Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Storyline and Short Reviews



Hannah and Her Sisters


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A poignant coming of age story that lifts up from the happiness, to the depressing reality. Delving deep into the trials and tribulations of becoming an adult, the film offers a thought-provoking lesson on life: Love, parental neglect and material wealth don’t go hand-in-hand.

The novel on which the movie was based on was written by American novelist Hannah Senesh in 1982. Hannah and Her Sisters left a deep impact on its readers, leading to numerous adaptations in cinema since then. Viewers are urged to watch this touching story of two sisters and their journey towards adulthood.

All About Of Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Storyline and Short Reviews

Hannah and Her Sisters


Hannah (Meg Ryan) and her sisters Ellen (Diane Keaton) and Patty (Gilda Radner), all live in a small, affluent town in New York. The girls are close as children, but their relationship undergoes significant changes after their parents divorce when Hannah is just 13 years old. Their mother remarries quickly to an emotionally distant man who separates the sisters into different bedrooms.

Hannah finds herself spending more time with her new stepfather, and develops an interest in things outside of home. The girls squabble often with their maid as she is not able to help them cope during childhood or adolescent stage with breast development, which coincides with Hannah’s discovery that she has grown breasts. Eventually, her stepfather falls in love with Hannah and they begin an affair. The girls are not sure how to react as every girl must take a decision before adulthood. As the sisters listen to their parents’ marriage falling apart forever, whether it’s sticking up for themselves or letting others walk all over them – make your own choice about what you’ll do next!

The climax of the movie

Hannah and Her Sisters 1986 climax

Hannah (Mia Farrow) is a young girl who has just turned 18, and finally feels like she’s grown up. She and her sisters Laura (Ellen Burstyn) and Maureen (Katharine Hepburn) are looking forward to the adult world that awaits them.

However, when Hannah gets married to an older man, Michael (John Cassavetes), things start to change for her sisters: Laura falls into depression, Maureen loses her job and Hannah has to build up an income for the family.

The three sisters confront their mother (Karen Black), who doesn’t care about them – but takes good of being a rich woman. A great contrast is made by poor Mrs Oberlin (Shelley Winters) who lives outside in the subway with only visions of Hollywood glittering in her mind as she waits for change that will never come.

Short Review

A heart-wrenching coming of age story that casts a light onto the struggles faced by adult sisters. Despite their mother’s neglect, the characters in this film find ways to connect and support each other during tough times. Highly recommend for viewers who appreciate movies with atouch of realism.

Popular Reviews

Popular Reviews

“This film is a must-see for anyone who enjoys well-made, heartwarming stories.”


“In Hannah and Her Sisters, Mia Farrow delivers an Oscar-winning performance as the rebellious young Hannah. The film convincingly portrays her sisters’ struggles to deal with their mother’s neglect and win back some respect from society. Ellen Burstyn, Katharine Hepburn and Karen Black are also excellent in supporting roles.”


“The 80s film masterpiece, with a screenplay by Woody Allen that was later adapted into an Emmy-winning TV series starring his daughter India.”

Critic Reviews


“Farrow delivers powerhouse performance as Hannah, sister to the title character Ellen Burstyn shines as their mother Karen Black is also excellent.”


“Mia Farrow gives an Oscar-winning performance in this heartbreaking coming of age story about three sisters struggling to connect with each other and win back some respect from society. The film convincingly portrays their struggles to deal with their mother’s neglect and win back some respect from society. Other excellent performances include Ellen Burstyn as their mother and Katharine Hepburn, who is one of the best actresses in cinema.”


“This low key drama looks at how it’s possible to connect with your sister – even when they act like complete idiots all the time. Watch this early performance by Mia Farrow (the newly widowed Hannah) and you’ll be seeing her on screen long after she gave us this stellar performance.”

Movie Symbolism


The film has a lot of symbolism. For example, Hannah represents self-reflection and growth. Her sisters represent the roles society expects each person to play in society. Their mother represents neglect and unfulfilled potential.

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

Hannah and Her Sisters

  • Acting


The acting in the film is superb. Mia Farrow, Ellen Burstyn and Katharine Hepburn all deliver powerful performances that give the film great depth.

  • Direction


The direction in the film is good, but not great. However, it does a good job of portraying the emotions and struggles of the characters.

  • Screenplay


The screenplay in the film is good, but not great. It provides a compelling and emotional story that will keep you engaged throughout its entirety.

  • Writing


The writing in the film is good, but not great. It does a good job of exploring the complex emotions and struggles of the characters.

  • Cinematography


The cinematography in the film is excellent. It provides a beautiful and immersive experience that brings the characters and their journey to life.

  • Storytelling


The storyteller in the film is superb. He provides a compelling and emotional story that will keep you engaged throughout its entirety.

  • Music


The music in the film is good, but not great. It provides an appropriate and fitting atmosphere that enhances the storyteller’s narrative.


The film has received a number of awards, including an Oscar nomination for Best Screenplay. My Opinion in summary, the film is superb in almost every category. You will love it if you are familiar with its story and characters, but you may find that some of the connecting themes are a little too cliched to be truly moving or poignant.


The film is excellent and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a well-made, compelling story.


1.Hannah And Her Sisters (1986) Storyline and Short Reviews

Ans: Hannah and Her Sisters is a new web series that tells the story of three sisters as they navigate their way through life and love.

The show stars Toni Collette, Emma Roberts, and Rachel Weisz and is set to air on Hulu beginning in 2020.

The series follows the sisters as they go through different stages of their lives, from young adulthood to middle age. They deal with issues such as love, family, career, and friendships.

2.How Did the Movie Change Your Opinion About Depression?

Ans: It is difficult to answer this question without giving away too much of the movie. However, if you have been struggling with depression for a long time and haven’t found any relief from medication or therapy, then watching the movie might change your opinion about depression.

The movie does a great job of portraying the emotional struggles that people with depression go through on a daily basis. It also shows how mental health issues can be treated and how recovery is possible.

3.How Does Hannah and Her Sisters End?

Ans: Hannah and Her Sisters ends with Hannah and her sisters finally reconciling their differences. They come to terms with the fact that they are all unique individuals who have their own strengths and weaknesses. They also learn to appreciate each other more, which leads to them being able to work together better in the future.

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