Grosse Roche Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Grosse Roche Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Grosse Roche Island is a Canadian island located in the Saint Lawrence River near Quebec City. With a land area of 5.6 km², it is the smallest of the Great Lakes islands.

The island is part of the Île d’Orléans Regional County Municipality. Grosse Roche Island was once home to the Huron people, who used its power and freshwater to support their villages.

The first European to see the island was Jacques Cartier in 1535 during his second voyage to North America.

Grosse Roche Island-Everything You Need to Know!


In 1731, the island was purchased by Jean-Baptiste Bigot de La Peltrie, a French Army officer. He erected a small cabin and began farming the land. In 1763, he sold Grosse Roche Island to Pierre François de Rigaud de Vaudreuil for 1,200 livres. The following year, Vaudreuil constructed a mansion there that still stands today.

During the American Revolution, the British took possession of the island in 1776. They used it as a garrison for their troops during the war. In 1801, General Andrew Jackson captured Île d’Orléans from the British and took control of Grosse Roche Island as part of his strategy to drive them out of North America.

In 1830, Marie-Therese de Longueuil bought Grosse Roche Island from Vaudreu il. She enlarged the mansion and used it as her summer residence. In 1866, she sold the island to Jérôme Biron for 608,000 francs.

In 1884, Captain Lapointe bought Grosse Roche Island from Biron. He restored the mansion and turned it into a hotel.

In 1898, Léon Côté bought Grosse Roche Island from Lapointe and converted it into a summer home.

In 1920, the island was sold to M. Poulin for 610,000 francs. He began restoration work on the mansion and turned it into a hotel.



Grosse Roche Island is located off the eastern coast of Île d’Orléans. It has a total area of. As of 2002, there were 97 people living on Grosse Roche Island. The majority of residents are French-Canadians who live there year-round.



The island is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, otters, and beavers. It is also an important nesting ground for waterfowl.



There are 97 people living on Grosse Roche Island as of 2002.



The economy of Grosse Roche Island is based largely on tourism. The island is popular for its view of the Saint Lawrence River and the surrounding cities.



The climate on Grosse Roche Island is temperate. It is generally cool and rainy in the summer and cold and snowy in the winter.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The majority of residents on Grosse Roche Island are French-Canadians. They predominately practice Roman Catholicism.



The primary languages spoken on Grosse Roche Island are French and English.



Grosse Roche Island is not have a school or other forms of formal education. The majority of residents are children who attend summer camps on the island.



The political environment on Grosse Roche Island is dominated by French-Canadians. The island is not part of any provincial or national government entity.

Government Services

Government services

There are no government services available on Grosse Roche Island.



The primary source of income on Grosse Roche Island is tourism. The island is popular for its view of the Saint Lawrence River and the surrounding cities.

Hotels and Resorts List


The following is a list of hotels and resorts that are located on Grosse Roche Island.

  • Carlton Hotel-Resort
  • Grosse Roche Island Resort
  • Kensington Bed and Breakfast
  • Laroche Bed and Breakfast
  • Le Chalet du Lac Resort



The following are some of the attractions that are available on Grosse Roche Island.

The Carlton Hotel-Resort is a popular tourist destination on Grosse Roche Island. The resort features a spa, conference centre, and golf course.

Grosse Roche Island Resort is located on the north side of the island. The facility has a pool, gymnasium, spa, and tennis court.

Kensington Bed and Breakfast is located in the town of Kensington on Grosse Roche Island. The bed and breakfast offers accommodation in rooms with private baths and Internet access.

Laroche Bed and Breakfast is located on the east side of Grosse Roche Island. The bed and breakfast features a garden, pool, and Jacuzzi.


Ile aux Rats Island Activities

The following are some of the activities that are available on Grosse Roche Island.

Grosse Roche Island Resort is a popular destination for golfing. The resort has two 18-hole courses.

The east side of the island features a swimming beach and walking trails.

The south side of the island has a beach and a marina.



The following is a list of transportation options that are available on Grosse Roche Island.

The island can be accessed by boat from Quebec City or Montreal.

There are also limited bus services that run between the island and other parts of Quebec.


Polymnie Island Cuisine

The following is a list of restaurants that are available on Grosse Roche Island.

The Carlton Hotel-Resort features American and Italian cuisine.

Grosse Roche Island Resort also has a buffet restaurant that offers Quebec cuisine such as poutine and bison.

Le Chalet du Lac Resort has French, Canadian, and international food options.


Grosse Roche Island is the largest island in the Canadian province of Quebec. It has an area of 1,545 km² and a population of around 4,000. The island is part of the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, and it is located about 160 km east of Quebec City.

The island has many interesting attractions such as a Basilica of Notre Dame de Bonsecours, the Grosse Roche Castle and the site of the first French settlement in North America.


How Long Does It Take to Get to Grosse Roche Island From Quebec City by Car, Plane, and Boat?

It takes around 3 hours to drive to Grosse Roche Island from Quebec City. The island can also be reached by plane via the Jean Lesage International Airport or by boat from Quebec City.

What Are the Other Activities to Do on the Island Besides Gambling?

There are many other activities to do on Grosse Roche Island besides gambling. These include hiking, swimming, sunbathing, and biking.

Are There Any Hotels or Motels on the Island? If So, Where Can I Stay for Free?

There are no hotels or motels on Grosse Roche Island, but there are a few resorts that offer rooms for rent. The best option is to book accommodation in advance.

Is It True That There is a Casino on the Island?

Yes, there is a casino on Grosse Roche Island.

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