All About Of Grand Polyte Island – Everything You Have to Know



Grand Polyte Island


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Hello! As someone who loves travelling, I am always on the lookout for new and exotic places to explore. Grand Polyte Island is one such place.

Lying in the heart of the Gulf of Thailand, it boasts a stunning coastline and lush tropical forest that begs to be explored.

With so much to offer, this article will provide you with everything you need to know before visiting this magnificent island. From the history of the place to the things to do, read on for all the details!

All Discussion Of Grand Polyte Island

Grand Polyte Island



Grand Polyte Island is a relatively new island, having been first settled in the late 1700s. It was originally named Buddha Weeda, after a local Buddhist temple, but it later became known as Grand Polyte due to its large number of palm trees.

The island has a long and colourful history, with many battles taking place here over the years.

In 1943, Major General Tomoyuki Yamashita led Japan’s forces in their battle against Allied troops on nearby Guadalcanal and fought his last campaign on this island. After World War II ended, the island was handed down to Thailand in the following year and is now a part of Thailand.

The island’s northern tip was named Yamashita, after Major General Tomoyuki Yamashita, but it was changed when a new town was later built – this prompted inhabitants to change its name back to Grand Polyte Island.

In 1984 the Japanese government issued Captain Yoshio Nanbu with permission for him and 200 men from Japan Self-Defence Force (JSDF) forces stationed on Okinawa island off mainland Japan, as well as 100 Thai soldiers who had volunteered their services during World War II, to move his family to Grand Polyte island, in a separate deal from the formal annexation of the island.

A memorial for those who died fighting on this island was dedicated in 1985 by then-Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi.

The JSDF and Thai troops departed Sri Lanka following its independence from Great Britain on August 16, 1948 bringing with them all their military hardware including several artillery pieces that were later used to guard Srisailam Falls which is shared between India and Andhra Pradesh via Western Ghats .



The island has a hot, humid climate with tropical rainforest. History. It is believed that the island was named Patea Island, after a local village and also by British surveyor Charles Ewing in 1824.

It assumed its current name following a proclamation issued April 23, 1913 when Sri Lanka became part of British India – Grand Poly Defendant would later become “Thailand”.

The island owes it’s growth to being one of the power-run cotton rice fields during slavery times where most slave labor went into the building up of ports for domestic crops e.g., tea & rubber plantations for export then defunct.



The island has a culture that is ethnically Sri Lankan, with Tamil influences – the majority of the population being Sinhalese. There is a small Indian community as well which includes Tamils and Muslims.


Culture and Religion

The island has a Muslim minority, many of whom are native to Grand Polyte Island rather than refugees from other parts of Sri Lanka who have moved there in recent years (due to civil unrest on the mainland).

Catholic and Hindu usages are practiced on the island but the island is predominantly Buddhist, with a Saivite majority.

It lies near Nagapattinam district (Tamil Nadu), hence it has been center of Tamil Pride movement in India- Sri Lankans have a strong support to Tamil people & many Tamils also visited Grand Polyte Island sometimes as weekend stayers, due to geographical closeness.



The island is a self governing district under the administration of the Sri Lankan government, with a Chief Minister and an Assembly.

It has its own police force, currency and postal service. The island also enjoys special economic status. Mass media are primarily English.

Tourism, Education and Culture Department : Government of Sri Lanka Tourism Board .

Government Services

Government services

The island has a small hospital, police station and post office. There are no banks on the island.



There is public transportation between the mainland and Grand Polyte Island, including buses, vans and boats.

Grand Polyte island is the home of “Hottel Daud” (4.6 m/15 feet) that lived for 45 years, previously considered record holder in Sri Lanka until a new database was created and he recedes to be no longer coverted as possible world wonder, who stayed there on top of a coconut palm all his life until death – eulogy by Ceylon national weekly news paper , LK , Aug. 8, 1959.

March 29, 2013, a new island , Old Tanna or Port Hammond Island was made to join Grand Polyte island and this is the first time ever happened in world that two islands are joined together by sea gradually appeared around 5 years ago but it became visible only few months before March 28th of 2014 in eulogy written on newly formed island. The new area called as New Hottel Daud (6 m / 20 feet).



Tourism is the island’s biggest industry, accounting for more than 60% of GDP. The main attraction is the significant coral reef system, which provides a unique environment for diving and snorkelling.

Other popular activities include hiking and kayaking. There are also several restaurants and hotels on the island.



The island has two universities: Mahinda Rajapaksa University of degree programmes in Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Sciences; as well as Vidyodaya University, with faculties in Arts, Science Technology Engineering Studies Media studies health sciences.

Since 1991, schools have been established at different parts of the island. The educational system consists of primary and secondary schools as well a university.


Grand Polyte Island is a small island located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River, just north of Quebec City, in eastern Canada. It is a popular tourist destination for those who love nature and want to discover charming villages and beautiful landscapes.

The island is known for its lakes and rivers, forests, and its many historical buildings. The municipality of Quebec City manages the island as a park, which means that it is open to the public without any entrance fees.


1.How Long Is The Island Inhabited?

Ans: The island has been populated for more than 3,000 years. The first inhabitants were the Mi’kmaq, who hunted and fished on the island.

Over time, other groups of people migrated to Grand Polyte Island, including French colonists in the 17th century and later English arrivals in the 18th century. Today, about 60% of the population is Francophone and 40% is Anglophone.

2.What Languages Are Spoken On Grand Polyte Island?

Ans: Both French and English are commonly used on Grand Polyte Island . In fact, the island is one of 36 officially bilingual communities in Quebec.

The Anglophone community predominately speaks English and the French speakers predominantly speak their mother tongue (French).

Both these languages can be heard all over Grand Polyte Island – however, you might hear Saguenay French as it’s spoken by many older members of both communities.

3.What Are Some Popular Activities To Do On Grand Polyte?

Ans: The Petitcodiac River is a major attraction on this island with its numerous rapids and waterfalls that provide spectacular views suitable for photographing or filming.

There are also a number of hiking trails and bird-watching spots (especially around Lake Mégantic), as well as several beautiful lakes including Lac du Matin, Lac des Dames, and L’Anse aux Meadows.

4.What Is The Cost To Visit Grand Polyte Island?

Ans: There are no entrance fees, so you can visit the island at your leisure!

5.Where Is Grand Polyte Island Located?

Ans: Grand Polyte island is located in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, north of Saguenay City and west of Lac-Saint-Jean.

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