Ile aux Rats Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Ile aux Rats Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Ile aux Rats Island is a small uninhabited island in the Saint Lawrence River that is part of the city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was formerly used as a dumping ground for garbage and other industrial wastes. In 1997, it was declared a nature reserve and today it is a popular tourist destination.

Ile aux Rats Island-Everything You Need to Know!


Ile aux Rats Island, also known as Île aux Rats, is a small uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Quebec, Canada. The island is part of the town of Gros-Île-Saint-Pierre, and it has been privately owned since 1948. The island is also a part of the territory of the Rat River First Nation.

The first European to sight the island was Jacques Cartier in 1535. He named it Île aux Rats (island of rats) because he saw several rats running around on the island. In 1610, Samuel de Champlain charted and named the island Île aux Rats after his predecessor’s ship had found rodent droppings on the mainland while they were exploring the Gulf coast.

The first permanent settlers arrived on Ile aux Rats in 1629. They were Canadiens from what is now Montreal who were looking for new land to farm. The island was leased by various people over the years, but it was bought by Guy-François Frémont in 1845 and then sold to Adolphe Chapdelaine in 1892. It briefly became part of Quebec before being annexed into New Brunswick in 1912.

The Rat River First Nation has continued to own and manage Ile aux Rats Island ever since. It is currently used for forestry, tourism, and research purposes.


Ile aux Rats is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. It has an area of 10.5 hectares and is 6.7 kilometers long from north to south and 3.1 kilometers wide from east to west. The island has two beaches: Grande-Anse (big sand beach) and Petit-Anse (creek beach). There are also 15 forest trails that allow visitors to explore the surrounding forested areas.


The island’s ecosystems include salt marsh, forest, and rocky coastline. There are also several creeks and inlets on the island that provide habitat for different kinds of birds and animals.

Protected species

The Rat River First Nation is responsible for protecting a number of threatened or endangered species on Ile aux Rats Island, including the eastern foxes (Vulpes macrotis), American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), pallid storks (Eudyptes chrysolophus), Steller’s sea lions (Zalophus stelleri


There is no permanent population on Ile aux Rats Island, but the Rat River First Nation maintains a research station there that houses several researchers. In 2014, there were about 20 visitors to the island per day.


The Rat River First Nation and its partners run a variety of businesses on Ile aux Rats Island, including a forestry camp, a cottager’s association, and an eco-lodge. They also offer educational programs about the island’s ecology and history.


Ile aux Rats has a humid subtropical climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers.

Culture and Religion

The Rat River First Nation is a Mi’kmaq community that consists of about 280 members. The culture and religion of the tribe are based on traditional values and beliefs.


The Rat River First Nation speaks Mi’kmaw, one of the six traditional Atlantic Canadian languages.


Ile aux Rats is known for its pristine natural environment and attractive coastline. The Rat River First Nation runs a number of tourist businesses on the island that offer guided tours, accommodation, and other services.

Hotels and Resorts List

There are many hotels and resorts located on Ile aux Rats Island. However, due to the high demand for accommodation on the island, it is important to be selective when selecting a destination. Here is a list of some of the best options:

  1. Le Saint Géran – This 5-star resort offers a wide range of amenities including a casino, tennis court, and private beach.
  2. Ile aux Rats – This small island is home to a number of luxury hotels including The Ritz-Carlton Group, Shangri-La, and Hôtel de Paris. All of these properties offer stunning views of the ocean and the skyline of Paris.
  3. Le Club Med – This all-inclusive resort offers tons of amenities such as a spa, a 2-kilometer long beach, and several restaurants. Plus, there’s always something happening on the island – from concerts and sporting events to nightclubs and watersports activities.
  4. Les Trois Palmes – This 4-star property offers stunning views of the ocean from its poolside rooms and terraces, as well as access to several sports facilities such as an outdoor pool and spa. Plus, there’s also an outdoor bar and several restaurants serving international cuisine.

If you’re looking for an idyllic setting to relax or explore the wonderful city of Paris, Ile aux Rats Island is definitely worth exploring!


There are a number of attractions located on Ile aux Rats Island, including:

  1. The Beaches
  2. Le Casino de Rat River
  3. The Botanical Gardens
  4. The Zoo of Ile aux Rats
  5. The Art Galleries
  6. Les Quat’Saisons Theatre and Concert Hall
  7. Le Casino de Paris (Ile Aux Rats)


There is limited transport options on Ile aux Rats Island, however there are a few bus routes that you can take to get around the island.

If you’re looking for a more relaxed experience and don’t want to worry about getting around, then renting a bike is an excellent option!


The cuisine on Ile aux Rats Island is international and varied, with lots of different restaurants to choose from. You can find everything from French classics to international cuisine.


Ile aux Rats Island experiences a wide range of weather conditions, including sunshine, heavy rain, and even snow! So whether you’re looking for a hot summer day or refreshing winter weather, Ile Aux Rats has it all!


Overall, Ile aux Rats Island is an amazing place to visit. The island has a rich history and is home to some of the most beautiful and unique natural wonders in the world. The people are warm, welcoming, and hospitable, and the island has everything you could possibly want or need. If you’re looking for a relaxing getaway with plenty to do, Ile aux Rats Island is definitely worth considering!


What Are The Transportation Options Available On Ile Aux Rats Island?

There are limited transport options available on Ile aux Rats Island, however, there are a few bus routes that you can take to get around the island.

What Kind Of Food Is Available On Ile Aux Rats Island?

The cuisine on Ile Auxrats island is international and varied, with lots of different restaurants to choose from. You can find everything from French classics to international cuisine.

How Hot Is The Weather On Ile Aux Rats Island?

Ile aux Rats experiences a wide range of weather conditions, including sunshine, heavy rain, and even snow! So whether you’re looking for a hot summer day or refreshing winter weather, Ile Aux Rats has it all!

What Are The Prices For Accommodations On Ile Aux Rats Island?

Accommodations on Ile aux Rats Island range in price, but most places run between $70 and $140 per night.

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