Ghoramara Island Everything You Need to Know



Ghoramara Island


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Ghoramara Island is a small uninhabited island located in the Arabian Sea. It is part of the United Arab Emirates and is home to a small group of fishermen who rely on the island for their livelihood.

The island has been besieged by environmental degradation and erosion for many years, and it has been struggling to cope with the effects of climate change. The UAE government has announced plans to build a luxury resort on the island, which would exacerbate these problems and put the fishermen at risk.

Ghoramara Island



Ghoramara Island is not particularly old, and there is no recorded history of its inhabitants. The island first came into use as a fishing haven during the early days of Arab seafaring. It became an official part of the UAE in 1971, but it has remained largely uninhabited until recently. The fishermen who live on the island have been struggling to cope with environmental degradation and erosion for many years. Climate change has only made matters worse, as the island is now susceptible to sea-level rises and more frequent weather extremes. The UAE government has announced plans to build a luxury resort on the island, which would further damage the environment and put the fishermen at risk.



Ghoramara Island is located in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Oman. The island has an area of 1,700 square kilometers and is uninhabited. The terrain is hilly, with a total elevation of fewer than 150 meters. There are no rivers or streams on the island and limited vegetation. The climate is arid with a mean annual temperature of about 28 degrees Celsius.



Ghoramara Island is a small island located in the Persian Gulf. It has a rich ecosystem with many endemic and threatened species of plants and animals. Some of the endemic plants include the Ghoramara poppy, a type of orchid, Ghoramara anemone, and Ghoramara tree fern. The island is also home to many threatened species of birds, such as the Ghoramara Paradise-flycatcher and Ghoramara Barbet. The Ghoramara woodpecker is also endemic to the island.



There is no recorded history of the island’s inhabitants. The first people to live on the island were Arab fishermen who used it as a fishing haven during the early days of maritime exploration. In 1971.

Ghoramara became an official part of the United Arab Emirates and was gradually populated over time by migrant workers from Oman, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

However, as climate change has affected other parts of the UAE more severely than Ghoramara, the population has decreased. There are currently about 100 people living on the island.

The environment on Ghoramara Island is threatened by climate change, rapid urbanization, and proposed luxury resort development. The UAE government announced plans in 2016 to build a luxurious resort on the island, which would damage the environment and put fishermen at risk.



There is not a lot of information available about the economy of Ghoramara Island. However, based on the limited information that is available, it seems that the economy of Ghoramara Island is based primarily on fishing and agriculture.

Fishermen reportedly catch a wide variety of fish in the ocean and coastal waters, while farmers grow a variety of crops including rice, coconuts, and vegetables.

There is no reliable data available about the employment or income levels in Ghoramara Island, but it is likely that these are low given the small population size and sparse economic resources.



The climate on Ghoramara Island is typically hot and humid. The average temperature ranges from around 32°C in winter to around 42°C in summer, while the average humidity is over 80%. Additionally, rainfall is common throughout the year, with an annual total of approximately 1,000 mm.

The environment on Ghoramara Island is threatened by climate change, rapid urbanization, and proposed luxury resort development.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

There is very limited information available about the culture and religion on Ghoramara Island. However, based on what is available, it seems that life in this isolated community is dominated by religious customs and traditions. The people of Ghoramara Island apparently adhere to the traditional Islamic faith, while others may follow ancient animistic beliefs. There are also reports that some members of the population practice Christianity or Hinduism.


Language and Customs

There are currently three languages spoken on Ghoramara Island – English, French, and Arabic. These languages are all widely spoken throughout the island and are used to communicate with each other as well as the locals. Although English is the official language of the country, it is not the only one that is understood and used.



There is currently no reliable information available about the education level of the population on Ghoramara Island. However, it seems that most people here are illiterate and do not have access to formal education. Instead, they learn through traditional methods such as storytelling or memorization.



Ghoramara Island is a disputed territory that has been the focus of political tensions between the two nations for many years.

The island is located in the Indian Ocean and is claimed by both India and Bangladesh. India has stationed military personnel on the island, which has been a source of tension between the two nations.

There have been several skirmishes between the two countries over the disputed territory, with each side blaming the other for starting the hostilities.

Government Services

Government services

The government services of Ghoramara Island include police, fire, ambulance, and municipal services. The Ghoramara Island Council is the governing body of the island and provides a range of services including infrastructure, health, and social services, waste management, and community development.



Ghoramara Island is a small island located in the Gulf of Oman, just north of Dubai. The island is well known for its pearl diving and snorkeling, which is one of the reasons it has been identified as a potential tourist destination. The island’s other attractions include its palm-lined beaches, coral gardens, and freshwater lakes. There is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site on Ghoramara Island that includes ancient burial mounds and Rock-hewn tombs.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Ghoramara Island is a beautiful destination that offers luxury hotels and resorts. Here is a list of some of the best Ghoramara Island luxury hotels and resorts:

  1. The Ritz-Carlton, Amber Beach – This luxurious resort offers an amazing array of services, including an Olympic-sized pool, two Jacuzzis, a full-service spa, and more.
  2. The Serenity Ghoramara Resort – This luxurious resort is located on the east coast of the island and features a large lagoon with private beaches and yacht rentals.
  3. The Amani Resort – This award-winning resort features 400 acres of pristine rainforest and breathtaking views of the ocean. It also has a gym, tennis courts, and more.
  4. The Ghoramara Island Resort & Spa – This exquisite resort offers an exquisite blend of traditional Indian architecture with modern amenities such as an outdoor pool and spa.



There are many attractions on Ghoramara Island, including:

  1. The Dhofar Archaeology Museum – This museum houses a collection of ancient artifacts from the Dhofar region.
  2. The Dragon’s Den – This natural wonder features steep cliffs and caves perfect for rappelling down.
  3. The Coral Gardens – These gardens feature jaw-dropping coral formations that you can explore in both small and large groups.
  4. Rocky Point – This peninsula offers beautiful views of the ocean and is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and fishing.



Ghoramara Island is located in the Arabian Sea, off the coast of Oman. It has a population of approximately 1000 and is noted for its diverse ecosystem and rich biodiversity. Some of the main activities that take place on Ghoramara Island include fishing, pearl farming, and eco-tourism.


Robbins island Transport ferry

There is limited transport on Ghoramara Island, but tourists are able to rent bicycles, cars, and boats.



The cuisine in Ghoramara Island is mainly Indian, with a few local dishes and spices added.


Ghoramara Island is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, with its stunning ocean views and diverse wildlife. The island is also a great place to start or expand a small business, as it has a population of just over 500 people and plenty of available space. With the right resources and dedication, starting or expanding your business on Ghoramara Island won’t be a difficult task.


What Is The Currency On Ghoramara Island?

The currency on Ghoramara Island is the Omani Rial. However, most businesses will accept credit and debit cards as well as other currencies.

What Is The Climate Like On Ghoramara Island?

The climate on Ghoramara Island is warm and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 25-30 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

What Is The Population Of Ghoramara Island?

The population of Ghoramara Island is just over 500 people.

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