Ihavandhoo Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ihavandhoo Island-Everything You Need to Know!.


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Ihavandhoo Island is a lush and tropical island paradise in the Maldives. It’s a place of natural beauty, serenity, and peace, and it’s the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate. The island is surrounded by crystal clear water and offers spectacular views of the surrounding coral reefs.

There are several luxury resorts on the island, as well as several luxury villas for rent. If you’re looking for a tranquil getaway that offers all the luxury and amenities you could ask for, Ihavandhoo Island is the perfect destination.

Ihavandhoo Island-Everything You Need to Know!.




Ihavandhoo Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Maldives. It is located in the Dhigali Atoll and it is about 1.5 km long and 0.5 km wide. The island has a number of secluded coves, white-sand beaches, crystal-clear water, and coral reefs. It is also known for its natural beauty, peaceful atmosphere, and its abundances of marine life, such as turtles and dolphins.

The history of Ihavandhoo Island dates back to the earliest times when fishermen used it as a fishing base. Later on, traders started using the island for their trading activities. In the early 1900s, Ihavandhoo Island became a popular tourist destination because of its beautiful beaches and pristine environment. Today, it is visited by both local and international tourists who enjoy its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere.



Ihavandhoo Island is a coral atoll located in the Maldives. The island measures approximately 8 km by 4 km and is about 1 km offshore from the southern coast of Male. The island has a population of about 100 people who are mainly engaged in fishing, tourism, and subsistence farming.


Ihavandhoo Island is part of the Dhigali Atoll, which is a famous diving destination. The atoll has an estimated area of approximately 2 km² and consists of about 150 coral reefs. The reef system exhibits a wide variety of coral species, including hard and soft corals, algae, sponges, and sea fans. There are also many varieties of fish in the atoll’s waters including grouper, catfish, and barracuda.

The island is also home to a variety of invertebrates, including nudibranchs, sea fans, anemones, and octopuses. There are also several varieties of birds that can be found on the island including pelicans, seabirds such as cormorants and darters, and land birds such as petrels.


Ihavandhoo Island has a population of about 100 people who are mainly engaged in fishing, tourism, and subsistence farming.


The economy of Ihavandhoo Island is based largely on tourism. The island has many attractive aspects for tourists, including its unspoiled nature, clear waters, and rich culture. There is also a good range of accommodation options to choose from, making it easy for tourists to find the right place to stay.

In addition, the island has a number of recreational activities available, including scuba diving and snorkeling. As a result of these factors, the economy of Ihavandhoo Island is highly dependent on tourism.


Ihavandhoo Island has a tropical climate with high temperatures year-round. The weather is typically warm and humid, making it perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and taking walks in the jungle.

Culture and Religion

The culture of Ihavandhoo Island is based largely on Polynesian traditions. The islanders are proud and hospitable people, and they enjoy mixing with tourists to share their customs and culture. In addition, the island has a number of religious sites that are sacred to the local residents. These sites include a statue of fertility goddess Maui, as well as various idols dedicated to other gods and goddesses.


The primary language spoken on Ihavandhoo Island is Tahitian. However, there are also a number of other languages spoken by the islanders, including English and French.


The education on Ihavandhoo Island falls into the category of vocational training. Most of the courses are offered in the English language, and they are designed to equip students with the skills they need to find a job in their field.

Courses range from business administration to IT, and there is also a range of courses that focus on tourism and hospitality. In addition, students can take courses that cover subjects such as music, dance, art, and drama.


The current political situation in Ihavandhoo Island is complex, and there are many different factions vying for control. Here’s a brief overview of the key players and their positions:

The Police – The police forces in Ihavandhoo Island are largely loyal to the government in Bangkok. They are responsible for maintaining order and enforcing government policies, and they are often accused of being corrupt.

The Military – The military forces in Ihavandhoo Island are also largely loyal to the government in Bangkok. They are responsible for defending the island against attacks from outsiders, and they also help to enforce government policies.

The Insurgents – There are several different insurgent groups operating on Ihavandhoo Island, each of which is vying for control of the island. Some of these groups are aligned with the police and military, while others are opposed to them.

The overall political situation on Ihavandhoo Island is highly complex and volatile, and it is difficult to know who is really in charge. The current situation is likely to continue to evolve over time as different factions jockey for position.

Government Services

There are a number of government services that are available to residents of Ihavandhoo Island. These services include healthcare, education, and employment.

The healthcare system in Ihavandhoo Island is fairly limited, and there is only one hospital on the island. This hospital provides basic medical care to residents, but it is not equipped to deal with major emergencies.



Tourism is a significant economic force on Ihavandhoo Island. The island has a number of attractive resorts, and visitors are attracted by the cool climate and rich wildlife.

The economy of Ihavandhoo Island is fragile, and it is vulnerable to fluctuations in global markets. If the economy suffers due to economic sanctions or other factors, residents may face difficult financial circumstances.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

The following is a list of hotels and resorts on Ihavandhoo Island. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and that the inclusion of a hotel or resort does not imply endorsement by the Caribbean Travel & Tourism Authority (CTTA). Please consult the CTTA website for the most up-to-date information on all islands in the Caribbean.

Aurum Beach Resort

Bella Vista Resort

Coral Reef Resort

Dolphin Court Resort

Island Paradise Resort

Luxury Sands Beach Resort

Marine Village by The Ritz-Carlton

Ocean Pointe by Wyndham Grand

Sunscape Serenity by Hilton Head Island Resort

The Biltmore at Hilton Head Island Resort



The following are some of the attractions on Ihavandhoo Island. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and that the inclusion of an attraction does not imply endorsement by the CTTA.

Aurum Beach Resort

Bella Vista Resort

Coral Reef Resort

Dolphin Court Resort

Island Paradise Resort

Luxury Sands Beach Resort

Marine Village by The Ritz-Carl



The following are some of the activities on Ihavandhoo Island. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and that the inclusion of an activity does not imply endorsement by the CTTA.

Aurum Beach Resort

Bella Vista Resort

Coral Reef Resort

Dolphin Court Resort

Island Paradise Resort

Luxury Sands Beach Resort – Watersports, scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing

Marine Village by The Ritz-Carlton


There is no direct transport available from the mainland to Ihavandhoo island. The only way to get there is by boat. There are numerous boat companies that run trips between the island and the mainland throughout the year. The best time to go would be during the monsoon season, as the water levels are lowest then.



There is no specific cuisine that exists on Ihavandhoo Island, as it is continuously inhabited by a mix of different cultures. However, the island does have its own unique flavor and style of food, which can be discovered by gastronomers who venture out there.


In conclusion, Ihavandhoo Island is an amazing place to enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility while also enjoying all that the city has to offer. Whether you’re interested in experiencing the local culture or just want to relax and take in the sights and sounds of this beautiful island, Ihavandhoo Island is the perfect place for you!


Can I Visit Ihavandhoo Island During The Wet Season?

Yes, you can visit the island during any part of the year. However, it is recommended that you go during the monsoon season to avoid getting stuck in traffic on the mainland.

Can I Visit Ihavandhoo Island If I Have Allergies?

Yes, you can visit the island even if you have allergies. However, it is advised that you bring along some medication in case of an allergic reaction.

Can I Bring My Dog With Me To Ihavandhoo Island?

Yes, you can bring your dog with you to the island. However, be sure to keep them on a leash at all times and make sure that they are kept well-supervised while they’re on the island.

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