Guardians of the Galaxy Faq



Guardians of the Galaxy


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Guardians of the Galaxy is a new comic book movie that’s been doing the rounds for about two months now. It stars Chris Pratt as Starlord, Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon, Vin Diesel as Groot, and Michael Rooker as Yondu.

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard or seen snippets of it on screen already. If you have, then you might wonder what all the fuss is about. Well, with no further ado, we present an extensive FAQ for Guardians of the Galaxy.

All About Of Guardians of the Galaxy Faq

Guardians of the Galaxy

Is Guardians 3 the Last One?

Guardians is clearly a series of highly influential movies; Gunn refers to the end as “the final chapter” for that reason. Which means, this one is it!They have framed Guardians 3 within the larger narrative in phase two – Prelude-esque narratives like Ego or Adam Warlock (and presumably we will see other characters pop up here and there) should inform what comes after… though I would be shocked if they made.

Who are the 6 Guardians of the Galaxy?

3rd Guardians of the Galaxy

The Goblet of Fire answers that question. It is shown Groot (aka Baby Groot) and Starlord, the regular 6 Guardians all together at the same time, who then go off to battle Ego in their own individual way. So when Mantis gets her name… it was likely because there were 4 others BEFORE she came along!

What Should I Call These Characters?

I’ll let you label them as you see fit – since everyone is so against the whole serious, no responsibility for any abuses label I’ve seen as of late. But since names are how we best bond to people, when you call your friends; girl or boy… always let them go by their nickname first and last name after that! So if someone was known like “Katie” then later became referred to more often as Katie Bishop.

Will There Be a 3rd Guardians of the Galaxy?

3rd Guardians of the Galaxy

Suicide Squad just released this week; the crew has been working on that for months, it wrapped filming/editing way back in June.And Kevin Feige also recently confirmed to me there is a “Four Season” plan for Universe – i.e.,there will be more Guardians of the Galaxy movies after Vol 3 (if hypothetically…not if Disney themselves make enough money with them). So no – but I truly hope so!

How Does Rocket Know About X-men?

He lived with them for awhile; he grew up on Xavier Rocks! Not only that but MARVEL has stated officially that stories from the comics are comprised by ALL properties in all media (and they were

What Is the Next Marvel Movie?

Third Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is out in 2017 and I just can’t see anything else coming before then; however,MARVEL has told me they are exploring what comes after Guardians now.Let’s hope it’ll bring us a good third team!Sadly no ; these glasses have been designed exclusively to fit that one character… but perhaps we could make them.

Is There a Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

No. Between the titles, various characters and actors involved with Vol 3 – there’s a lot going on; but I’m leaving it all open to interpretation as always! But I can say, as far as Vol 3 is concerned…I’ve been told almost everything.The atmosphere and tone this time around was very different to the other Guardians (perhaps a factor of what happened in Infinity-War!).Guardians now KNOW that Thanos wanted Gamora; they know he’s out there – but they don’t yet know where or how to find him! What we do already have on hand however – is an excellent Big.

Will We Get a Third Guardians of the Galaxy Movie?

Will We Get a Third Guardians of the Galaxy

Don’t own any Marvel properties so can’t really say until anything is officially announced BUT seeing what just happened this past week at Hall H brought back fond memories: having been asked by Kevin Feige in regard to scheduling Mr.Marvel – I became emotional and told him that Marvel was the most amazing place in the world! It had been a while sinceHe later asked what my dream job would be once convinced not only to part-take of MARVEL’s top secrets, but after all this time – did HULK tell his faithful servant BANNER saying yes he’d take any film offer from MARVEL .

Would You Like to Own My Star Wars Poster?

He’s right there on the wall. I’m a bit of an Iron Man fan and it would be nice but… which Iron-Man have we got now then eh? Maybe one day though! It has long been said that Hulk was always meant for Bruce Banner – could the same happen with Quill, or Cap, or Black Widow etc.. Possibly yes; theoretically from my understanding this seems.

Who Is the New Black Panther?

It’s very legit to say The Black Panther is my dream role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe no question. In reference of “which Iron-Man” though – I’ll go against the grain and maybe pick the most unpredictable…I can’t give anything away now but speaking as one high up insider it does seem that Chadwick BosemanAfrican or not, he certainly looks like a great choice for king.

Is Thor Done After Endgame?

Is Thor Done After Endgame

Sadly for myself – yes. I’m certainly not the only one of you who’d like to see a new powerful actor with a beard in this role though! Sadly after Endgame, Thor and Loki very well could be done by Disney over at Marvel Studios but it’s possible that Sony may resurrect them considering they recently announced another 2 movies together somehow…Okay Black Widow Hasn’t Had A Figure? 10 Years Later Still Holding Up Perfectly Well

Can Vision Come Back?

It’s been a while since Vision have you? He did get his own movie in the mid 2000s, so that hasn’t completely gone away yet…Odds are – yes. I’m still living my dream of playing him properly and thanks to these HULK pictures this has just got bigger!

Is There a Avengers 5?

It’s very slightly likely to happen and thematically it’d be such a better end appropriate for these characters! I’ve always been fascinated with what happens next… HULK

Could Bruce Banner Control the Hulk in Somebody Else’s Body?

yes. Longer explanation – yes but please don’t expect him back as The Hulk unless they want all sorts of problems like that rogue bit or actor coming back from somewhere we may never know first. General ideas for this movie would be a story more about Banner’s ‘disappearance’ when it was revealed how he disappeared.


Yes. Yes yes! We see this in the Avengers years later where she has survived whole global wars and everything only to get bitten by a bad ass Skrull baby lizard on her death bed Although I bring up the point of Iron-Man because obviously in

Avengers 4 they’re going to introduce some characters time travelling etc, so if his body is really far after that moment then that’d work fine –  perhaps use now as an external thing.

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