All About Of Galten Islands – Don’t Miss Out



Gaston Islands


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The Gaston Islands are a group of small, uninhabited islands located in the Saint Lawrence Seaway. The islands are part of the town of Stanstead, Quebec, and are part of the Regional County Municipality of Stanstead.

All About Of Galten Island

Gaston Islands



The island group was named for Colonel John Heath, who discovered the islands in 1634. Captain Samuel Demuth landed on Keith Island to get rocks to use as bearings when he became lost; his ship “Lion” ran aground and sank.

In 1732 the island of M’sieur Isle, later renamed Rowe Island by Pierre de Villebon due to its resemblance at a distance with King George II’s portrait (beaton), according Henri Joutel in 1806, had known since June 11 that there were dangerous rocks nearby which posed a serious threat:

In 1748 , a group of Englishmen led by Ensign John Towlston explored the island. He was killed April 27, 1749.

Lt Josephine de Salaberry thought highly of him and followed in his footsteps to General Daniel d’Irumberry commanding officer at Valcartier:

“I have seen an island chez Mr B?erlye; I would like specially if this is not so established here (this expedition”). The entire island of M’sieur Isle with its soil has been purchased in 1833 by Nicolas Deschenes brother-in-law.



Located in the maritime climate zone, with a mild winter and hot summer period. Average annual temperature is 21 ° C (min) 19 ° C (max). The warmest month every year is July; 0 °C occurs on 16 days at most during this time. On average temperatures vary from -2 to 11 degrees Celsius .

Warm events are common across Canada between the months of June and August when there might be experienced up to 20 hours over 30-35 consecutive days where daytime highs exceed 25 °C but only one day surpassing 36 degrees Fahrenheit or more occurring for less.



Numerous English-speaking families live on the island. The population numbers 300 residents, including a mixed population of about 50 people who are immigrants from Belgium and France in 1990s.

Today there is a regulated house for everyone involved; there is also an open roadway system running through all the houses from one pad to another so that transportation between different islands can occur with great ease and efficiency within historic times similar to other parts of Canada . There’re amenities such as tennis courts for every month (June – August).

There is a public school on island dedicated to M’sieur Bay in relation with the island of Coté-de-Mer

. There are approximately 30 students, 10 boys and 20 girls benefiting from instruction in different educational subjects (in French), as well as Kindergarten. A new ICT system has been installed just to facilitate everybody’s needs.



There is a handicapped island of the bar area off M’sieur Bay (3650 abbr. M’)and larger islands that serve as protected areas and stopover for migration birds from far away… In short, one can find anything on island!


The most important attractions are: Coté-de-Mer Bar ; this tiny fjord during low tide reveals heaps of sea urchins , starfish, flotsam and an abundance of tropical fish that feed there throughout the year like red snapper flounders bass rays crown tail lobsters crabs crawdia (red sea urchins) hawser crabs seaweed and many more crustaceans.

Memory of the island exists in mind of a young girl and her friend who fell into despair during WWII but sustained for two years on Coté-de TRUE Krazy !

The present day inhabitants live their days safely relying on all types of means to come together as one typical island family but only avoi d’feared from seaside storms . Circumstance: Such geographical position that separates islands has given birth to this wonderful, unique historical house shaped by wind.



You can get to Coté-de-Mer by airplane, boat and road. There are numerous trips plying the island between M’sieur Bay at the west end of Labrèche Island , then narrows Saint Come so visitors can view this rarified spot where passengers disembark in serious but awe inspiring surroundings

Fishing Spot (CRAIG) is situated near path 11 on SH1 passing through M’sieur bay toward Western Head. It comprises two small islands that stand as guardians over a pocket beach while currents wash creatures into them surf fishing works best here! At times more than ten snappers can be found at a time.

Coté-dePetite Trésorerie island forms part of the geod’s Labrèche route network where visitors flock to find breathtaking views of cliffs and dunes on the west end Reunion Island Over there, free grass beds stick out their green heads many times renewed by enthusiastic tourists in just one year! Its high tide zone area is pockmarked with bays and lively dingle holes.

Coté-deKrazy island presents sheer rock cliffs, several sandy beaches and crashing surf of the Northern tip where it borders Mount RENN for all to soak in!


Gaston Islands is an archipelago in the Caribbean Sea, located about 600 miles (970 km) northeast of Haiti. With a land area of just over 140 sq km (54 sq mi), Gaston Islands is the third-smallest of the Leeward Islands, after Anguilla and Montserrat.

The islands are volcanic in origin and are composed of basalt and andesite. The climate is tropical, with average temperatures ranging from 26 to 29 °C (79 to 84 °F) year-round. The islands are visited for their mostly clear waters, coral reefs, and white-sand beaches.


1.What Are The Gaston Islands?

Ans: The Gaston Islands are a group of small, uninhabited islands in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of East Africa. The archipelago is named after Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corbet, comte de Gaston, who acquired them for the French crown in 1819.

The islands are a popular tourist destination, primarily because of their natural beauty and wildlife. The most popular activities on the islands include hiking and diving.

2.What Is The Temperature Like On Gaston Islands?

Ans: The Gaston Islands are a small archipelago located in the southern Caribbean Sea. With an area of around 284 square kilometres and a population of just 1,900 people, they are one of the most remote inhabited islands in the Caribbean region.

The Gaston Islands are also one of the most ecologically diverse archipelagos in the world. The Gaston Islands are home to many different species of trees and plants, including several endemic species.

3.How Many People Visit Gaston Islands Each Year?

Ans: Gaston Islands is a group of seven islands located in Saint Lucia, Caribbean. The group is a popular tourist destination due to its stunning coral reefs, white sand beaches and turquoise waters. The islands are also well known for their lush tropical rainforest and diverse bird life.

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