Iles Héron Island-Everything You Need to Know



Iles Héron Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Iles Héron Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 100 kilometers northwest of Quebec City. The island was first explored by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and, although it has been claimed and traded by various nations over the centuries, it was not permanently inhabited until the early 20th century.

Iles Héron Island History

Iles Héron Island-Everything You Need to Know!

The island of Ile Héron is located in the Gulf of St Lawrence off the east coast of Canada. The island was first settled by the Abenaki in the 16th century and was used as a refuge for fishing and hunting. The first permanent European inhabitants were the missionaries of the Sulpician Order who arrived in 1632. Ile Héron became a penal colony in 1675 and remained so until 1853.

.In 1853, it was turned into a penal settlement for French Canadians who had been convicted of political crimes. The population peaked at 2,500 in 1830 but declined to 700 by 1850. In 1883, it became an immigration station for Basque settlers from Spain. The island’s economy is based on fishing, forestry, agriculture, tourism, and services.



Ile Héron Island is located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, approximately 290 km from Montreal. It covers an area of 2,500 hectares and has a population of around 100 people. The island is known for its pink granite cliffs, crystal-clear water, and picturesque shoreline.



Ile Héron Island is a small, uninhabited island at the eastern end of the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec. The island is part of a larger ecosystem that includes the mainland Quebec City, the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, and several smaller islands. The ecosystem is home to a variety of plants and animals, many of which are endemic to the island or restricted to specific habitats.

The island’s forests are composed almost entirely of black spruce, with a canopy that reaches an average height of 36 meters (118 feet). Other notable trees include white pine, balsam fir, silver fir, red maple, and American beech. There are also numerous shrubs and flowers, including wildflowers such as violets and lupines. The ecosystem is home to a number of bird species, including harlequin duck, eastern kingbird, American crow, snowy owl, and red-winged blackbird. There are also lemurs living on Ile Héron Island.



The population of Ile Héron Island peaked at 2,500 in 1830 but declined to 700 by 1850. In 1883, it became an immigration station for Basque settlers from Spain. The island’s economy is based on fishing, forestry, agriculture, tourism, and services.



The economy of Ile Héron Island is mainly based on fishing and agriculture. The main sources of revenue are the catch from the fisheries, the sale of agricultural products, and tourism. The tourism sector is growing at a fast pace due to the increasing interest in sustainable tourism.



The climate of Ile Héron Island is humid subtropical with a pronounced rainy season from May to September. Temperatures range from 22 to 32 degrees Celsius, and there is a short dry season in December and January. The island has a subtropical rainforest covering most of the land, with some significant areas of mangroves. There is also a small coral reef offshore.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

Ile Héron is an uninhabited island in the middle of the Saint-Lawrence River. It’s located about 75 kilometers north of Montreal and about 10 kilometers east of Quebec City. The first inhabitants of Ile Héron were the Abenaki people, who arrived there around 1000 CE. They hunted and fished on the island until 1663 when they were driven out by the Iroquois. In 1701, a group of French settlers landed on Ile Héron, and they began to cultivate the land. The first church on Ile Héron was built in 1721. The population of Ile Héron gradually increased over the years, and in 1855 it reached a peak of 199 residents. However, over the next few decades, most of the residents left for various reasons, including economic difficulties and immigration to other parts of Canada. Today, there are only a few dozen people living on Ile Héron.



The official language of Ile Héron is French. However, there are also a few Abenaki words in use. The main religion on Ile Héron is the Catholic Church.



Ile Héron is a popular tourist destination due to its natural environment and history. The island is accessible by boat, and there are several tour companies that offer tours of the island.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Here is the list of hotels and resorts on Ile Héron Island:

  1. Ile Héron Island Resort
  2. Les Trois Sept
  3. Hôtel les Palmes
  4. Le Terrain



There are a few attractions on Ile Héron that attract tourists:

  1. L’île aux Cochons
  2. Iles Chiches
  3. Ile d’Orléans
  4. La Rivière-aux-Foules



There is no direct transport from mainland France to Ile Héron Island. The only way to get there is by ferry, which departs from the port of Rochefort approximately every two hours during the day. Prices for the ferry vary depending on the time of year and can be found on the ferry company’s website.



The cuisine on Ile Héron is similar to that of the mainland French provinces. However, some local dishes are unique to the island, such as crêpes Suzette and quiche à la Ryûkan.


In conclusion, Ile Héron Island is definitely a place worth visiting if you’re looking for an idyllic getaway. With its stunning scenery and tranquil waters, this island is perfect for anyone looking for some relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether you’re a tourist or a resident of the island, Ile Héron Island is definitely worth a visit!


1.What Is The Population Of Ile Héron Island?

Ans: There is no reliable estimate for the population of Ile Héron Island, as data on this subject is not readily available. However, according to unofficial estimates, the island’s population maybe around 250 residents.

2.Can I Visit Ile Héron Island Without A Tour?

Ans: Yes, you can visit the island without a tour if you have a vehicle and are willing to explore on your own. However, since the island is quite small, it may be difficult to find all of the attractions that are available on the island. You may also want to consider hiring a guide who can help show you around.

3.What Is The Temperature On Ile Héron Island?

Ans: The average temperature on Ile Héron Island ranges from 18 degrees Celsius in winter to 28 degrees Celsius in summer.

4.What Are Some Of The Unique Attractions On Ile Héron Island?

Ans: Some of the unique attractions on Ile Héron Island include the lighthouse, botanical gardens, and beach.

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