High Island



High Island


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High Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, about 110 km east of Saint Croix. The island is privately owned by David Rockefeller, who bought it in 1973 for $2 million. It is said that Rockefeller’s primary purpose for the purchase was to protect it from development, as it was believed that the island would be developed into a luxurious resort.

High Island


The native Taínos who inhabited the island before Europeans arrived believed it to be “the land of spirits”, and named it Ile de los Muertos, or Isle of the Dead. The first European to sight the island was Christopher Columbus in 1493 while searching for a route to India. Upon his arrival, Columbus claimed possession of the island for Spain, naming it Isla Juana after Queen Joanna I of Castile.


The island is situated in the eastern Caribbean Sea, and experiences a warm and humid climate year-round. Due to its proximity to the equator, high humidity levels are commonplace throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 24C in winter to 27C in summertime. The average annual rainfall is around 1000 mm. While Rockefeller was living on the island, its original name “Inaccessible Island” remained unchanged. In order to give visitors a glimpse into Rockefeller’s storied life and his surroundings he adopted the nickname of “Pirate Dave”. His family retained control while they lived on the island until 1931 at which time it became part of Puerto Rico.


While High Island is uninhabited and does not have any organized tourism, it is occasionally visited by Rockefeller’s family or friends for short periods of time. The island remains privately owned by David Rockefeller, and access to the island is restricted to those who are invited. This access is controlled by an unspoken agreement between the island’s owners and Rockefeller, who refers to his house as “Pirate Manor”.


The island is politically inactive and has no representation in Puerto Rico’s Legislature. It is located in the district of Culebra, one of Puerto Rico’s ten legislative districts. However, while situated within a political entity it is legally considered an independent territory or “territory”. The island has no known permanent population; however during certain circumstances Rockefeller’s family hosts various delegations and groups who hold meetings with him on the island.

Government services

There are no government services available on the island. The only form of transportation is by boat, and it is not accessible to cars or motorcycles. There is only one road that runs to the island, which has traffic lights at various locations as well. There are no airports and all visitors must fly into Puerto Rico’s capital of San Juan or its smaller neighbor Culebra in order to see him or attend a meeting on the island.



There is no organized tourism to High Island, and it is not known if Rockefeller has any plans to develop the island into a tourist destination. Rockefeller owns a private yacht that can transport up to six guests at once, and has a sailing range of about 100 nautical miles. The island is located in the Atlantic Ocean east of Puerto Rico’s Culebra Island and westward from Bahía de Pinos in Cuba. It lies roughly midway between Hispaniola (Lesser Antilles) within 600-900 yards off shore; it requires one to reach around 500 feet before the waters get too deep.



There is only one reliable form of transportation to the island – Rockefeller’s 6-person private yacht. Visitors must charter a trip through his company, yachting specialists Noblemarine. A group charter is more expensive, but a greater experience. These tours charge based on how many guests will be attending and include food, beverages and lodging on High Island.

Guests are allowed to bring their own personal items with them like clothing (one guest per person) or snorkeling gear for swimming near the island’s beach. Farther from any main islands (to an estimated 300-500 yards), there is significant tidal information regardless of what type of vessel is used. As for vehicular access, Rockefeller uses his yacht and personal drivers on a daily basis as needed or requested.



There is no restaurant or cafe on High Island and it’s unclear if Rockefeller plans to open one. However, guests who charter the yacht can enjoy a variety of meals like sandwiches, salads or gourmet dinners. Drinks are also available including water, champagne and island cocktails such as Mai Tais. Accommodations and Facilities

There are three cabins on High Island with the price for each dependent upon size. The smallest (at most, 8 guests total) is built to fairly basic standards comparable to a yacht cabin with rich mahogany furnishings, doors made of boat slats and lighting that can be dimmed or turned off completely.



High Island is a breeding ground for many seabirds, turtles and dolphins. You can spot these animals while snorkeling or even just spending time on the island itself. There are no lagoons on the island or coral reefs at which to see turtles, and some seabirds nest only within two miles of each other. However, there is a great deal of wildlife that you can interact with as Rockefeller has observed since his childhood trips back home! Noise and Vibes

The island sits off a quiet lagoon that is currently being used as a NASA research base. As such, there are no local noises associated with this area which includes the more common engine sounds heard from smaller ketch-style boats or jet skis.


There is something about the island that feels like a place untouched by time. As if it has been waiting for you to discover it, and when you finally stumble upon it, you can’t help but feel that you have been searching for this place all your life. High Island is that place. It is the perfect getaway, the perfect location to relax and rejuvenate, the perfect place to clear your mind and reset your soul. Experience High Island and let its beauty wash over you like a refreshing breeze.


What Is The Climate Like On High Island?

The island has a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 18-29 degrees Celsius. The weather can change rapidly, so be prepared for anything!

What Are The Wildlife Like On High Island?

Inhabited by exotic birds that nest in the tree tops and lemurs, which roam freely throughout Low & Middle Islands.

Where Can I Stay On High Island?

There is only one accommodation available: Sandpiper Hotel . The hotel offers an otherworldly experience for those seeking a more isolated island getaway.

How To Get There From St Croix?

You can fly there from St Croix or Miami with Flytje Caribbean Airlines .

Who Is David Rockefeller And Why Does He Own High Island?

David spent his life cultivating, buying and preserving American art under the umbrella of dealer extraordinaire S. I. Newhouse Jr., so when his son become curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as a twenty-something in 1963, it seemed only natural for him to buy this 913 hect are (2,980 acre) rainforest island that the Rockefeller brothers once visited in 1912. All other businesses on Island are private or co-operative such as South Point Resort , Island Institute & Nature Centre , Caribbean Heritage Inc. etc.

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