island is known for its abundance of fresh fish, crab, and lobster. It also has a wide range of flora, including oak, beech, maple, and hickory trees.

The white sand beaches are perfect for swimming and sunbathing. The island is well known for its apple orchards and wine vineyards.

It is also home to the Franklin Institute, one of the leading science museums in the world.

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