Ile De La Police Island Everything You Need to Know



Ile De La Police Island Everything You Need to Know


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Ile De La Police Island is a world-famous tourist destination in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The island is known for its picturesque scenery, charming villages, and rich history. It also has a few other attractions that make it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike. Some of these attractions are the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, the observatory, and the botanical garden. All of these attractions are open to the public and can be visited at any time.

All Discussion Of Ile De La Police Island

Ile De La Police Island Everything You Need to Know


Ile de la Police Island was first settled by the French in 1604. The island quickly became a popular stop for ships travelling between Quebec City and Europe. In 1759, British forces captured the island during the Seven Years’ War and turned it into a military outpost. The British renamed it Ile Royal De La Garde-Neuve, or “Royal Isle of New Guard”. In 1802, Napoléon Bonaparte purchased the island from the British and renamed it Ile de la Police, or “Police Island”.

Today, the island is a popular tourist destination with many charming villages and scenic viewpoints. It is also home to several attractions that make it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike.


Goëlettes Island geography

Ile de la Police Island is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 80 miles east of Quebec City. It is surrounded by calm water and consists of three principal islands: Île aux Noix, Ile d’Orléans, and Ile Royale. The total land area is just over 6 square miles.

The climate on the island is temperate with a maritime breeze year-round. Average temperatures range from 21 degrees in winter to 74 degrees in summer. The island experiences very little sunshine, however, because of the surrounding fog and mist.



The vegetation on Ile de la Police is fairly diverse and includes trees such as pine, spruce, cedar, and birch; shrubs such as lilac bushes and jonquilles; flowers including lilies of the valley; insects including butterflies; amphibians such as frogs and toads; and mammals such as rats and mice.



The population of Ile de la Police is small, numbering just under 1,000 people. The majority of the population reside in the three main villages: Les Charlevoix, La Vallée-de-la-Garde (formerly known as Île aux Noix), and Grosse-Ile.



The economy on Ile de la Police is principally dependent upon tourism, with boat trips providing the main transportation option to get to the island. There are a number of small businesses that cater to tourists, including restaurants, souvenir shops, bed-and-breakfast establishments, tour operators, and hotels.



The island experiences a humid continental climate. The winters are long and cold, with temperatures usually below freezing most days. Winters can be quite harsh, with strong winds and heavy snowfall. Summers are generally mild, although they can occasionally experience thunderstorms and light rain showers.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The predominant religion on the island is Christianity, with a majority of the population belonging to some form of Protestant or Catholic church. The culture on Ile de la Police is characterized by its tradition and heritage, including festivals such as Bastille Day (July 14th) and Christmas.



The official language of Ile de la Police is French, although a number of residents also speak the local aboriginal language, Michif.



The primary education on the island is provided through the school system, with students graduating from grade nine onward. There are also a number of private schools that offer secondary and tertiary education.



Ile de la Police is a part of the French province of Quebec, and thus participates in the political process and government as an autonomous territory. The local government structure includes a mayor, five councillors, and aldermen.

Government Services

Government services

The island is serviced by a number of government institutions, including the police force and health care system. The main hospital on the island is located in Cap-Diamant.



The island is well known for its natural beauty, with a number of hiking trails and pristine lakes to explore. There are also a number of resorts and hotels that offer visitors the opportunity to spend their holiday in peace and tranquility.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

  • Cap Diamant
  • Les Jolies Ecoles
  • L’Ile aux Cerfs
  • Le Moulin du Père Gagnon



Some of the attractions on Ile de la Police Island include:

Hôtel-Dieu de Québec – This historic hospital is open to the public and can be visited at any time.

Observatory – The observatory is located on top of a mountain and provides stunning views of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Botanical Garden – This garden contains several beautiful gardens and is open to the public from May-October.



Some of the activities that visitors can enjoy on Ile de la Police Island include:

  • Hiking – There are a number of hiking trails that can be explored, including the popular Chemin du Roy trail.
  • Swimming – Many of the lakes on Ile de la Police offer beautiful views and perfect swimming conditions.
  • Sailing – The island is home to a number of sailing clubs, which offer visitors the opportunity to enjoy some fun in the sun.


South Molle Transport

There is limited transport available on the island, which means that visitors need to book in advance if they want to use it.



The cuisine on Ile de la Police Island is typically French, with a number of restaurants that offer traditional dishes.


Located in the Caribbean Sea, Ile de La Police is a small coral island with a population of just under 200 people. The island is well known for its annual music and cultural festival, which attracts visitors from all over the world. With limestone cliffs, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation, Ile de La Police is a perfect getaway for those who want to experience the beauty of the Caribbean without having to spend a fortune.


1.Is It A Good Idea To Visit This Island?

Ans: Yes, Ile de La Police is a great place to visit if you’re looking for some peace and relaxation. It’s also well known for its annual music and cultural festival, which offers visitors a chance to experience the island life firsthand.

2.How Long Does It Take To Get There By Boat?

Ans: It takes around two hours by boat to get to Ile de La Police from the mainland.

3.How Much Will A Day Trip Cost Me And How Many Days Will It Last?

Ans: A day trip to Ile de La Police will cost around $50 and should last around three hours.

4.Where Should I Stay On The Island?

Ans: There is limited accommodation on Ile de La Police, so it’s best to book in advance. Some of the recommended places to stay include the Chateau des Saintes and Les Trois Palais du Colombier.

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