Why Houle Island Is The Best Place To Be In Summer



Why Houle Island Is The Best Place To Be In Summer


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Houle Island is a small island located 3 km off the southwestern coast of Newfoundland, Canada. It is part of the Gros Morne National Park and is accessible only by foot. The island was once a thriving sheep farm but it has now been abandoned due to damage done by the 2009 Atlantic hurricane Season. The vegetation on the island has also been severely damaged, and there are few remaining plants or animals. In 2010, Houle Island was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

History Of Houle Island

Why Houle Island Is The Best Place To Be In Summer

The island of Houle was originally inhabited by the Beothuks and in 1883 was transferred under the control of Britain. The island became a sheep farm with 520 head, but most of its land were abandoned after two hurricanes between 2004-2008.

When you visit this destination during summer season, you will be overwhelmed to see how beautiful nature is on that island where trees are visible from far away! Speaking about plants – There’s something unusual here nudibranches up there… They’re not native species… And look at those flowers’ big “flaoms”… Weird!I found out that these flowers are Winter-calyx White passion flower. This species is very rare in Newfoundland and its biota is strictly limited to northern range of the island (about 12 ha).

Basically, this flower frequent on gravelly heaths or peatwacks. It’s not a very common Calyx shape… [Ed: Spiky] There u have one more interesting fact I’d like! “Feathery ferns” which seem identical with those from Botany Bay Islands further south are actually different! In Houle Island they bloom at the same time as other.

Climate Of Houle Island

Bourke Isles Climate

Once I spotted a tall White feathery fern waving its fringes in the wind only few kilometers away from these island. But now… everything is gone and turned into crystals formed by broken tree branches now standing above this ruins! Congratulations for the Houle Island, for it was one of those places once full of living beings…

From left to right: The flag of Minutemen (a bunch of pirates who fought against British rule), Newfoundland’s provincial badge, Emma Hamilton-Johnston Hydrographer’s Seal with Stiletto (the main shareholder/owner corporation “Banki Limited “)

The curiosities of Minnisink Bay , Bay of Islands and Houle Island let me to find out about the Group of islands today known as Parry Sound.

You know what? I hadnt noticed them in few years until subject came up! In fact most people dont even mention them when they talk about North Coast’s Regions… At least not that thing which is on entire wide media focus right now… And we all should have awareness: Preserve areas around here!! With such vivid beauty, everything can change rapidly. Sure that it will happen eventually.. but by then these regions will be lost permanently (wether you realize it.

Culture Of Houle Island


Copying from the engraving on the official webpage of Minnisink Island… The boys names in order, younger first -(from left to right) Stewart , Davidson

Towering Douglas firs are no more here. As I mentioned before, all those millions of broken branches together formed white stones stacks above ruins until now (2009). Rushing waterfalls fed by rivers below have turned into crystal clear quartz rocks and washbasin completely forgotten at this point. Its not only beautiful area but also very dangerous with permanent danger of groundquake unkownd buried/covered under snow . Every now and then, forest fires from both sides will drive under surface again.

There are still some remnants of man built by hands… or rather “sunken in” for hundreds of years at this point!!

Ceramic pieces discovered over holes/hollows on island is all that can be seen outside today (3). My research was limited only to writing this piece right here because all information didnt have any more relevancy these days, i thought.. I shouldnt visit Houle Island but the other islands around it which share similar history:   Parry Sound ,.



Recent Houle Island sound-offed site: Preserving the Islands of North America A Case Study of Minnisink

conflict with developer… and hidden side to history. Today there are 3 car rental locations (16, 18 &21). Each has a lot more people than just few years ago if I am not wrong; as passenger flow is high these days. Hoklonagon come across many visitors each year!! So do Parry Sound islanders! Pretty strange how such apparent lost gems can be fully exploited for economic benefit by developers at this point in time . The only “positive.



” aspect of the place is that it was an “interesting” spot for film makers ! Done by Hollywood studio called Moonlight Entertainment back in 1996. The script writer and director couldnt get any other one than this part so he selected Houle Island as a setting for his movie :

This island will always be famous because of its cinematic role as islands moved from Alberta to Maine are featured here!!! A high res picture from there is at bottom left corner, you can easily guess what happened My neighbor Berrin lives 2 doors down . Also assisted me with alot in the editing process my note says:.


Why Houle Island Is The Best Place To Be In Summer Cuisine
Plateau de fruit de mer en terrasse au bord de l’eau

French Restaurant La Patate Haricot by Alexis Raguin, owner of the nearby Chambord Inn on lower Canadian Highway 14 !! Berrin confirms she and her friends would come here often for dinner or special occasions.

Attractions :   Plaza Beach — Picture of island taken from there: Houle Island Pt Douceur ( “Sweet” ) National Historic Site. What I found interesting is that this selection was made in 1962 when park director sited it as one of a good dozen sites worth studying among various islands out there – many more others (7)! When i asked why.

Wildlife Of Houle Island

Wildlife Of Houle Island

Not determined:  American White Cedar and Yellow Birch. This copse can be found on sides of climb from east shore . It sure looks exotic. There are only a few species of birch (5) but this one is reported as very hardy in Newfoundland – “one tough nut to crack”!

Below : Possible Black Fly Stink Bug – seems similar! But I have no idea if they spin cocoons by hibernating?? Perhaps the winter season comes way too early for them!!!!!! More investigation will soon be done 😉 Phorid flies at base look interesting !! Move along.


Houle Island is a small but impressive piece of land located just to the south of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is one of the few remaining areas in North America where you can find a wide variety of trees that are endemic to the region. Houle Island is also home to the world’s only known population of the Harpy Eagle, as well as some other rare species of animals and birds. Houle Island is now under threat from development, and it is important that we all take action to protect it.

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